'match each' one element in the array [duplicate] - karate

This question already has an answer here:
Using match each contains for json array items assertion
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
My question about selective asserting with 'match each'.
Below is a sample json body:
* def data =
"companies": [
"companyDetails": {
"name": "companyName",
"location": {
"address": "companyAddress",
"street": "companyStreet"
"companyDetails": {
"name": "companyName",
"location": {
"address": "companyAddress",
"street": "companyStreet"
How can we assert whether each 'companyDetails' object in the response contains a certain element, e.g. name only?
* match each data.companies contains { companyDetails: { name: '#notnull' } }
When I use above step, this returns below error:
$[0] | actual does not contain expected | all key-values did not match, expected has un-matched keys
So, is there any way we can assert only one field inside this object? For example, assert whether each companyDetails object contains name, but ignores the other elements such as location? Thanks

This will work:
* match each data.companies == { companyDetails: { name: '#notnull', location: '#notnull' } }
This will also work:
* match data.companies contains deep { companyDetails: { name: '#notnull' } }
Sometimes it is better to transform the JSON before a match:
* match each data..companyDetails contains { name: '#notnull' }


Flatten complex json using Databricks and ADF

I have following json which I have flattened partially using explode
I need to get following fields:
I am able to extract those fields and value. But, if name value starts with # like in "name":"#bossName#", I am getting groupValue as string from which I need to extract id and name.
How to convert this string to json and get the values.
My code so far:
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
db_flat = (df.select(explode("result.employee").alias("emp"))
.withColumn("emp_name", col(emp.employeeType.name))
How can I extract groupValue from db_flat and get id and name from it. Maybe use python panda library.
Since you see they won't be dynamic. You can traverse through the json while mapping like as below. Just identify record and array, specify index [i] as needed.
id --> $['employee'][1]['groupValue'][0]['id']
name --> $['employee'][1]['groupValue'][0]['type']['name']

Finding record which doesn't contain some value in array fields

I am using sequelize + typescript over node (with postgresql db) and I have the following model:
id: number,
someField: string,
arr1: number[],
arr2: number[]
and I'm trying to find all records in which arr1 and arr2 don't contain a certain value.
As far as I've seen my only option in one query is a mix between Op.not and Op.contains,
so I've tried the following queries:
/// Number 1
where: {
arr1: {
[Op.not] : {[Op.contains]: [someValue]}
arr2: {
[Op.not] : {[Op.contains]: [soemValue]}
/// Number 2
where: {
[Op.not]: [
{arr1: {[Op.contains]: [someValue]}},
{arr2: {[Op.contains]: [someValue]}}
Now, number 1 does compile in typescript but when trying to run it the following error returns:
"errorId": "db.failure",
"message": "Database error occurred",
"name": "SequelizeValidationError",
"message": "{} is not a valid array",
"type": "Validation error",
"path": "arr1",
"value": {},
"origin": "FUNCTION",
"instance": null,
"validatorKey": "ARRAY validator",
"validatorName": null,
"validatorArgs": []
So I tried number 2, which didn't compile at all with the following TS error:
Type '{ [Op.not]: ({ arr1: { [Op.contains]: [number]; }; } | { arr2: { [Op.contains]: [number]; }; })[]; }' is not assignable to type 'WhereOptions<any>'.
Types of property '[Op.not]' are incompatible.
Type '({ arr1: { [Op.contains]: [number]; }; } | { arr2: { [Op.contains]: [number]; }; })[]' is not assignable to type 'undefined'
So the question is what am I doing wrong, or in other words, how can I make that query without querying all records and filter using code
You have to use notIn and not contain maybe then it will work:
Official Docs: https://sequelize.org/master/manual/model-querying-basics.html
where: {
arr1: {
[Op.notIn]: someValueArray
arr2: {
[Op.notIn]: someValueArray
Apparently the second option is the correct one, but what was incorrect was the types of sequelize, #ts-ignore fixes the problem

Identify uniqueness of JSON attributes [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Karate API Testing- Remove duplicate values from the response and compare it with the new response
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Running a query I am getting a response like:
"results": [
"data": [
"row": [
"Name": "name1"
"row": [
"Name": "name2"
"row": [
"Name": "name3"
Is there a best practice recommendation to ensure that "Name" is unique or that row[0] != row [1] != row[2]?
This is 2 lines in Karate 1.1.0.RC3 because karate.distinct() is new:
* def names = $response..Name
* match names == karate.distinct(names)
You can use contains only instead of == if needed.
So you get the idea. You can use a Java Set to make things "unique". Here is a related example: https://stackoverflow.com/a/67825765/143475

Unable to update dynamic JSON element in called feature [duplicate]

I have a JSON file as given below:
"lastname": {
"displayName": "lastname"
"#(dynamicKey)": {
"displayName": "#(dynamicKey)"
When I try to read the file, the key and values are not getting updated but when I use JSON like below, value got replaced by the def values. If I give dynamic key both key and value are not getting updated. :-(
"lastname": {
"displayName": "lastname"
"someKey": {
"displayName": "#(dynamicKey)"
Could you please help me on how to replace dynamic key and value?
This is how you can handle dynamic keys. The #(dynamicKey) embedded-expression approach will not work.
* def dynamicKey = 'bar'
* def test = { someKey: 'foo' }
* test[dynamicKey] = 'baz'
* match test == { someKey: 'foo', bar: 'baz' }

How to access a particular set of keys in array of Json values which i get as response?

For a particular API , I get a response which is similar to the following .
{ "name":"Ford", "model":"Mustang" },
{ "name":"BMW", "model": "320" },
{ "name":"Fiat", "model": "500" }
I want to store the values for the key 'name' in a separate variable .
Please read the documentation on using JsonPath carefully: https://github.com/intuit/karate#get
Here is an example which works with your data:
* def response =
{ "name":"Ford", "model":"Mustang" },
{ "name":"BMW", "model": "320" },
{ "name":"Fiat", "model": "500" }
* def names = $[*].name
* match names == ['Ford', 'BMW', 'Fiat']