icons and some buttons of spreadjs is not working - vue.js

in this image paste button,find button and some of the default buttons are not working
is there anything with the package that need to change, or which package is it for icons

What you are describing is not the default behavior of SpreadJS's Designer Component ribbon. This sounds like an issue with how you are implementing the Designer Component.
I see here you tagged Vue.js so since this, I would recommend going through our documentation on getting started with the Designer Component with the Vue Framework and or our Designer Component Introduction blog.
I also wanted to note that we also have a Vue sample that uses SpreadJS and the Designer component available in our release download link (\SpreadJS.Release.xxxx\Designer\Designer Component\samples). You can download the latest release files from here.
If you have any other questions regarding using SpreadJS with the Designer Component, please reach out to the SpreadJS team by submitting a ticket.


how to find out which component of Vue is being rendered in browser easily?

Table.vue contains Row.vue and Form.vue inside.
Wanted behavior:
Row of the table will say the component comes from Row.vue
I was right-clicking the Row and went on "View page source", "inspect" and explored, but I couldn't find the answer.
Any solutions?
Also it would be awesome if there's a tool that helps with what I explained above with visual like this: instead of margin, border and such. It would be like Table.vue, Row.vue, etc...
I'm sorry it's not clear to me what you're trying to achieve, but there is a browser-based tool that might help you with debugging. It is compatible with both v2 and v3 and can be installed on firefox or chromium-based browsers
use this icon to target the component

The new <SaveContextProvider>, deprecated-message of React-Admin

I have this message in the Chrome console since I updated react-admin to version 3.10.0, I tried to dig into the document but can't find any information or example. Anyone encounter this, or luckily any members of react-admin seeing this, please help!
Edit or Create child components must be used inside a <SaveContextProvider>. Relying on props rather than context to get persistence related data and callbacks is deprecated and won't be supported in the next major version of react-admin.
I have a form component, using <SimpleForm>, that is used in <Edit> and <Create> components. There is no warnings when app is running.
But I have the same issue when unit tests are running on the form component. I tried to wrap it inside a <SaveContextProvider> without success... if someone have solution ! 👋
So if you encounter the issue during runtime you should verify that your form component is well wrapped as mentioned in the warning.

VueJs - Call an event when scrollbar of inner div reach its bottom position of page

Currently i am working in a project which is already developed in v-DataTable of vuejs which is all new to me. In this project, i need to call an event when the scrollbar reach its bottom.
Any API can also be used.
Please help me out.
If project is built with Vuetify (guessing because you've mentioned v-data-table) - take a look at https://vuetifyjs.com/en/directives/intersect/
Otherwise you can check out Interesection Observer API or third party libraries like Tornis

How to make use of Vue.js devtools chrome extension?

I have installed VueJS chrome extension:
VueJS chrome extension
but I find it quite useless unless I am missing something. So I posted the question here if some one can provide what I am missing.
I setup this vuejs project:
Kazoo on github
This project has several vue components but most of these components do not show up in vuejs chrome extension. This is the screenshot:
The Vue devtools show the application as you are viewing it now (just like the DOM viewer shows you the DOM elements that are currently on the page). Clicking a component will show you the internal state of that component, such as props and data. This allows you to infer where a problem may be originating when you see a bug occur in your application. It also allows you to figure out if the correct components are being loaded. It does not show you components that are currently not in the document, as it would not be useful.
The vuex tab will allow you to inspect the entire store, and all mutations that have been done and with what payload since the vue devtools initialised. It will show you what is computed by the getters.
The Events tab will show you which events have been fired. This may be particularly nice if you have a framework that uses them, or if you use global events yourself.

Angular 2 rc4 Importing component content into modal

I am working with angular 2 rc4 and we are using fuel-ui http://fuelinteractive.github.io/fuel-ui/#/ to load a modal.
What we are trying to achieve is the following:
we have a login component that we want to inject into the fuel-ui modal the problem is that the actual modal html code (actual DOM) is getting loaded after.
Fuel-ui gives a tag into which the html for the modal gets loaded into.
I have researched and tried DynamicComponentLoader although found out it is now deprecated.
What I need is to know what is the best way to inject my login component content
into the rendered DOM (tag with modal-body class from bootstrap html).
I have searched but perhaps someone had the same issue and stumbled upon a better link that explains how to do this.
Thank you, in advance, for your help.
This seems very old now. But i think the latest in Angular helps you use content projection into a component.
You can add <ng-content></ng-content> as the body of your modal. In the parent component view add your custom component wrapped in the modal component. When modal shows up, you will have your component in it's content.
Also, Angular supports dynamic component creation.
Component templates are not always fixed. An application may need to
load new components at runtime.
You can look it up here for any help: