How can I set up 2 AWS lambda functions, with one firing an event on eventBridge and the other reacting to it? - serverless-framework

I'm using the serverless framework to try and test EventBridge.
The documentation is a little sparce, but for my test I would like to have two lambda functions created: first one publishes an event, the second consumes it.
Here is my YAML:
service: events
frameworkVersion: '2'
name: aws
runtime: nodejs12.x
lambdaHashingVersion: '20201221'
handler: handler.vehicle
- httpApi:
path: /vehicle
method: '*'
handler: handler.bundle
- httpApi:
path: /bundle
method: '*'
- eventBridge:
eventBus: vehicle-bus
- aos.vehicle.upload
- VehicleUpload
and my handler.js
"use strict";
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
module.exports.vehicle = async (event) => {
const eventBridge = new AWS.EventBridge({ region: 'us-east-1' });
const vrm = 'WR17MMN'
return eventBridge.putEvents({
Entries: [
EventBusName: 'veihcle-bus',
Source: 'aos.vehicle.upload',
DetailType: 'VehicleUpload',
Detail: `{ "Registration": "${vrm}" }`,
module.exports.bundle = async (event) => {
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify(
message: "BUNDLE",
input: event,
aos: "First test OK",
(I realise I can't just return that from the Lambda but it also needs to be an endpoint. If I make the function body of bundle empty I still get a server error.
What am I missing?

So you need this minimal setup:
org: myOrg
app: my-events
service: event-bridge-serverless
name: aws
runtime: nodejs10.x
region: eu-west-1
lambdaHashingVersion: 20201221
DYNAMODB_TABLE: ${self:service}-dev
useCloudFormation: true
- Effect: "Allow"
- "events:PutEvents"
Resource: "*"
handler: handler.asset
- eventBridge:
eventBus: my-events
- my.event


Serverless Express Lambda async invoke not working

I have a basic Serverless Express app in a lambda, with a route set to async true. I want to trigger this route asynchronously from a different application, and expect it to run in the background without having to wait for the response.
My full serverless.yml
service: service-name
useDotenv: true
useChildProcesses: true
webpackConfig: ./webpack.config.js
packager: "yarn"
- aws-sdk
automatic: true
includeLayers: true
number: 3
staging: staging
staging: service.staging
domainName: ${self:custom.domainPrefix.${opt:stage}}
basePath: ""
stage: ${self:custom.envStage.${opt:stage}}
createRoute53Record: true
- serverless-domain-manager
- serverless-webpack
- serverless-prune-plugin
- serverless-offline
lambdaHashingVersion: "20201221"
name: aws
runtime: nodejs14.x
region: us-east-1
minimumCompressionSize: 1024
- Effect: Allow
Action: ssm:Get*
Resource: "arn:aws:ssm:*:*:parameter/myparams/*"
- Effect: Allow
Action: kms:Decrypt
Resource: "*"
handler: src/index.middyHandler
- http:
path: /
method: options
- http:
path: /{any+} # Catch all routes
method: options
- http:
path: foo/{any+}
method: get
- http:
path: foo/{any+}
method: post
async: true
Note: The role that deploys this app has permissions to read write to Cloudwatch, and I can see logs from the synchronous invocations, but not from async invocations.
My index.middyHandler
import serverless from "serverless-http";
import express from "express";
import helmet from "helmet";
import bodyParser from "body-parser";
import cookieParser from "cookie-parser";
import middy from "#middy/core";
import ssm from "#middy/ssm";
import doNotWaitForEmptyEventLoop from "#middy/do-not-wait-for-empty-event-loop";
import cors from "cors";
import fooRoutes from "./routes/foo";
const app = express();
preflightContinue: false,
credentials: true,
origin: true,
optionsSuccessStatus: 204,
app.use(helmet({ contentSecurityPolicy: false, crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: false }));
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
app.get("/ping", (req, res) => {
// Register routes
app.use("/foo", fooRoutes);
const handler = serverless(app);
export const middyHandler = middy(handler)
runOnError: true,
runOnAfter: true,
runOnBefore: true,
setToEnv: true,
fetchData: {
MY_KEYS: "ssm/path"
When I call this method, it correctly returns a 200 response immediately. But the actual code is never run, I have a DB insert in there, and it doesn't happen. In the API Gateway I can see the X-Amz-Invocation-Type header is correctly being passed as Event type.
It is not a proxy integration, as required for async invocation
What am I missing here? The route controller is a test and the code is very simple
testAsync: async (req, res) => {
console.log("In Test Async"); // Does not display in Cloudwatch
try {
const { value } = req.body;
const resp = await updateTest(value); // This just inserts an entry in the DB with value
return res.send(resp);
} catch (err) {
return res.status(500).send(err);
Is there any other setting I'm missing here? I'm not an AWS expert, so any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks!

