Mediasoup requires SSL even in localhost? - express

I'm developing a project using mediasoup, in all examples server is running under
ssl, even in localhost is this required? I guess certificate is for remote peers can use media resourses, but browsers allow consume media resourses in http://localhost

You can sniff plain text passwords being sent across loopback without encryption. So yes, encryption is still required for localhost access.


How to make browsers trust a local network wss:// connection?

I'm trying to upgrade a websocket connection ws:// to wss:// using a nginx reverse proxy
but I seem to be having trouble with the certificate part. My server is located on the same network as the client. So Ideally I would want my users to log in to "" and then the client makes a connection to "wss://".
As of now the browsers are blocking it because of NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID. I don't really know to produce a self signed certificate that the browsers will trust on the local network. Googling only gives me answers on how to do it if my server would be accessed using a domain name but I will always connect to a local network IP. Help is appreciated!
To anyone coming across this I managed to solve it using this post outlining the architecture
What ended up happening was that we set up a url pointing to a server running nginx which parsed the subdomain and redirected the connection to that url. For example: wss:// redirects to ws:// which makes the browser trust the connection
Does this work?
Your post is a year old now and browsers have become stricter since then. Usually, a browser will produce 'mixed content' errors if you access HTTP content from a HTTPS page, and the only way to get round this is to change the site settings to allow insecure content, which is scary for users in the face of a big warning message.
If accessing an HTTPS web address redirects to an HTTP local IP address, won't the browser still complain about mixed content?
I have a similar situation to you. I am writing a Progressive Web Application (PWA) to control network music players on a home network. The players only support HTTP but a PWA requires HTTPS for services workers to work and to allow the app to be 'installed'.
My solution is to run a local server on the home network which can talk to the players over HTTP. Then I can access this server over HTTPS from my browser so that the browser itself is not making any HTTP calls.
This works fine if the server is on localhost because localhost is a special case where security rules are relaxed. But if the server is on another machine, how can I create an SSL certificate since (1) it seems that local IP addresses are not allowed in the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) section of the certificate, and (2) I won't know in advance what the IP address of the server will be.
If your workaround works, then the local server can use HTTP instead so I won't need a certificate. The local server can register itself with a web server, and then the browser can connect over HTTPS to the web server, which would redirect to the IP address of the local server over HTTP.
But does this trick work?

RavenDB connections over HTTPS

We are setting up replication between RavenDB instances running in server mode. The instances are in different availability zones so we need a secure connection between the servers. According this this post SSL is not supported in server mode but
should be easy to add
Is there an extensibility point in the API where SSL support can be plugged in?
The API doesn't have any place for this currently, but I'm sure it would be a welcome contribution if you were so inclined to write this and submit a pull request. The underlying server is just a System.Net.HttpListener, which can be wired for ssl.
Your entry point would be at Raven.Database.Server.HttpServer.StartListening()
You would want the SSL certificate to be as easy to configure as the hostname or port. The cert itself should probably be pulled in from the Windows certificate store.

ShoutCast over SSL

So I've gone ahead and set up my ShoutCast server DNAS and set my DSP in Winamp on my host computer. The server listens on port 8000, so per some instructions I installed an output plugin for winamp (Shoutcast DSP) and used 8000 and the password to connect. Server accepts the connection.
Now, what the heck do I do now? My host computer is SSL secured and the DNAS server is installed within the secure web directory (if that matters). My desired end result is that I want to listen to my ShoutCast setup at home (host computer) from any computer.
I try browsing to my ip address and port 8000 (without using HTTPS) and it comes back with nothing. If I browse with HTTPS://, I get Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)
Have I completely missed something, or am I just a total moron?
SHOUTcast doesn't support SSL. The service on port 8000 is an unencrypted server for HTTP and ICY (the rather pointless SHOUTcast native streaming protocol, which is almost but not quite HTTP). The ssl_error_rx_record_too_long error is characteristic of trying to access a non-HTTPS service as HTTPS.
You should be able to connect to 8000 with your web browser and get the DNAS status page. If, on the other hand, you connect to that port with a media player, it'll return the direct MP3 stream. (Unfortunately, in an incredibly boneheaded piece of design, the way SHOUTcast decides which to respond with is by sniffing your User-Agent header for something beginning with Mozilla, so if you're using an alternative browser or blocking your UA you'll not be able to get the status, and if the stream's down you might just get nothing.)
To listen to a SHOUTcast server through SSL you would need to set up a proxy on another port that forwarded HTTPS requests to local HTTP requests; it'd also have to be a streaming-capable proxy, and you might need some hacks to stop ICY breaking it.
Probably easier, you could set up an SSH forwarded port from your client to the server. That would also be the only way to allow the DJ to connect to SHOUTcast with encryption, since the DJ protocol isn't HTTP compatible at all. Obviously SSH tunnels are no good for random public listeners though.
You could also try Icecast, an alternative to SHOUTcast that I believe has some SSL support (and also uses plain HTTP streaming instead of ICY).

