Vue3 Composition API Reusable reactive values unique to calling component - vue.js

Running Vue 3.2.6 and Vite 2.5.1
I've been experimenting a bit with the new Composition API and trying to figure out some common usecases where it makes sense to use it in favor of the OptionsAPI. One good usecase I immediately identified would be in Modals, the little popups that occur with a warning message or dialogue or whatever else.
In my old Apps, I'd have to create the modal opening logic in every single component where the modal is being called, which lead to a lot of repetition. With the CompAPI, I tried extracting the logic into a simple modal.ts file that exports 2 things, a reactive openModal boolean, and a toggleModal function. It works great! Until I have more than one modal in my app, that is, in which case it'll open every single Modal at once, on top of one another.
As an example setup
import { ref } from "vue";
const openModal = ref(false);
const toggleModal = () => {
openModal.value = !openModal.value;
export { openModal, toggleModal };
<Example1 />
<Example2 />
<Example3 />
<div class="modal" #click.self.stop="sendClose">
<slot />
<script setup>
const emit = defineEmits(["closeModal"]);
const sendClose = () => {
Note that each of these are separate components that have the same layout, the only difference being the number
<h1>Example 1 <span #click="toggleModal">Toggle</span></h1>
<teleport to="body">
<Modal v-if="openModal" #closeModal="toggleModal">
<h1>Modal 1</h1>
<script setup>
import { openModal, toggleModal } from "#/shared/modal";
import Modal from "#/components/Modal.vue";
What happens when clicking the toggle span is obvious (in hindsight). It toggles the value of openModal, which will open all 3 modals at once, one on top of the other. The issue is even worse if you try to implement nested Modals, aka logic in one modal that will open up another modal on top of that one.
Am I misunderstanding how to use ref here? Is it even possible for each component to have and keep track of its own version of openModal? Cause the way I've set it up here, it's acting more like a global store, which isn't great for this particular usecase.
The way I imagined this working is that each component would import the reactive openModal value, and keep track of it independently. That way, when one component calls toggleModal, it would only toggle the value inside of the component calling the function.
Is there a way of doing what I originally intended via the Composition API? I feel like the answer is simple but I can't really figure it out.

That is because you are not exporting your composition correctly, resulting in a shared state, since you are exporting the same function and ref to all components. To fix your issue, you should wrap whatever you're exporting in modal.ts in a function, say:
// Wrap in an exported function (you can also do a default export if you want)
export function modalComposition() {
const openModal = ref(false);
const toggleModal = () => {
openModal.value = !openModal.value;
return { openModal, toggleModal };
And in each component that you plan to use the composition, simply import it, e.g.:
import { modalComposition } from "#/shared/modal";
import Modal from "#/components/Modal.vue";
// By invoking `modalComposition()`, you are no longer passing by reference
// And therefore there is no "shared state"
const { openModal, toggleModal } = modalComposition();
Why does this work?
When you export a function and then invoke it in the setup of every single component, you are ensuring that each component is setup by executing the function, which returns a new ref for every single instance.


