Why Firebase messaging shows 0 messages sent - firebase-cloud-messaging

Notifications are received successfully. When I look in to Firebase cloud messaging graph the open count was 0 for all notification, whereas the sends count was 14,568. And personally know some users have clicked the notification. But still the count remains 0.
Do let me know how to fix it. Thanks in advance.
sample notification message graph attached

You will need to install Firebase Analytics in order to see those counts updated.


In Firebase Cloud Messaging, Messaging report, count of received messages is more then sent. Why it is so?

In Firebase Cloud Messaging, Messaging report, count of received messages is more then sent. Why it is so ?
I have checked data in Biq Query and it differs with diagram. In Big Query data count of received messages is less then sent.
firebaser here
That data is unusual since normally send count should be greater than received. It’ll be challenging to pinpoint or even narrow down what could be the problem on a public forum without going into project-specific details. The issue can be in the FCM backend itself or just in the reporting metrics. I would recommend reaching out to Firebase support as they can offer personalized help.

WhatsApp cloud API sending old message inbound notification multiple time on my webhook

I'm new in using WhatsApp cloud API, I've set up one webhook with my WhatsApp cloud API.but the problem is that after some time it sends an inbound notification of an old message again to my webhook.
If a notification isn't delivered for any reason or if the webhook request returns a HTTP status code other than 200, we retry delivery. We continue retrying delivery with increasing delays up to a certain timeout (typically 24 hours, though this may vary), or until the delivery succeeds.
Whatsapp webhooks documentation
I will share my experience and maybe it can help some of you.
I was returning the status code 200 from my server. But Whatsapp Api Cloud still returned 15 notifications per message.
the problem was that in the past, maybe one month before. I had actived webhook messages notifications, but I didn't respond with the status 200. meanwhile I was building the sending messages backend logic. so , there were thousands of webhooks no responded with the Status code 200. So my facebook app went crazy, and when I decided to respond with the status code 200. it didn't work.
the solution was to create another facebook app. and the webhooks worked well.
Had the same problem, tried to delete the app but didn't work, I was still receiving old messages from the old app.
TLDR; don't use the same test number with more than one Facebook App.
Even creating a new app, Phone Number ID and Account ID were still the same, my speculation is that the webhooks payloads are tied more to the test phone number rather than the Facebook App.
For this reason, if you have another application with the same test number and a not working webhook, it keeps sending the same messages to both webhooks.
Within the POST defined in your Webhook, you should always return HTTP Status 200, check that this happens even within your Promises
Webhooks for WhatsApp Business Accounts

Chat Conversion Not Displayed in View - QuickBlox iOS Setup

Chat conversion not become visible after I changed my QuickBlox account. Before developer has setup chatting for my iOS application with his personal QuickBlox account so I require to switch it with my company QuickBlox account and later on I can do purchase of plans without any barrier.
After this change actual send messages didn't become visible on both side devices before this was working properly after my account change it get stopped in working. I was getting few errors on log related to this so please check:
Though multiple users get created in account so definitely connection with QuickBlox has been establish as per my thinking but message passing not working.
In chatting view, I have sent many messages but nothing appear on screen, remain as it is blank.
After spending 2 days with this problem, I found solution for this problem. Posting here as an answer so that other users will not consume more time for this problem.
At QuickBlox dashboard, you have to enable retrieve users list permission so that other user can get list of others information. By default this flag set to disable so you have to enable it. Here is screenshot for the same:

Send message to th all of bots users (telegram api)

how to send Send message to the all of bots users?
There is no way to sned message to all ?
what is the method name ?
From Official API FAQ:
How can I message all of my bot's subscribers at once?
Unfortunately, at this moment we don't have methods for sending bulk messages, e.g. notifications. We may add something along these lines in the future. (...)
Obviously, if you store users chat_id, you can send individual message to all users (I use this method).
Navid wants to send message to all subscribers via bot.
If subscribers are more than 100 persons bot will very slow to sending all messages and may doesn't send messages to all.
Navid's question was how we can send message without this problem?
you can send with curl_multi_exec
Currently, a developer would need to implement a special broadcasting function that would send the message to each active user at the time adding a small delay to avoid hitting the rate limit of 30 messages per second (see https://core.telegram.org/bots/faq#how-can-i-message-all-of-my-bot-39s-subscribers-at-once). This would mean that a very popular bot with say 10K active users cannot give timely notification as the last user would get the message about 5 minutes after the first user.
Here is a feature request to ask to add a method in the Bot API to broadcast a message to all its active users at once. You can upvote this feature request. https://bugs.telegram.org/c/8463

Does Parse (objective-c) Framework have a limit on channels?

Does Parse have a limit on the number of channels I can have? I am trying to send a push notification to individual users and the only way I can figure out how to do that is to set up a channel for each user. Other question: Is there a better way to do this?
I emailed Parse and this was the response I got:
Nope, there's no limit on channels. We'll be providing a better way to push to a specific user pretty soon. I'll put you down to get notified when it's ready.
A recent email from Parse about the 'better way':
I wanted to let you know that you can now push directly to a user on iOS, provided you are sending notifications via the REST API. This blog post has more information: http://blog.parse.com/2012/07/06/pushing-to-queries-in-ios/ . You can also target push notifications by device token, geographical region, or according to any other data that you store on a per-device basis.