reference cognito user pool created by sst (serverless-stack) in serverless.yml

I have quite a big app built with serverless and now we are trying out serverless-stack. I am trying to reference a user pool created by sst in serverless.yml function. Is it possible? Below are the steps I've tried:
I have created a user pool
import * as cdk from '#aws-cdk/core'
import * as cognito from '#aws-cdk/aws-cognito'
import * as sst from '#serverless-stack/resources'
export default class UserServiceStack extends sst.Stack {
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: sst.StackProps = {}) {
super(scope, id, props)
const userPool = new cognito.UserPool(this, 'userPool', {
signInAliases: {
email: true,
phone: true,
autoVerify: {
email: true,
phone: true,
passwordPolicy: {
minLength: 8,
requireDigits: false,
requireLowercase: false,
requireSymbols: false,
requireUppercase: false,
signInCaseSensitive: false,
selfSignUpEnabled: true,
new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'UserPoolId', {
value: userPool.userPoolId,
const userPoolClient = new cognito.UserPoolClient(this, 'userPoolClient', {
authFlows: {
adminUserPassword: true,
userPassword: true,
new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'UserPoolClientId', {
value: userPoolClient.userPoolClientId,
and want to update my post confirmation trigger defined in serverless.yml
handler: createUser.default
- cognitoUserPool:
pool: !ImportValue '${self:custom.sstApp}...' # what to put here?
trigger: PostConfirmation
existing: true
Figured it out.
First How to use cdk output variables in serverless.yml.
Export them into a file
AWS_PROFILE=<profile-name> npx sst deploy --outputs-file ./exports.json
and in serverless.yml you can reference it like so
handler: createUser.default
- cognitoUserPool:
pool: ${file(../../infrastructure/exports.json):${self:custom.sstApp}-UserServiceStack.userPoolName}
trigger: PostConfirmation
existing: true
Second. serverless is setup such that you have to pass userPoolName, not userPoolId. So I had to generate userpool name and output it
import * as uuid from 'uuid'
const userPoolName = uuid.v4()
const userPool = new cognito.UserPool(this, 'userPool', {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'userPoolName', {
value: userPoolName,
Third to avoid AccessDeniedException when calling lambda as a trigger you need to add the following to your resources
- Resources:
Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Permission'
Action: "lambda:InvokeFunction"
Fn::GetAtt: [ "CreateUserLambdaFunction", "Arn"] # the name must be uppercased name of your lambda + LambdaFunction at the end
Principal: ""
SourceArn: ${file(../../infrastructure/exports.json):${self:custom.sstApp}-UserServiceStack.userPoolArn}

