Auth0 error : Authorization server not configured with default connection - auth0

I am working om using Auth0 has authentication for services. I have the following problem. I have created a user but when I try to make a request with that user I get the following error.
Authorization server not configured with default connection
I have researched this and found I need to Configure the tenant
The Resource Owner Password Flow relies on a connection that is capable of authenticating users by username and password, so you must set the default connection for the tenant.
Go to Auth0 Dashboard > Tenant Settings, and scroll down to locate the Default Directory setting.
Enter the name of the connection you would like to use. Make sure it is capable of authenticating users by username and password.
But I have on idea what they mean by Default Directory. Is that the name of the Auth0 application I generated, since that is the service, that is supposed to authenticate users by username and password.
I have generated a SpringBoot app from the auth0 console. is that what they mean by connection.

Follow these steps.
Navigate to your dashboard -
On the left menu, click on Setting
Scroll down to "API Authorization Settings"
Enter Username-Password-Authentication in the "Default Directory" input
Hit save - It typically takes about 30secs for changes to take effect

In Default Directory put Username-Password-Authentication

My auth0 was configured with a custom database, and when I was trying to get tokens using the Resource Owner Password API, I had the same issue Authorization server not configured with default connection .
The solution to this issue was:
Set the grant_type to
Set the realm to the name of the custom database

For anyone else stumbling upon this question, you can also use the Realm property to define a specific Database connection instead of setting up a default one.


Duplcated of How to access the original case sensitive username input in custom user storage provider of keycloak?

I developed a service provider interface (SPI) for User Federation in keycloak.
When I try to login with an existing case sensitive user, keycloak converts it to lower case, so at the end, the sent username was not found in my user API.
I am using keycloak 20.0.1 version and it is deploying in a docker container.
I found this post in stackoverflow that share an anwerd relatated for this, buth I do not get solution. I replaced conf/cache-ispn.xml as it metion, buth when keycloak starts it gets the error Cache 'users' has been requested, but no matching cache configuration exists.
I realy apreciate if some one knows if there is an alternative.
I tried to get original input username with case sensitive in keycloak login.

User not authenticated against LDAP in Sonar 5.6

I have set the proper LDAP configuration in Sonar 5.6.6 LTS (ldap plugin v2.2.0.608) and I see in logs that the connection is established.
When I first try to login with my LDAP-login, I am able to do so, but my user has of course no permissions - that is okay.
The problem occurs, when I want to first add my user and give him i.e. sonar-administrators group. When it is set and I try to login, Sonar authenticates me not against the external system (LDAP) but uses his own data base.
I am sure it worked with Sonar 4.5 but now I cannot configure it properly.
The problem was that creation of new users adds them by default to the local database of SonarQube. To change this default behavior I found out that the REST API endpoint to create users contains the flag 'local' which defines whether the user should be considered as a local user added to the local database or he should be added as an external user authenticated again an external system like LDAP.
So final answer is to use the following REST API endpoint:
private final String CREATE_USER_API = "/api/users/create?login={login}&name={name}&local=false"
Please note the following property: local=false at the end of the string.

Can't log into rabbitmq management web UI with a new user

Using the management web UI, I created a new user that should have access to the management plugin, and full permissions on the default virtual host, with no password set. However, when I attempt to login as that user (with the password field set to blank), the credentials are rejected. What am I missing?
Oh, derp. It looks like a password is required if you want to use the web api. If you expand the overview section, you see this:

Liferay export user into Ldap: Password policy

I have this problem:
I have enabled Liferay to import and export users from/to OpenLDAP server.
When I create a user in Liferay I obtain this page:
So, I have create a new user and Liferay has assigned to it a password (3zbPk6KA).
But.. if I try to login with new user (and generated password) I obtain the error message of incorrect credentials. In LDAP server I can see the new account but, the corresponding password seems to be different from that generated by Liferay..
In Java console i read this warning:
14:20:15,882 WARN [http-bio-8080-exec-6][LDAPAuth:208] Passwords do not match for userDN cn=myUser,ou=users,dc=myProject,dc=com
Some suggestions?
Had this problem too. what's your value for Ldap password policy and what's your liferay version ?
I think you have 2 options :
Disable Ldap password policy, and if your Liferay version has no bug on exporting new user's autogenerated passwords, Your scenario is supposed to work. Else, you'll have to create a patch/hook that sends that password to LDAP
Enable LDAP password policy, setup a fixed default LDAP password, and hook the login process, so that you inform the new registered user (Screen Message + validation email) on her initial password. Note that there's still a security issue here, because of the fixed password, as someone could create accounts for other users if he knows their e-mails and tries to register before them.
You have to unmark "required" in controlpanel→portal→configuration→autenticathion→LDAP to di
I don't know why that specific scenario doesn't work. I have used Liferay 6.1 and know there are a number of bugs with the LDAP function of version 6.1. The problem that I faced was that checking "Use LDAP Password Policy" resulted in a user being created without a password.
However, if your password is being created in Liferay, you can turn off the export in Liferay LDAP wizard and programmatically export users through a hook using Java LDAP look up. I had to do it and it fixed a number of similar issues for me.
The link is a below

Integrated Authentication on Webserver - Security?

We have our own web server hosting our website that is open to the public outside of our network.
I have a request to make our "Internal Postings" link on our Careers page to authenticate the user against our network's Active Directory list.
I currently have it setup so the link hits a page inside the directory structure of the website, and this page's folder is set to "Integrated Windows Authentication". Anonymous access is turned off for this page. If the user is authenticated (ie: logged into our network or supplies proper credentials) it passes them on to an external careers website which hosts our job postings. If they fail to authenticate, it displays a custom 401 error page.
This works fine, but there is a problem with it. Using IE, people cannot just enter their username. They (of course) are required to enter the domain name as well. Unfortunately the default 'domain' is set to the URL of our website ( I would like it to automatically choose the name of our internal domain (aaa/username) but am unsure of how to do this.
Another option would be to use LDAP and a little ASP scripting to authenticate the user. I have this code already, but am unsure of the security consequences of doing so. Basically, the page will be setup for anonymous authentication, and if the user isn't logged into our network, they will be prompted for a username/password using standard textboxes. This is then passed to an ASP script that does an LDAP lookup against our Active Directory. Is there any security issues with this method?
Which method would you choose to do?
EDIT: It seems I cannot authenticate to ActiveD via LDAP using a username/password combo. So forget about that option.
My question now is, how can I change the default 'domain' that IWA uses? Is that at all possible? IE seems to default to '\username' (my website) rather than 'aaa\username' (my domain name). Of course,\username fails because that is not where our ActiveD resides... Is this possible? I want to make it as simple as possible for our employees.
You cannot authenticate an user with a script that looks up the user in LDAP. You need to know that the user is who it claims it is, and the only way to do that is to let NTLM/Kerberos authenticate the user (ie. establish proof that the user knows a secret stored in the AD, the password).
The URL of the web site to the set of sites considered be in the local intranet zone for IE browsers running on the internal network. By default sites consider to local intranet will be sent the current logged on users credentials when challanged with NTLM/Kerberos. Hence your internal users shouldn't even see a network logon box.
I hate to dredge up an old thread, but the answers are a bit misleading, if I understand the question. The thread Remus refers to is about authenticating via LDAP with a username only. As he points out, that isn't possible. But it looks like what Kolten has in mind is authenticating via LDAP with a username and password both. That's a standard practice called binding.