Identify uniqueness of JSON attributes [duplicate] - karate

This question already has answers here:
Karate API Testing- Remove duplicate values from the response and compare it with the new response
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Running a query I am getting a response like:
"results": [
"data": [
"row": [
"Name": "name1"
"row": [
"Name": "name2"
"row": [
"Name": "name3"
Is there a best practice recommendation to ensure that "Name" is unique or that row[0] != row [1] != row[2]?

This is 2 lines in Karate 1.1.0.RC3 because karate.distinct() is new:
* def names = $response..Name
* match names == karate.distinct(names)
You can use contains only instead of == if needed.
So you get the idea. You can use a Java Set to make things "unique". Here is a related example:


karate.repeat creates a malformed JSON that is unable to traverse

I have a scenario where I need to call a secondary feature file that contains an API call where the response is a JSON object. However, I need to call this scenario multiple times, so I am using karate.repeat to achieve this. However, the resulting response is a malformed JSON that I cannot traverse.
This is what I am doing:
* def fun = function(i){ return'abc.feature#abc', value)}
* def loop = karate.repeat(2, fun)
* karate.log(loop)
The response I get is:
"Total_packages1": {
"package1": {
"tags": [
"expectedResponse": [
"firstName": "Name",
"lastName": "lastName",
"purchase": [
"title": "title",
"category": [
"Total_packages2": {
"package2": {
"tags": [
"expectedResponse": [
"firstName": "Name2",
"lastName": "lastName2",
"purchase": [
"title": "title2",
"category": [
As you can see, Total_packages2 starts malformed. I need to grab the "tags" values from each package, however, I cannot simply do Total_packages1.package1.tags like I could with a single response in the JSON.
If I cannot achieve what I need by karate.repeat, is there another method that is recommended for looping like this? I haven't found anything in the documentation for this particular scenario.
Don't use karate.repeat() use call with a JSON array. Read this part of the docs:

How to check a particular value in karate on basis of condition when there are more than one key in response

There are multiple keys present in x.details[0].user so how to compare in such condition. It works fine where there is only one key while when there are more than one key it fails with error as there are multiple keys for user.
Please guide
* def array =
"type": "1",
"array": 2,
"details": [
"path": "path",
"user": {
"school": {
"name": [
"value": "this is school",
"codeable": {
"details": [
"hello": "yty",
"condition": "check1"
"text": "123S"
"sample": "test1",
"id": "22222"
"data": {
"check": "abc"
"path": "path",
"user": {
"school": {
"name": [
"value": "this is school",
"codeable": {
"details": [
"hello": "def",
"condition": "check2"
"text": "123O"
"sample": "test",
"id": "11111"
"data": {
"check": "xyz"
* def lookup = { 'check1': 'yty', 'check2': 'def' }
* match each array.details contains { user: { school: { name[0]: { codeable: { details[0]: { hello: '#(lookup[_$[0].codeable.details[0].condition])' } } } } } }
I have tried multiple ways but not sure how to make it work when there are more than one keys getting returned.
First let me say this. Please, please do not try to be "too clever" in your tests. Read this please:
Just have simple tests that test for specific, predictable responses and stop there. The maximum complexity should be match contains, that's it. What you are trying to do is in my opinion a waste of time, and will just cause grief for anyone who tries to maintain these tests in future.
That said, I'm giving you a completely different approach here. There are a few different ways, this is just one. Here we attack the problem piece by piece instead of trying to write one massive match.
* def allXyz = array.details.filter(x => == 'xyz')
* match each allXyz..details == [{ hello: 'def', condition: 'check2' }]
You should be able to extend this to do all the weird assertions that you want. If you are wondering what allXyz..details does, you can print it like this:
* def temp = $allXyz..details
* print temp