Serverless framework lambda function access denied to S3

Anyone have any ideas why I'm getting "Access Denied" when trying to put object into S3 inside a lambda function? I have the serverless AWS user with AdministorAccess and allow access to s3 resource inside serverless.yml:
- Effect: Allow
- s3:PutObject
Resource: "arn:aws:s3:::*"
Edit - here are the files
service: testtest
app: testtest
org: workx
name: aws
runtime: nodejs12.x
- Effect: Allow
- s3:PutObject
Resource: "arn:aws:s3:::*/*"
handler: handler.hello
- http:
path: users/create
method: get
'use strict';
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
// get reference to S3 client
const S3 = new AWS.S3();
// Uload the content to s3 and allow download
async function uploadToS3(content) {
console.log('going to upload to s3!');
const Bucket = 'mtest-exports';
const key = 'testtest.csv';
try {
const destparams = {
Key: key,
Body: content,
ContentType: "text/csv",
console.log('going to put object', destparams);
const putResult = await S3.putObject(destparams).promise();
return putResult;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
module.exports.hello = async event => {
const result = await uploadToS3('hello world');
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify(result),
I was using TypeScript plugin - #serverless/typescript. I used it to create Lambda function that will resize images that are uploaded to S3 + do some kind of content moderation.
Here is the content of serverless.ts file:
import type { AWS } from '#serverless/typescript';
import resizeImageLambda from '#functions/resizeImageLambda';
const serverlessConfiguration: AWS = {
service: 'myservice-image-resize',
frameworkVersion: '3',
plugins: ['serverless-esbuild'],
provider: {
name: 'aws',
stage: 'dev',
region: 'us-east-1',
profile: 'myProjectProfile', // reference to your local AWS profile created by serverless config command
// architecture: 'arm64', // to support Lambda w/ graviton
iam: {
role: {
statements: [
Effect: 'Allow',
Action: [
Resource: [
Effect: 'Allow',
Action: [
Resource: ['arn:aws:s3:::myBucket']
// architecture: 'arm64',
runtime: 'nodejs16.x',
environment: {
NODE_OPTIONS: '--enable-source-maps --stack-trace-limit=1000',
// import the function via paths
functions: { resizeImageLambda },
package: { individually: true },
custom: {
esbuild: {
bundle: true,
minify: false,
sourcemap: true,
exclude: ['aws-sdk'],
target: 'node16',
define: { 'require.resolve': undefined },
platform: 'node',
concurrency: 10,
external: ['sharp'],
packagerOptions: {
'rm -rf node_modules/sharp && SHARP_IGNORE_GLOBAL_LIBVIPS=1 npm install --arch=x64 --platform=linux --libc=glibc sharp'
myEnvironment: {
dev: 'myBucket',
prod: 'myBucket-prod'
dev: 'myBucket',
prod: 'myBucketProd'
myStage: '${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}'
module.exports = serverlessConfiguration;
/* eslint-disable no-template-curly-in-string */
// import { Config } from './config';
export const handlerPath = (context: string) =>
`${context.split(process.cwd())[1].substring(1).replace(/\\/g, '/')}`;
export default {
handler: `${handlerPath(__dirname)}/handler.main`,
events: [
s3: {
bucket: '${self:custom.myEnvironment.SOURCE_BUCKET_NAME.${self:custom.myStage}}',
event: 's3:ObjectCreated:*',
existing: true,
forceDeploy: true // for existing buckets
timeout: 15 * 60, // 15 min
memorySize: 2048
I remember there were few issues when I wanted to connect it to existing buckets (created outside serverless framework) such as IAM policy was not re-created / updated properly (see forceDeploy end existing parameters in[0].s3 properties in resizeLambda.ts file)
Turns out I was an idiot and have the custom config in the wrong place and ruin the serverless.yml file!

