Duplcated of How to access the original case sensitive username input in custom user storage provider of keycloak? - authentication

I developed a service provider interface (SPI) for User Federation in keycloak.
When I try to login with an existing case sensitive user, keycloak converts it to lower case, so at the end, the sent username was not found in my user API.
I am using keycloak 20.0.1 version and it is deploying in a docker container.
I found this post in stackoverflow that share an anwerd relatated for this, buth I do not get solution. I replaced conf/cache-ispn.xml as it metion, buth when keycloak starts it gets the error Cache 'users' has been requested, but no matching cache configuration exists.
I realy apreciate if some one knows if there is an alternative.
I tried to get original input username with case sensitive in keycloak login.


ASP.NET Core WebAPI external login profile data

The front end is already authenticated with Google/Facebook/Twitter.
I just need to use the id token from the front end to get the user profile info in the WebApi, check if we already have an account with that email etc. and if not then add the external login key to the Identity data (by calling AddLoginAsync on the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UserManager).
I don't want to hardcode the user profile endpoints for Google, Facebook etc. as they might change. I'd like to use something like a NuGet package that has these values and just update it when/if they change.
I've read a lot of examples but they're for whole authentication flows, using redirects and cookies in Asp.Net MVC... Although it seems basic, I didn't find an example where the external login is already done on the client and the backend just needs to use the resulting token to validate that login and get the user profile info.
Anyone else ran into this? Thanks!

Auth0 error : Authorization server not configured with default connection

I am working om using Auth0 has authentication for services. I have the following problem. I have created a user but when I try to make a request with that user I get the following error.
Authorization server not configured with default connection
I have researched this and found I need to Configure the tenant
The Resource Owner Password Flow relies on a connection that is capable of authenticating users by username and password, so you must set the default connection for the tenant.
Go to Auth0 Dashboard > Tenant Settings, and scroll down to locate the Default Directory setting.
Enter the name of the connection you would like to use. Make sure it is capable of authenticating users by username and password.
But I have on idea what they mean by Default Directory. Is that the name of the Auth0 application I generated, since that is the service, that is supposed to authenticate users by username and password.
I have generated a SpringBoot app from the auth0 console. is that what they mean by connection.
Follow these steps.
Navigate to your dashboard - manage.auth0.com/dashboard
On the left menu, click on Setting
Scroll down to "API Authorization Settings"
Enter Username-Password-Authentication in the "Default Directory" input
Hit save - It typically takes about 30secs for changes to take effect
In Default Directory put Username-Password-Authentication
My auth0 was configured with a custom database, and when I was trying to get tokens using the Resource Owner Password API, I had the same issue Authorization server not configured with default connection .
The solution to this issue was:
Set the grant_type to http://auth0.com/oauth/grant-type/password-realm
Set the realm to the name of the custom database
For anyone else stumbling upon this question, you can also use the Realm property to define a specific Database connection instead of setting up a default one.

