Securing Comunication between Adobe Air and Server - air

I am developing a site that has a Flex app that uses php to communicate with a MYSQL database and I intend to get an SSL certificate to secure the communication. Subscribers to the service that I intend to provide will have an admin panel built with adobe air that will also need to communicate with the database. My question is how do I secure that communication? Do I need a different SSL cert for each subscriber? I hope not!

SSL will only protect the connection between the clients machine and the server from trivial snooping by 3rd parties.
It won't, for example, protect your database if it is open to the internet publically. You'll need to secure the connection for that by having a server interface to it, instead of having it open directly. This interface is typically called a 'webservice' or similar. I can't comment much more because I'm not at all familiar with flex.

In AIR, it should work the same for your Flex app in the browser. If you communicate over an HTTPS URL, the data is encrypted. There's nothing special you need to do.


Mediasoup requires SSL even in localhost?

I'm developing a project using mediasoup, in all examples server is running under
ssl, even in localhost is this required? I guess certificate is for remote peers can use media resourses, but browsers allow consume media resourses in http://localhost
You can sniff plain text passwords being sent across loopback without encryption. So yes, encryption is still required for localhost access.

SSL - How can i secure web browser connections to my private server?

I have set up a LAMP server on a Raspberry Pi on my home network. I would like to expose the pi to the internet by opening up ports 22 and 80 on my router so i can ssh into it as well as use any web services i set up on it.
This is a little pet project I'm using to learn more about networking, server setup and linux in general - with only a cheap RPi which i can wipe and start again easily anything goes wrong. I do plan to put it on a separate subnet to the other devices on the home network, just in case.
(Yes, i know this is a little much for a raspberry pi - this is just a learning exercise and a proof of concept before i throw money at this to build a rig for it)
My understanding is that SSH is already secure, so i don't have to worry about my username and password being seen across the web when i want a terminal session.
My concern is that if i send anything to a web service (such as a wordpress or phpmyadmin password) it'll be clear to see on the web. How can i stop this?
My plan was SSL, but from what I've read, an SSL certificate needs a domain name for a certificate to be issued by most places. When all I'll be doing is pointing to a static IP from my ISP on the devices I'll be using.
The other use i have planned for it is as a mysql server for my kodi boxes to use for the library data so my devices can share data (the videos live on another server running windows). So other devices on a local network need to be allowed access to mysql easily without the silly level of security the internet-side requires. I assume this will be easily possable alongside my other use cases as I'd not be opening the port for it on the router and the only things that would access msql are local network devices, and services on the mysql host itself
Are any of my assumptions or conclusions wrong?
Are there any better ways to achieve what I'm after than what I'm describing?
Is there a preferred way to interact with the Pi if i just wanted it to set off a specific script? (say send a wake-on-lan packet to a specific computer)
Is there a way for me to have the web server onllly communicate with specific devices that i have the appropriate keys/certificates loaded onto so that i can be certain that I'm the only one with access?
Are any of my assumptions or conclusions wrong?
Using a username/password combo for SSH is probably secure enough, but it's generally more secure to use a public/private SSH key pair.
Your assumptions about MySQL seem sound. Just make sure to have some authentication on the server just in case you have a nosey houseguest on your WiFi. :)
Are there any better ways to achieve what I'm after than what I'm
A couple options that come to mind:
You could generate a self-signed certificate for the web server and then manually copy that onto your client devices. I think this would allow you to get around the requirement for a domain name.
You could set up a secure VPN into your home network. This way you wouldn't have to expose your web/SSH servers to the world.
Is there a way for me to have the web server only communicate with
specific devices that i have the appropriate keys/certificates loaded
onto so that i can be certain that I'm the only one with access?
The VPN option mentioned earlier would allow you to do this.
You could restrict access to the Apache server to only devices with specific client certificates:

How can I implement own webrtc server in my project?

I want to implement webrtc server in my project. I want to make my own webrtc server and deploy it in amazon server. How can I achieve this?
WebRTC is a peer-to-peer protocol so you don't need a server for this.
You will need a signaling server for session negotiation. How you'll implement this depends on the technology that you'll use - client side: polling, ajax, websockets, stomp etc and server side.
For STUN/TURN you can deploy an existing server or use RFC and develop your own from scratch.
#Adrian Ber is correct, you need a signalling server such as this one:
You can set one of these up on AWS
You'll also need some code on the client side. There is a matching javascript client library (which does most of the work) here:
There are some examples on the peerjs web site - they either need to be run on your local machine or on https servers (browsers will no longer allow camera access over http)
Ignore the people saying that WebRTC is peer to peer only. There is no reason why you can't implement an application, run it on a server, and treat it as a 'peer' for the sake of webRTC when it is actually a server.
That said, we've looked into pulling the WebRTC implementation out of Chrome, but it is a huge task. Depending on what you want to do, you will likely only need to support a subset of WebRTC functionality (Data channel / unreliable for example if you're doing a multiplayer web game).
There might be a few implementations out there that have cropped up now, but last I checked there wasn't anything of note.

Why can I see SSL communication as a plain text in a sniffer?

I've created WCF Service and I share it via ssl. I have little knowledge about security, but I'm curious why can I see whole communication as a plain text in httpAnalyzer, even though POSTs are sending via https?
When my client application invokes wcf service, then I can see it in sniffer - passwords etc.
Does it mean that SSL works only on the lower layer - while transporting data? So every evil application can sniff communication on client's side and an encryption only secures us against man-in-the-middle?
SSL works indeed on a "lower layer" than HTTP. According to the OSI Model, SSL works on the Session Layer, while HTTP is on the Application Layer.
Most of these clientside HTTP Analyzers work from within the browser, analyzing the HTTP traffic on the application layer, before it is processed by the SSL logic. So it is completely normal to see the plain HTTP request.
Concerning security, an evil application installed within the browser can indeed read upon the traffic. But once it is processed by the SSL layer, it becomes way harder for an evil application to read the traffic.
SSL works by firstly authenticating the server to you as a client. (Do I talk to the one I really want to talk to). As you can't know all of the servers and their certificates before hand, you use some well known root certificates, which are pre-installed on your OS. These are used to check if some server is perhaps known by an already well known service. (I don't know you, but some really important server tells me that you indeed are who you say you are).
This authentication step works independent from the encryption of the traffic. No program can decrypt an arbitrary SSL stream by "installing a root certificate". (As said these root certificates are already on your machine from the first moment you install an OS on it =)
But if a evil programs is able to let you believe that you are talking to a legitimate server, using a forged root certificate for example, instead of actually talking to malware, it is able to see what the contents of the SSL traffic is. But then again, you are talking to the evil program itself, not the server you were intended to talk to. This is however not the case with HTTP Analyzer
This is in short terms how SSL works and hopefully answers your question.
Most likely HTTP analyzer install it's own root certificate, and intercepts SSL traffic, working as man-in-the-middle.

RavenDB connections over HTTPS

We are setting up replication between RavenDB instances running in server mode. The instances are in different availability zones so we need a secure connection between the servers. According this this post SSL is not supported in server mode but
should be easy to add
Is there an extensibility point in the API where SSL support can be plugged in?
The API doesn't have any place for this currently, but I'm sure it would be a welcome contribution if you were so inclined to write this and submit a pull request. The underlying server is just a System.Net.HttpListener, which can be wired for ssl.
Your entry point would be at Raven.Database.Server.HttpServer.StartListening()
You would want the SSL certificate to be as easy to configure as the hostname or port. The cert itself should probably be pulled in from the Windows certificate store.