string representation of DataFrame with max width and ellipsized columns without terminal - pandas

I have a pandas.DataFrame which I would like to represent as string (not in Jupyter, not in IPython) with limited width (for later terminal output), without line wrapping (one value per output line) and with ellipses for excess columns in the middle. This is similar what Pandas does when printing to terminal. Is there a function for that? DataFrame.to_string lets me only wrap excess lines (with line_width) but I don't see a way to insert the ellipsis automatically.

If I understand your correctly, you could just do:
But if you would like to specify n rows and n columns, pd.DataFrame.to_string has arguments for that:
print(df.to_string(max_rows=10, max_cols=10))
This would only display 10 columns (5 columns and ellipsis then another 5 columns), and 10 rows (5 rows and ellipsis then another 5 rows).


Split nested column in random order?

I am trying to split a column in Redshift that contains blocks of strings in a random order and random lengths.
Say I am trying to get columns of x, y and z they're listed like below.
How can I do this?

Fastest way to find two minimum values in each column of NumPy array

If I want to find the minimum value in each column of a NumPy array, I can use the numpy.amin() function. However, is there a way to find the two minimum values in each column, that is faster than sorting each column?
You can simply use np.partition along the columns to get smallest N numbers -
N = 2
This doesn't actually sort the entire data, simply partitions into two sections such that smallest N numbers are in the first section, also called as partial-sort.
Bonus (Getting top N elements) : Similarly, to get the top N numbers per col, simply use negative kth value -
Along other axes and higher dim arrays
To use it along other axes, change the axis value. So, along rows, it would be axis=1 for a 2D array and extend the same way for higher dimension ndarrays.
Use the min() method, and specify the axis you want to average over:
a = np.random.rand(10,3)
array([0.04435587, 0.00163139, 0.06327353])
array([0.01354386, 0.08996586, 0.19332211, 0.00163139, 0.55650945,
0.08409907, 0.23015718, 0.31463493, 0.49117553, 0.53646868])

Why can't I read all of the values in the matrix in scilab?

i am trying to read a csv file and my code is as follows
param=csvRead("C:\Users\USER\Dropbox\VOA-BK code\assets\Iris.csv",",","%i",'double',[],[],[1 2 3 4]); //reads number of clusters and features
data=csvRead("C:\Users\USER\Dropbox\VOA-BK code\assets\Iris.csv",",","%f",'double',[],[],[3 1 19 4]); //reads the values
numft=param(1,1);//save number of features
numcl=param(2,1);//save number of clusters
data_pts = max(size(data, "r"));//checks how many number of rows
disp(data(numft-3:data_pts,:));//print all data points (I added -3 otherwise it displays only 15 rows)
disp(numft);//print features
disp(data_pts);//print features
below is the values that i am trying to read
I do not know why the code only displays 15 rows instead of 17. The only time it displays the correct matrix is when i put -3 in numft but with that, the number of columns would be 1. I am so confused. Is there a better way to read the values?
In the csvRead call in the first line of your script the boundaries of the region to read is incorrect, it should be corrected like this:
param=csvRead("C:\Users\USER\Dropbox\VOA-BK code\assets\Iris.csv",",","%i",'double',[],[],[1 2 2 2]);

Need explanation on how pandas.drop is working here

I have a data frame, lets say xyz. I have written code to find out the % of null values each column possess in the dataframe. my code below:
round(100*(xyz.isnull().sum()/len(xyz.index)), 2)
let say i got following results:
abc 26.63
def 36.58
ghi 78.46
I want to drop column ghi because it has more than 70% of null values.
I achieved it using the following code:
xyz = xyz.drop(xyz.loc[:,round(100*(xyz.isnull().sum()/len(xyz.index)), 2)>70].columns, 1)
but , i did not understand how does this code works, can anyone please explain it?
the code is doing the following:
xyz.drop( [...], 1)
removes the specified elements for a given axis, either by row or by column. In this particular case, df.drop( ..., 1) means you're dropping by axis 1, i.e, column
xyz.loc[:, ... ].columns
will return a list with the column names resulting from your slicing condition
round(100*(xyz.isnull().sum()/len(xyz.index)), 2)>70
this instruction is counting the number of nulls, adding them up and normalizing by the number of rows, effectively computing the percentage of nan in each column. Then, the amount is rounded to have only 2 decimal positions and finally you return True is the number of nan is more than 70%. Hence, you get a mapping between columns and a True/False array.
Putting everything together: you're first producing a Boolean array that marks which columns have more than 70% nan, then, using .loc you use Boolean indexing to look only at the columns you want to drop ( nan % > 70%), then using .columns you recover the name of such columns, which then are used by the .drop instruction.
Hopefully this clear things up!
If you code is hard to understand , you can just check dropna with thresh, since pandas already cover this case.

recoding multiple variables in the same way

I am looking for the shortest way to recode many variables in the same way.
For example I have data frame where columns a,b,c are names of items of survey and rows are observations.
d <- data.frame(a=c(1,2,3), b=c(1,3,2), c=c(1,2,1))
I want to change values of all observations for selected columns. For instance value 1 of column "a" and "c" should be replaced to string "low" and values 2,3 of these columns should be replaced to "high".
I do it often with many columns so I am looking for function which can do it in very simple way, like this:
recode2(data=d, columns=a,d, "1=low, 2,3=high").
Almost ok is function recode from package cars, but if I have 10 columns to recode I have to rewrite it 10 times and it is not as effective as I want.