Vue: how to pass props when dynamically creating a component? - vue.js

I'm creating a component dynamically (after a button click), using this commonly followed tutorial. The basic code is:
import Building_Info from './Info_Zone/Building'
var Building_Info_Class = Vue.extend(Building_Info)
var building_info_instance = new Building_Info_Class()
However, my Building_Info component requires a prop. How can I pass it in? Alternative ways to dynamically creare components are welcome, though ideally they'd support Single File Components.
Note: there are several SO questions about dynamic props, but none I see that speak to this question.

The constructor returned from Vue.extend (i.e., Building_Info_Class) can receive an initialization object, containing the propsData property with initial prop values:
var building_info_instance = new Building_Info_Class({
propsData: {
propA: '123',
propB: true,


React functions: changing state after useState

I have a functional component that manages a question that can come from two sources.
A props value comes in indicating the source.
When the source changes, I want to create a new question model object with the new source.
Since I'm doing something like this:
const [questionModel, setQuestionModel ] = useState(new QuestionModel(questionSource));
For some reasons it thinks, "Oh, I've already got one of those questionModel's. I don't need to make a new one".
So all the old stuff stays there.
If I try to do something like:
setQuestionModel(new QuestionModel(questionSource));
Then it complains about:
Invariant Violation: Too many re-renders. React limits the number of
renders to prevent an infinite loop.
I get that infinite loops are bad, but I'm not sure how to make this work in ReactJS functions with hooks.
Back when I was using classes, I could specify something once in the constructor and then adjust it again in the render(). But now that the render is mixed in with the other code for the function, how do I re-render it with the new source?
Is there a force re-render when the props change? I thought it would do that if a prop changed ... but it doesn't.
I don't know how your props changes but I saw sometimes, that the following misunderstanding creates sometimes problems, where the developer thinks "I changed the object, so why my component doesn't rerender?":
When you create a new object like:
const user = { name: "john" };
You created an object that, has a property that points to the value "john" like this:
user -> { } -- name --> "john"
user points on an object and when you make name, point to a different value by: = "bob"
than user still points to the same object and to react it's the same object
but when you do
user = { ...user, name: "bob" };
then you would assign a new object and now it's a different object.
Look at using useEffect with a dependency of the prop that is being passed in. Within the effect, set the new question type in local state.
Like this...
interface Props {
source: QuestionSource
export function QuestionsModal(props: Props) {
const [questionModel, setQuestionModel] = useState<QuestionModel>(new QuestionModel(questionSource))
useEffect(() => {
setQuestionModel(new QuestionModel(questionSource))
}, props.source)

watch props update in a child created programmatically

I created the child using:
const ComponentClass = Vue.extend(someComponent);
const instance = new ComponentClass({
propsData: { prop: this.value }
When this.value is updated in the parent, its value doesn't change in the child. I've tried to watch it but it didn't work.
There's an easier way to achieve this:
create a <div>
append it to your $refs.container
create a new Vue instance and .$mount() it in the div
set the div instance's data to whatever you want to bind dynamically, getting values from the parent
provide the props to the mounted component from the div's data, through render function
methods: {
addComponent() {
const div = document.createElement("div");
new Vue({
components: { Test },
data: this.$data,
render: h => h("test", {
props: {
message: this.msg
Important note: this in this.$data refers the parent (the component which has the addComponent method), while this inside render refers new Vue()'s instance. So, the chain of reactivity is: parent.$data > new Vue().$data > new Vue().render => Test.props. I had numerous attempts at bypassing the new Vue() step and passing a Test component directly, but haven't found a way yet. I'm pretty sure it's possible, though, although the solution above achieves it in practice, because the <div> in which new Vue() renders gets replaced by its template, which is the Test component. So, in practice, Test is a direct ancestor of $refs.container. But in reality, it passes through an extra instance of Vue, used for binding.
Obviously, if you don't want to add a new child component to the container each time the method is called, you can ditch the div placeholder and simply .$mount(this.$refs.container), but by doing so you will replace the existing child each subsequent time you call the method.
See it working here:
However, unlike the method below, you can't override data props of the child with values from parent dynamically. But, if you think about it, that's the way data should work, so just use props for whatever you want bound.
Initial answer:
Here's a function I've used over multiple projects, mostly for creating programmatic components for mapbox popups and markers, but also useful for creating components without actually adding them to DOM, for various purposes.
import Vue from "vue";
// import store from "./store";
export function addProgrammaticComponent(parent, component, dataFn, componentOptions) {
const ComponentClass = Vue.extend(component);
const initData = dataFn() || {};
const data = {};
const propsData = {};
const propKeys = Object.keys(ComponentClass.options.props || {});
Object.keys(initData).forEach(key => {
if (propKeys.includes(key)) {
propsData[key] = initData[key];
} else {
data[key] = initData[key];
const instance = new ComponentClass({
// store,
const dataSetter = data => {
Object.keys(data).forEach(key => {
instance[key] = data[key];
const unwatch = parent.$watch(dataFn || {}, dataSetter);
return {
update: () => dataSetter(dataFn ? dataFn() : {}),
dispose: () => {
componentOptions is to provide any custom (one-off) functionality to the new instance (i.e.: mounted(), watchers, computed, store, you name it...).
I've set up a demo here:
Notice I'm not doing the appendChild in the function purposefully, as in some cases I want to use the instance without adding it to DOM. The regular usage is:
const component = addProgrammaticComponent(this, SomeComponent, dataFn);
Depending on what your dynamic component does, you might want to call .dispose() on it in parent's beforeDestroy(). If you don't, beforeDestroy() on child never gets called.
Probably the coolest part about it all is you don't actually need to append the child to the parent's DOM (it can be placed anywhere in DOM and the child will still respond to any changes of the parent, like it would if it was an actual descendant). Their "link" is programmatic, through dataFn.
Obviously, this opens the door to a bunch of potential problems, especially around destroying the parent without destroying the child. So you need be very careful and thorough about this type of cleanup. You either register each dynamic component into a property of the parent and .dispose() all of them in the parent's beforeDestroy() or give them a particular selector and sweep the entire DOM clean before destroying the parent.
Another interesting note is that in Vue 3 all of the above will no longer be necessary, as most of the core Vue functionality (reactivity, computed, hooks, listeners) is now exposed and reusable as is, so you won't have to $mount a component in order to have access to its "magic".