Securing Comunication between Adobe Air and Server

I am developing a site that has a Flex app that uses php to communicate with a MYSQL database and I intend to get an SSL certificate to secure the communication. Subscribers to the service that I intend to provide will have an admin panel built with adobe air that will also need to communicate with the database. My question is how do I secure that communication? Do I need a different SSL cert for each subscriber? I hope not!
SSL will only protect the connection between the clients machine and the server from trivial snooping by 3rd parties.
It won't, for example, protect your database if it is open to the internet publically. You'll need to secure the connection for that by having a server interface to it, instead of having it open directly. This interface is typically called a 'webservice' or similar. I can't comment much more because I'm not at all familiar with flex.
In AIR, it should work the same for your Flex app in the browser. If you communicate over an HTTPS URL, the data is encrypted. There's nothing special you need to do.

Capturing HTTPS traffic in the clear?

I've got a local application (which I didn't write, and can't change) that talks to a remote web service. It uses HTTPS, and I'd like to see what's in the traffic.
Is there any way I can do this? I'd prefer a Windows system, but I'm happy to set up a proxy on Linux if this makes things easier.
What I'm considering:
Redirecting the web site by hacking my hosts file (or setting up alternate DNS).
Installing an HTTPS server on that site, with a self-signed (but trusted) certificate.
Apparently, WireShark can see what's in HTTPS if you feed it the private key. I've never tried this.
Somehow, proxy this traffic to the real server (i.e. it's a full-blown man-in-the-middle "attack").
Does this sound sensible? Can WireShark really see what's in HTTPS traffic? Can anyone point me at a suitable proxy (and configuration for same)?
Does Fiddler do what you want?
What is Fiddler?
Fiddler is a Web Debugging Proxy which
logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your
computer and the Internet. Fiddler
allows you to inspect all HTTP(S)
traffic, set breakpoints, and "fiddle"
with incoming or outgoing data.
Fiddler includes a powerful
event-based scripting subsystem, and
can be extended using any .NET
Fiddler is freeware and can debug
traffic from virtually any
application, including Internet
Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and
thousands more.
Wireshark can definitely display TLS/SSL encrypted streams as plaintext. However, you will definitely need the private key of the server to do so. The private key must be added to Wireshark as an SSL option under preferences. Note that this only works if you can follow the SSL stream from the start. It will not work if an SSL connection is reused.
For Internet Explorer this (SSL session reuse) can be avoided by clearing the SSL state using the Internet Options dialog. Other environments may require restarting a browser or even rebooting a system (to avoid SSL session reuse).
The other key constraint is that an RSA cipher must be used. Wireshark can not decode TLS/SSL stream that use DFH (Diffie-Hellman).
Assuming you can satisfy the constraints above, the "Follow SSL Stream" right-click command works rather well.
You need to setup a proxy for your local application and if it doesnt honour proxy settings, put a transparent proxy and route all https traffic into it before going outside. Something like this can be the "man" in the middle:
Also, here's brief instructions on how to archive this with wireshark:
You should also consider Charles. From the product description at the time of this answer:
Charles is an HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP and SSL / HTTPS traffic between their machine and the Internet. This includes requests, responses and the HTTP headers (which contain the cookies and caching information).
For using https proxy to monitor, it depends on the type of handshake. If you local application does not check the server's certificate by CA's signature which you can not fake, and the server does not check your local application's certificate ( or if you have one to setup on https proxy) then you can set up a https proxy to monitor the https traffic. Otherwise, I think it is impossible to monitor traffic with https proxy.
Another way you can try is to add instrumentation probe at the routines of your client program where it send and receive messages from its https library. It needs some reverse engineering work, but should work for you for all situations.
I would recommend WireShark, it is the best tool to follow on different pieces of traffic. Although, I am not sure what can you see with SSL turned on. Maybe, if you supply it with a certificate?