'match each' one element in the array [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Using match each contains for json array items assertion
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
My question about selective asserting with 'match each'.
Below is a sample json body:
* def data =
"companies": [
"companyDetails": {
"name": "companyName",
"location": {
"address": "companyAddress",
"street": "companyStreet"
"companyDetails": {
"name": "companyName",
"location": {
"address": "companyAddress",
"street": "companyStreet"
How can we assert whether each 'companyDetails' object in the response contains a certain element, e.g. name only?
* match each data.companies contains { companyDetails: { name: '#notnull' } }
When I use above step, this returns below error:
$[0] | actual does not contain expected | all key-values did not match, expected has un-matched keys
So, is there any way we can assert only one field inside this object? For example, assert whether each companyDetails object contains name, but ignores the other elements such as location? Thanks
This will work:
* match each data.companies == { companyDetails: { name: '#notnull', location: '#notnull' } }
This will also work:
* match data.companies contains deep { companyDetails: { name: '#notnull' } }
Sometimes it is better to transform the JSON before a match:
* match each data..companyDetails contains { name: '#notnull' }

Not able to match same json which has mismatch in indexes of array of objects (Karate) [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Is there a simple match for objects containing array where the array content order doesn't matter?
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
Trying to match two jsons, but getting test fails. Well, both jsons are the same but objects indexes inside the array are not same. I think should not make any difference. Following are two jsons:
This is the code line: And match response contains ScenarioModelResponse where
**response : **
"relationships": [
"sourceId": "36",
"targetId": "149",
"type": "Reid Enright"
"modelId": "027f93d1-ef9e-4f1e-b2c4-684436c5b18a",
"elements": [
"externalRefId": "36",
"attributes": {
"jsonPbject": "Reid Enright"
"id": "057f7b7e-11b9-4779-97c0-67485153c285",
"type": "Rocky Shore"
"externalRefId": "149",
"attributes": {
"jsonPbject": "Ben Lyon"
"id": "325b989e-b299-4cfc-86b5-0813106da38e",
"type": "Claire Voyance"
ScenarioModelResponse :
"relationships": [
"sourceId": "36",
"targetId": "149",
"type": "Reid Enright"
"modelId": "027f93d1-ef9e-4f1e-b2c4-684436c5b18a",
"elements": [
"externalRefId": "149",
"attributes": {
"jsonPbject": "Ben Lyon"
"id": "325b989e-b299-4cfc-86b5-0813106da38e",
"type": "Claire Voyance"
"externalRefId": "36",
"attributes": {
"jsonPbject": "Reid Enright"
"id": "057f7b7e-11b9-4779-97c0-67485153c285",
"type": "Rocky Shore"
This the error I am getting after execution :
$.elements[0].externalRefId | not equal (STRING:STRING)
The arrays are NOT the same. This can be solved in 2 lines:
* match response.relationships == expected.relationships
* match response.elements contains only expected.elements
For a detailed explanation, refer:

Karate: Is it possible to compare two service responses & exclude some keys in comparison

I am trying to compare responses from two service call(for Migration project) using Karate.
Is it possible to exclude or ignore some keys while comparing whole response at one go for following cases:
1)There are few elements in response where the values is different(marked in bold).
2)There are few elements which is not present in one response but present in other(marked in bold).
Service 1 response -
"userKey": "string",
"enabled": true,
"locked": true,
"profile": {},
"roles": [
"roleKey": 3,
"name": "Role",
**"links": []**
"links": [
"rel": "self",
**"href": ""**
"rel": "self",
**"href": ""**
Service 2 response -
"userKey": "string",
"enabled": true,
"locked": true,
"profile": {},
"roles": [
"roleKey": 3,
"name": "Role"
"links": [
"rel": "self",
**"href": ""**
"rel": "self",
**"href": ""**
}`enter code here`
Yes Karate is pretty good at this. Just do a transform on one payload before comparison.
Please see this answer for details:
For your specifc example maybe all you need to do is change one "side" to #string and then do the comparison.
* def response1 = { foo: 'hello' }
* def response2 = { foo: 'world' }
* = '#string'
* match response1 == response2