Does Parse (objective-c) Framework have a limit on channels? - objective-c

Does Parse have a limit on the number of channels I can have? I am trying to send a push notification to individual users and the only way I can figure out how to do that is to set up a channel for each user. Other question: Is there a better way to do this?

I emailed Parse and this was the response I got:
Nope, there's no limit on channels. We'll be providing a better way to push to a specific user pretty soon. I'll put you down to get notified when it's ready.
A recent email from Parse about the 'better way':
I wanted to let you know that you can now push directly to a user on iOS, provided you are sending notifications via the REST API. This blog post has more information: . You can also target push notifications by device token, geographical region, or according to any other data that you store on a per-device basis.


MailChimp/Mandrill webhook for message created/scheduled

Is it possible to get MailChimp or Mandrill to notify a webhook URL whenever a message is either created for a list, or scheduled to be sent, along with the list and message IDs?
I have a client that wants to intercept messages from his campaign, add special data from his server, then send the resulting template through his connected Mandrill account. I'm trying to figure out how to implement the first step in this process.
Although I know this is old someone may stumble into this thread, have you checked out the webhook information?
It has an easy way to implement it inside the account. You just setup a URL to intercept and parse the incoming data. I recommend first saving the data then using a scheduled task to parse the job separately so you don't lose data (although mandrill will try 100x).
If the unique id is not enough for you with your events, and you are concerned about specific campaigns you can tag the emails upon send and they will have the tagged information with the incoming event.

Can I send Instagram Direct messages programmatically through the API? Is there a limit?

I want to build an Instagram Hashtag Gallery (an image/video gallery that will scrape the image/video media of all public instagrams with a specific hashtag)- that part is easy enough and very common. However, given the uncertainties involved in receiving ALL messages when searching for a hashtag, I also want to send a confirmation message to users after their submission has been received. The best way would seem to be through an Instagram Direct private message. I cannot find anything about whether this is possible and if there are limits to the number of Instagram Direct messages my app can send.
Is this possible?
As far as I can tell, it's not possible.
With the Instagram API console, you can check for the supported methods: API Console
Sure it is, you just need to use the instagram private API.

How to send Message to all registered users with android gcm?

I am using android gcm to make push notifications for my users. Everything is working so fine. To send a notification I need the users registration id to identify him. It works. Now my problem is that I have some hundreds of users and I would like to inform them ALL about certain updates.
Is there a way to send a notification to all users?
Do I really have to push them all by their registration ids?
On the server side I am using PHP and CURL as it is shown in many examples around here...
There is no way to broadcast to all users with a single post.
You need to send every ID in blocks of up to 1000 ID's. So if you have 2500 ID's, you need to split that up into 3 posts. 1-1000, 1001-2000, 2001-2500.
If you want to use the new GCM topics you could create a "all users" topic, and have the app subscribe to that topic when it starts up. Then a single topic post could go to all the users (I think the limit is a million but you probably should check that).

IOS implementation of simple messaging system (client/server) between clients

i've been looking around to find a simple library or a client/server sample code for implementing a messaging system between users of my IOS clients app and a REST server. I would need that each user has an incoming and sent messages view. This view would display the conversations grouped by user. For example, using a table view where each cell represent a thread between the 2 distinct users, selecting a user's conversation it would push a new view that would display all the messages between the two users.
I have to say that i didn't found much, this is a mix of libraries and front ends:
an XMPP objective-c library:, but i don't really want an IM behavior
Acani chat, seems promising but waiting for the acani chat server, i could use the front end
another chat
MailCore, an IMAP api for objective-c: . i would need to relay on a mail server, create emails for each user and ... too much!
too bad there isn't any iMessage API
dont want to send a SMS or an email
push notification it's not a must to start
maybe coding a simple REST service for publishing and retrieving messages to and from a user would be the best approach? i'm i missing something?

Building a GPS Tracking Web System

I'd like to develop a tracking system using an API of course (like the famous Orange API).
the idea is simple:
I send a SMS (from my Web interface) to the person i want to track
The person's mobile terminal (GPS like this) send me back automatically
the coordinates by SMS.
The sent information are displayed on the user's web interface.
The questions are simple:
How the terminal can send automatically the response?
How to indicate in the message that the information is for "user4655"?
How to make connection between the information and the database?
* How the terminal can send automatically the response?
Ans: You set the gateway and the time intervals you want the device to send the sms to on the device itself.
* How to indicate in the message that the information is for "user4655"?
Ans: The gateway you use will have the API to determine that the number it is sent from. The device will use a registered phone number from either a sim or enabled by one of those cell providers.
* How to make connection between the information and the database?
Ans: I dont understand this. But I'm guessing you will have a database to keep track of the user data. You'll just probably need another table that is a child of the user, which has a list of the data and the time they came in.