Dynamically instantiating a component in Vue.js

Following this tutorial, I'm trying to programmatically create instances of a component on my page.
The main snippet is this:
import Button from 'Button.vue'
import Vue from 'vue'
var ComponentClass = Vue.extend(Button)
var instance = new ComponentClass()
However I get two errors:
The component I'm trying to instantiate contains references to the store, and these don't work: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined".
For the last line of the snippet (this.$refs.container.appendChild(instance.$el)) I get this error: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'container' of undefined"
I'm really not sure how to troubleshoot this, if anyone strong in Vue.js could give me some hint as to why I'm getting these errors and to solve them that would be terrific.
1) Since you're manually instantiating that component and it doesn't belong to your main app's component tree, the store won't be automatically injected into it from your root component. You'll have to manually provide the store to the constructor when you instantiate the component ..
import ProjectRow from "./ProjectRow.vue";
import Vue from "vue";
import store from "../store";
let ProjectRowClass = Vue.extend(ProjectRow);
let ProjectRowInstance = new ProjectRowClass({ store });
2) In a Vue Single File Component (SFC), outside of the default export this doesn't refer to the Vue instance, so you don't have access to $refs or any other Vue instance property/method. To gain access to the Vue instance you'll need to move this line this.$refs.container.appendChild(instance.$el) somewhere inside the default export, for example in the mounted hook or inside one of your methods.
See this CodeSandbox for an example of how you may go about this.
This is another way to instantiate a component in Vue.js, you can use two different root elements.
// Instantiate you main app
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'Hello Vue!'
// Then instantiate your component dynamically
// Create a component or import it.
const Hello = {
props: ['text'],
template: '<div class="hello">{{ text }}</div>',
// Create a componentClass by Vue.
const HelloCtor = Vue.extend(Hello);
// Use componentClass to instantiate your component.
const vm = new HelloCtor({
propsData: {
text: 'HI :)'
// then mount it to an element.
It works by assigning "this" to the property "parent". By setting the parent you also have access to the $store in the new instance. (Provided that "this" is another Vue instance/Component and already has access to the store, of course)
new (Vue.extend(YourNewComponent))({
parent: this,
propsData: {
whatever: 'some value',
If you don't need the reference to the parent, you can just leave "parent: this," out.
Important note: When mounting many (like 500+) items on the page this way you will get a huge performance hit. It is better to only give the new Component the necessary stuff via props instead of giving it the entire "this" object.
I went down this path, following all the examples above, and even this one:
While I got far, and it works (I made a lot of components this way), at least for my case, it came with drawbacks. For example I'm using Vuetify at the same time, and the dynamically added components didn't belong to the outer form, which meant that while local (per component) validation worked, the form didn't receive the overall status. Another thing that did not work was to disable the form. With more work, passing the form as parent property, some of that got working, but what about removing components. That didn't go well. While they were invisible, they were not really removed (memory leak).
So I changed to use render functions. It is actually much easier, well documented (both Vue 2 and Vue 3), and everything just works. I also had good help from this project:
Basically, to add a function dynamically, just implement the render() function instead of using a template. Works a bit like React. You can implement any logic in here to choose the tag, the options, everything. Just return that, and Vue will build the shadow-DOM and keep the real DOM up to date.
The methods in here seems to manipulate the DOM directly, which I'm glad I no longer have to do.