Issue with "Resource owner password credentials grant" in Azure AD OAuth

Unable to get the access token by directly passing the username and password
Endpoint : https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant_id}/oauth2/token
grant_type: password
resource: https://graph.microsoft.com/.default
username: <username#microsoft.com>
password: <password>
Scope : openid
App is created in https://apps.dev.microsoft.com/
Getting Invalid grant error:
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS50126: Invalid username or password\r\nTrace ID: 1ff96bc3-29c8-48f1-b7cc-f77c01525500\r\nCorrelation ID: 9821fdf5-25dc-4b07-84b3-f084194ea123\r\nTimestamp: 2018-09-14 20:04:01Z",
"error_codes": [
"timestamp": "2018-09-14 20:04:01Z",
"trace_id": "1ff96bc3-29c8-48f1-b7cc-f77c01525500",
"correlation_id": "9821fdf5-25dc-4b07-84b3-f084194ea123"
Looks like there are more than one issues in play here.
You were using Azure AD token endpoint but had registered your application with Azure AD B2C by mistake (so case 2 as per my original answer).
Now after correcting that one, you should be using clientid and client secret for this new application that is registered with Azure AD.
Make sure you have added Microsoft Graph permissions for your application in Azure AD under "required permissions" and at the end of selecting appropriate permissions, make sure you press on the "Grant Permissions" button to give consent.
Looking at the error message and code you are getting (invalid_grant and "AADSTS70002: Error validating credentials. AADSTS50126"), I tried out ROPC exactly like you from Postman with a test application of my own and I tried multiple different combinations of passing wrong inputs, but the exact error codes you see come only in scenario where either my password or the username is incorrect (as the message says :)). In all other cases, error code will be different.
So, for username - make sure you give fully qualified name e.g. rohitsaigal#mydomain.onmicrosoft.com
for password - pretty obvious.
Give it another try based on instructions above and lets see how it goes.
App is created in https://apps.dev.microsoft.com/
This means that your application is registered with Azure AD B2C.
Where you have registered your application isn't matching with the token endpoint you are using.
Case 1 - You are looking to use Azure AD B2C
Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant is still in public preview and you will need to follow the instructions provided by Microsoft here -
Configure the resource owner password credentials flow in Azure AD B2C
The endpoint you will hit to get the token will also be different that the one you have mentioned.
Case 2 - You are looking to use Azure AD B2B
In this case you are using the correct end point to get the token, but you have wrongly registered your application with Azure AD B2C, you will need to change that and register your application from Azure Portal.
Instructions and details here - Integrating applications with Azure Active Directory
Just in case you need to read up on differences between Azure AD B2B v/s B2C - look at this SO Post
Here is another useful SO Post that gives information about registering your application through Azure Portal v/s https://apps.dev.microsoft.com (New application registration portal)
It seems like you didn't Grant Permissions to your app. Make sure all of the users are added to the app and ensure that you have the correct web.config parameters.
Also, ensure that the username and password are correct for the managed domain to connect. I've gotten this error before using the incorrect user. A regular azure global admin user may not be able to authenticate. You need to make sure you are using a CSP admin user.
This works https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/add-ropc-policy?tabs=app-reg-ga&pivots=b2c-user-flow
But keep in mind that there are limitations like:
You cannot use when a password is expired or needs to be changed.
MFA is not supported
Social logins are not supported

Is AEM authentication Stateless

Is AEM Authentication (closed user group) stateless ? What happens if we have multiple publisher, will the authentication handler ensure the user is authenticated in all the instance of the publisher ?
Could not find a document confirming this, So any help is appreciated.
The default AEM Authentication (CRX Login Module) is not stateless , the authentication is confirmed by a login token. When a user logs in the token information is stored under .tokens node of the corresponding user node (/home/users). The value of the token is also stored in the browser as a cookie login-token. Whenever a request comes in , the cookie value and the token in the repository is compared.[
You can test by deleting the .tokens node and refreshing some page that cannot be accessed by anonymous
In a multi publisher environment the token is created only on the instance which logged the user in. Since other instances cannot find the token for the cookie value in their repositories the request will be rejected.
If you enable sticky sessions , all requests by a particular client are always directed to the same instance.
Here's a page on Oak's token module . AEM uses crx token module but how they work is essentially same. Since your credentials are passed to a single instance by a form based authentication handler the token is created only in one instance. The authentication handler page also has some details on the token and the cookie.
With AEM 6.1 , the authentication can now be made stateless as long as the user exists on all the publish instances. This is done by using a encrypted cookie that can be decrypted by all publish instances when they share the same HMAC key. More information can be found here : https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/administer/security/encapsulated-token.html
i think it´s possible if you activate the clustering on your authors, the .token node will be replicated to all instances and while comparing the users token ressource and the cookie the identification succeeds, this is one of the benefits of the jcr philosophy :all is content
Enable encapsulated token option in OSGI. Then it will authenticate seamlessly. But there are 2 prerequisite or conditions to get it worked. One is to put the same HMAC key on all the instances and secondly the user should exist. if these 2 conditions are met then if you login on one stack and the second stack wont required authentication again.

LdapAuthenticationProvider not checking if user is not active

I can auth my website with either ldap or by looking in db using different spring security authentication providers.
When i use the database auth, i use UserDetailsService, which correctly checks if my user is notActive and throws DisabledException correctly.
but using LdapAuthenticationProvider this does not occur. why?
spring security 2.0.1
Which LdapAuthenticator are you using? If you use BindAuthenticator it will bind as the given user, eventually the directory server should reject if the user account disabled/expired.
I haven't used LdapAuthenticationProvider myself, but if its not done automatically you can retrieve the userdetails, The UserDetails class has bunch of methods to check weather the account is enabled/locked/expired.