How to document rest api using aws cdk

I'm creating a REST API using AWS CDK version 1.22 and I would like to document my API using CDK as well, but I do not see any documentation generated for my API after deployment.
I've dived into aws docs, cdk example, cdk reference but I could find concrete examples that help me understand how to do it.
Here is my code:
const app = new App();
const api = new APIStack(app, 'APIStack', { env }); // basic api gateway
// API Resources
const resourceProps: APIResourceProps = {
gateway: api.gateway,
// dummy endpoint with some HTTP methods
const siteResource = new APISiteStack(app, 'APISiteStack', {
const siteResourceDocs = new APISiteDocs(app, 'APISiteDocs', {
// APISiteDocs is defined as follow:
class APISiteDocs extends Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: APIResourceProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
new CfnDocumentationVersion(this, 'apiDocsVersion', {
restApiId: props.gateway.restApiId,
description: 'Spare-It API Documentation',
new CfnDocumentationPart(this, 'siteDocs', {
restApiId: props.gateway.restApiId,
location: {
type: 'RESOURCE',
method: '*',
path: APISiteStack.apiBasePath,
statusCode: '405',
properties: `
"status": "error",
"code": 405,
"message": "Method Not Allowed"
Any help/hint is appreciated, Thanks.
I have tested with CDK 1.31 and it is possible to use the CDK's default deployment option and also add a document version to the stage. I have used the deployOptions.documentVersion in rest api definition to set the version identifier of the API documentation:
import * as cdk from '#aws-cdk/core';
import * as apigateway from "#aws-cdk/aws-apigateway";
import {CfnDocumentationPart, CfnDocumentationVersion} from "#aws-cdk/aws-apigateway";
export class CdkSftpStack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
const documentVersion = "v1";
// create the API
const api = new apigateway.RestApi(this, 'books-api', {
deploy: true,
deployOptions: {
documentationVersion: documentVersion
// create GET method on /books resource
const books = api.root.addResource('books');
// // create documentation for GET method
new CfnDocumentationPart(this, 'doc-part1', {
location: {
type: 'METHOD',
method: 'GET',
path: books.path
properties: JSON.stringify({
"status": "successful",
"code": 200,
"message": "Get method was succcessful"
restApiId: api.restApiId
new CfnDocumentationVersion(this, 'docVersion1', {
documentationVersion: documentVersion,
restApiId: api.restApiId,
description: 'this is a test of documentation'
From what I can gather, if you use the CDK's default deployment options which create stage and deployment on your behalf, it won't be possible to append the stage with a documentation version set.
Instead, the solution would be to set the RESTAPI's option object to deploy:false and define the stage and deployment manually.
stack.ts code
import * as cdk from '#aws-cdk/core';
import * as apigateway from '#aws-cdk/aws-apigateway';
import { Stage, Deployment, CfnDocumentationPart, CfnDocumentationVersion, CfnDeployment } from '#aws-cdk/aws-apigateway';
export class StackoverflowHowToDocumentRestApiUsingAwsCdkStack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
// create the API, need to not rely on CFN's automatic deployment because we need to
// make our own deployment to set the documentation we create
const api = new apigateway.RestApi(this, 'books-api',{
deploy: false
// create GET method on /books resource
const books = api.root.addResource('books');
// // create documentation for GET method
const docpart = new CfnDocumentationPart(this, 'doc-part1', {
location: {
type: 'METHOD',
method: 'GET',
path: books.path
properties: JSON.stringify({
"status": "successful",
"code": 200,
"message": "Get method was succcessful"
restApiId: api.restApiId
const doc = new CfnDocumentationVersion(this, 'docVersion1', {
documentationVersion: 'version1',
restApiId: api.restApiId,
description: 'this is a test of documentation'
// not sure if this is necessary but it made sense to me
const deployment = api.latestDeployment ? api.latestDeployment: new Deployment(this,'newDeployment',{
api: api,
description: 'new deployment, API Gateway did not make one'
// create stage of api with documentation version
const stage = new Stage(this, 'books-api-stage1', {
deployment: deployment,
documentationVersion: doc.documentationVersion,
stageName: 'somethingOtherThanProd'
Created a feature request for this option here.
I had the same exact problem. The CfnDocumentationVersion call has to occur after you create all of your CfnDocumentationPart. Using your code as an example, it should look something like this:
class APISiteDocs extends Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: APIResourceProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
new CfnDocumentationPart(this, 'siteDocs', {
restApiId: props.gateway.restApiId,
location: {
type: 'RESOURCE',
method: '*',
path: APISiteStack.apiBasePath,
statusCode: '405',
properties: JSON.stringify({
"status": "error",
"code": 405,
"message": "Method Not Allowed"
new CfnDocumentationVersion(this, 'apiDocsVersion', {
restApiId: props.gateway.restApiId,
description: 'Spare-It API Documentation',

Unable to import module 'handler': Error for serverless

Error: Unable to import module 'handler': Error for serverless
Here is my handler:
`use strict`
const fetch = require('fetch')
module.exports.hello = (event, context, callback) => {
console.log('Hello, world!')
Here is my serverless.yml:
service: salsifyapicronjob
name: aws
region: eu-central-1
runtime: nodejs6.10
handler: handler.hello
- schedule:
rate: cron(*/5 * * * ? *)
enabled: true
I did notice inside the .serverless zip that the handler.js is not in there. Could this be the reason? And if so how do I fix that?