Dynamically creating a reactive array in the Vuex's state

My component would like to add a new reactive-array field to the SST (vuex). I tried in beforeCreate hook, but the added array is not reactive; it's just a plain JS array.
Note that this is not the same as adding/removing elements from an existing array created at the Vue's initialization time. Such arrays are "wrapped" and become reactive as expected, mindful of "Array Change Detection" gotchas.
In my case, I'm trying to dynamically add an entirely new field of array type to the SST and make it reactive at the same time. Possible?
Have a look at Reactivity in Depth - Change Detection Caveats:
Change Detection Caveats
Due to the limitations of modern JavaScript, Vue cannot detect property
addition or deletion.
Since Vue performs the getter/setter conversion process during
instance initialization, a property must be present in the data object
in order for Vue to convert it and make it reactive.
But you say you are adding an array dynamically:
I'm trying to dynamically add an entirely new field of array type to the SST and make it reactive at the same time. Possible?
From the docs (bold is mine):
Vue does not allow dynamically adding new root-level reactive properties to an already created instance. However, it’s possible to add reactive properties to a nested object using the Vue.set(object, key, value) method:
Vue.set(vm.someObject, 'myArrayName', [1,2,3]);
Which should help you making your array reactive.
I see two problems here:
add dynamically array using vuex.
add dynamically element to this array and render this element.
I've initiate array if not exist in add method because when I'm receiving data from server myArray is not exist.
My solutuion below:
import Vue from 'vue'
const state = {
myObject: {
myArray: [],
const getters = {
getMyArray: state => {
return state.myObject.myArray;
const mutations = {
addElementToArray(state, value) {
if (state.myObject.myArray === null || state.myObject.myArray === undefined || state.myObject.myArray === '') {
// initiate array
state.myObject.myArray = [];
// add new element to array
// creates a new array everytime this solves the reactivity issue
Vue.set(state, 'myObject.myArray', state.myObject.myArray);
return state.myObject.myArray;
removeElementFromArray(state, index) {
state.myObject.myArray.splice(index, 1);
export default {
Best regards
Dynamic module registration could help you to achieve this :
This would allow you to dynamically register a new module containing your array field in the beforeCreate hook.

Passing in two-way binding prop to a slot

I'm somewhat new to Vue, and I'm having particular difficulty in passing in formData to my individual child nodes. Ideally each child node simply updates the parent formData object allowing me to submit the form data later on as a whole.
I've setup a JSFiddle to illustrate:
My current thinking is that I should v-bind:field="" but that throws an error. It seems as though formData doesn't exist in the slot based HTML.
Any pointers would be gratefully received. Thanks!
As you rightly said, you need to use v-bind:field="" or :field="".
It is not working because you have defined the main app template directly in your html, and used "content distribution" to include <example-form> and <example-input>.
As defined in the docs, this content-distribution (or "transclusion" if you are familiar with Angular 1.x) works fine, but the scope belongs to the main app (the root instance, because the template belongs to it).
A simple rule of thumb for component scope is:
Everything in the parent template is compiled in parent scope; everything in the child template is compiled in child scope.
If you are curious, try changing your main app (root instance) as follows:
new Vue({
el: '*[my-app]',
data: function() {
return {
formData: { name: 'abc', location: 'xyz'}
Now you will see that formData is not undefined anymore.
But a more proper method is to include <example-input> as part of the template of example-form component as follows:
Vue.component('example-form', {
template: `
<div class="my-example-form">
<example-input :field=""></example-input>
<example-input :field="formData.location"></example-input>
data: function() {
return {
formData: { name: '', location: ''}
Now it will bind to the right formData as you would expect.
But this will still not work for you because props is a one-way binding only. The child component (example-input) will get the value, but will not pass the data changes back to parent component (example-form)
For child to pass data back to parent, the right way is to use $emit as explained in this question: Updating parent data via child component?
If you want to have an <example-input> component to work as form elements, here is a related answer which works like what you expect: - there is a working jsFiddle also.