Embeding google maps in web page outputs Error message - Expected mapDiv of type Element but was passed null - api

Question: Embeding google maps in web page outputs Error message - Expected mapDiv of type Element but was passed null
Answer: It is very simple. The Js code InitMap function requires to be code below to the HTML div tag. InitMap function needs the div to generate map first when the page load and there the hierarchy should look like HTML code above then JS code related to geolocation API.

HTML code above then JS code
If using async, the script loading google maps should be below necessary HTML in <body>. If defer, it can be in <head>.
If neither async or defer, it must be after the necessary elements in <body>.
For more information, refer to https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/overview#Loading_the_Maps_API.


How to integer an oembed javascript tag inside a VueJs component?

I have an "embed" field used by my users for transform a simple link to a rich content link (link with image, title, description, etc.).
Note: I use this library to get all link information: oscarotero/Embed
As you can see, when you provide an url (a twitter tweet by example), the "code" parameter contain the HTML and script tags to include on my frontend:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I am so hopelessly in love with #ChucklefishLTD ‘s spooky logo pic.twitter.com/2KtjCNOOUl</p>— Tom Slayed 🔪😱 (#TomJamesSlade) October 12, 2020</blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
The problem is with VueJs and the script tag. When my ajax call is OK, I store all embed informations like that:
this.preview = response.embed
And inside my component, I display the html code with the "v-html" VueJs directive
<div v-if="preview['code']" v-html="preview['code']"></div>
The html is displayed :
The script tag is visible inside the code inspector :
But the script is not loaded :
I have the same problem with all oembed url who provide a javascript tag inside the response.
Note: If I try to load the script directly inside the component, VueJs return this error:
VueCompilerError: Tags with side effect ( and ) are ignored in client component templates
A solution on google is to use the "mounted" event, but it's not compatible with my context.
Because the script I have to load is received from an api and can be different each time depending of the link.
it's bit late but here is an option: The api gives you the possibility to not send the script tag, so you can include it on your own in the html before. Add to the url a omit_script=true and it's gone in the result.
Then you can insert the twitter block. Maybe you have to call twttr.widgets.load() to initialize the tweet.
Edit: Since you're using the plugin, this should be working
$embed = new Embed();
$result = $embed->get('https://www.instagram.com/p/B_C0wheCa4V/');
'oembed:query_parameters' => ['omit_script' => true]
$oembed = $info->getOEmbed();

How to render mathml which retrieved by restful api with mathjax dynamically

I have a vue project using mathjax to render partial html files which include some mathml inside. Those files are dynamically retrieved from remote server when customers search something and shown with vue v-html as raw html.
In details, all these occurs in the component 'Home', in the mounted function, I add mathjax related script as below:
const mathjaxScript = document.createElement('script');
mathjaxScript.setAttribute('id', 'MathJax-script');
mathjaxScript.setAttribute('async', 'async');
mathjaxScript.setAttribute('src', 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax#3/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js');
Then when customers search some keyword, corresponding partial html file will be retrieved and replace v-html tag, the math equation should be shown expectedly. However, those embeded mml:math tags weren't handled, they are just plain text, the math equation not handled correctly.
However, when I put one partial html in the vue template (not dynamically retrieve from remote server), the math equation rendered correctly. the mml:math tag will be replaced with mjx-container, etc.
So my question is: how to apply mathjax to those dynamically retrieved mathml? that is, rendering mathml on the fly with mathjax, Thanks.
Note: I use vuejs, mathjax 3 and typescript.

How to get Inspect Element code using Selenium WebDriver

I'm working in selenium with Firefox browser.
The Html code shown in View Source (CTRL+U) is different from the html code i see when inspecting the elements in Firefox.
When i run the driver.getPageSource() i only get the View source (CTRL + U) codes.
Is there is any way to access the Inspect element code instead of View source code?
I think your question is answered here.
The View Source html is what is sent by the server. I think of it as compile time html, or the initial state of the DOM.
The Inspect Element html could have been updated by ajax responses or javascript so will not necessarily be the same. I think of it as runtime html, or the current state of the DOM.
The GetAttribute() method queries the current DOM element state. You can return a particular html attribute value directly
or get the whole html string.
There are some fundamental difference between the markup shown through View Source i.e. using ctrl + U and the markup shown through Inspector i.e. using ctrl + shift + I.
Both the methods are two different browser features which allows users to look at the HTML of the webpage. However, the main difference is the View Source shows the HTML that was delivered from the web server (application server) to the browser. Where as, Inspect element is a Developer Tool e.g. Chrome DevTools to look at the state of the DOM Tree after the browser has applied its error correction and after any Javascript have manipulated the DOM. Some of those activities may include:
HTML error correction by the browser
HTML normalization by the browser
DOM manipulation by Javascript
In short, using View Source you will observe the Javascript but not the HTML. The HTML errors may get corrected in the Inspect Elements tool. As an example:
With in View Source you may observe:
<h1>The title</h2>
Whereas through Inspect Element that would have corrected as:
<h1>The title</h1>
getPageSource() always returns the markup obtained through View Source.

MVC helper inside a template

I am trying to use a kendo MVC helper inside a template (remote template file loaded like: http://docs.kendoui.com/howto/load-templates-external-files#remote-templates. I have a controller that sends to the client the generated markup)
My template file is something like:
<script id="my-pager-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
My pager
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource.Read(read =>
<script id="my-pager-item-template" type="text/x-kendo-template" >
<div class="k-button" data-pager-item-pageid="${PageID}" data-pager-item-pagename="${Name}">
But the generated markup is giving me an Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in my browser console (chrome).
The markup generated by the helper is like this:
<div id="myPagerListView"></div>
Can I use kendo helpers this way?
(In this post, it says that it can be used: Can I use Kendo MVC helpers inside templates?)
I got that message a lot of times, your code is fine, the problem comes retrieving the data, kendo deserialize what it recieves from read.Action("GetMyPages","Page"), you probably are retrieving an HTML page instead of a json, so it tries to serialize something like "<html ...." and here you got the error, just check the url on chrome to check if you recive an json
i mean check http://yourdomain.com/Pages/GetPages/ (or the routing according to your app), you probably get an HTML page
I had this exact issue also. I have come to realise (over the past 3 hours :( ) that this is because I was using ajax then the jquery html function to load the template file and that the error was happening with in jquery's function as it tried to parse than execute the template file which has been mangled for an unknown reason by kendo. (escaping that script tag and in my case inserting buttons in that space). Fortunatly when kendo Its self tries to use the template it does work.
To get around this problem I rendered the partial view directly on the page.
Hope this helps.

Output recaptcha through js.erb

I need to display content in a lightbox along with recaptcha.This was very easy except that recaptcha can be used only one per page.So, that threw the hidden div option away. Now, iam trying to render the content via js.erb using jquery's html() method. Rest of the content is rendered correctly.But, i'm having trouble rendering recaptcha.Is there a way to render recaptcha via jQuery html() method? I am using Ambethia reCaptcha.
Found a solution. I used a single Div(main lightbox container).Within that div, i added another div which wrapped <%=recaptcha_tags%>.This inner div was placed using absolute positioning.For the rest of the content, i used jquery's append() function instead of html() function.