Call a function from another component using composition API

Below is a code for a header and a body (different components). How do you call the continue function of the component 2 and pass a parameter when you are inside component 1, using composition API way...
Component 2:
export default {
setup() {
const continue = (parameter1) => {
// do stuff here
return {
One way to solve this is to use events for parent-to-child communication, combined with template refs, from which the child method can be directly called.
In ComponentB.vue, emit an event (e.g., named continue-event) that the parent can listen to. We use a button-click to trigger the event for this example:
<!-- ComponentB.vue -->
export default {
emits: ['continue-event'],
<h2>Component B</h2>
<button #click="$emit('continue-event', 'hi')">Trigger continue event</button>
In the parent, use a template ref on ComponentA.vue to get a reference to it in JavaScript, and create a function (e.g., named myCompContinue) to call the child component's continueFn directly.
<!-- Parent.vue -->
import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
setup() {
const myComp = ref()
const myCompContinue = () => myComp.value.continueFn('hello from B')
return {
<ComponentA ref="myComp" />
To link the two components in the parent, use the v-on directive (or # shorthand) to set myCompContinue as the event handler for ComponentB.vue's continue-event, emitted in step 1:
<ComponentB #continue-event="myCompContinue" />
Note: Components written with the Options API (as you are using in the question) by default have their methods and props exposed via template refs, but this is not true for components written with <script setup>. In that case, defineExpose would be needed to expose the desired methods.
It seems like composition API makes everything a lot harder to do with basically no or little benefit. I've recently been porting my app to composition API and it required complete re-architecture, loads of new code and complexity. I really don't get it, seems just like a massive waste of time. Does anyone really think this direction is good ?
Here is how I solved it with script setup syntax:
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
const childComponent = ref(null);
const onSave = () => {
<ChildComponent ref="childComponent" />
<script setup>
const saveThing = () => {
// do stuff
It doesn't work without defineExpose. Besides that, the only trick is to create a ref on the component in which you are trying to call a function.
In the above code, it doesn't work to do #save-thing="childComponent.saveThing", and it appears the reason is that the ref is null when the component initially mounts.

Vue3 (Vite) directly access parent data from child component

I have a simple landing page using Vue3 Vite (SSG) without Vuex.
I need to pass a screenWidth value being watched in App.vue to a bunch of child components so that they change images depending on the user's screenWidth.
I could use props to pass this value, but it seems a bit cumbersome to write them for 8 child components, and to use composition data export or provide / inject is definitely overkill.
is there not a way to simply access a parent's data via something like instance.parent (didn't work), $parent.message (Vue2 way), etc from a child component?
// Parent:
data() {
return {
screenWidth: 123
// Child
<div v-if="$parent.screenWidth > 1200">
EDIT: Solving this with props for now as no other (working) solution seems to be available in Vite for what used to be easy as pie in Vue2.
EDIT 2: It occurs to me now that using VueUse's built in useWindowSize might have been a good solution here.
Use v-model binding.
Parent component (assuming setup script):
<script setup lang='ts'>
import {ref} from 'vue';
const screenWidth = ref(720);
// use screenWidth as a regulat reactive variable here
<Child v-model="screenWidth" />
Child component:
<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref, watchEffect} from 'vue';
const props = defineProps<{
modelValue: number;
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: 'update:modelValue', value: number): void
const value = ref(props.modelValue);
watchEffect(() => value.value = props.modelValue);
function setValue(newValue: number) {
value.value = key;
emit('update:modelValue', value.value);
// Use `value` and `setValue` here

Unique EventBus for multiple instances of the same Vue application

I have a Vue application (which is basically a video player) that uses EventBus to communicate across components which normally cannot communicate easily. This worked perfectly when I was developing the video player, but now I have bundled it using Rollup, and when I try to put multiple instances of the video player on the same page, any Event one instance sends will also be picked up by all the other instances of the application.
Now in hindsight I understand why people don't seem to like the EventBus, but I can't find a great solution to either improve or replace it. I can't name the EventBus instances dynamically, because then the rest of my application won't be informed about the new name. I can't even use something like a videoId in my EventBus listeners to control the uniqueness, because then I will encounter the same problem if a video is on the same page more than once.
Some posts suggest VueX, but my app doesn't need to be stateful and it doesn't seem like a replacement for Event and listeners (though I could be wrong on that.) It seems like a lot of overhead for more functionality than I need. Again, I could be wrong.
I tried to remove as much irrelevant code as possible, but to give an idea of how I implemented my EventBus:
import Vue from 'vue';
const EventBus = new Vue();
export default EventBus;
<div id='media-player'>
<end-screen v-if="videoIsFinished"/>
<div id="control-bar-container">
<transition name="slide-fade">
<div v-show='(showControls || !playing)' >
import TapVideo from './TapVideo.vue';
import EventBus from './event-bus';
export default {
data (){
playing: false,
showControls: false,
videoLength: 0,
tapVideoRef: null
mounted() {
this.tapVideoRef = this.$refs.tapVideoRef;
EventBus.$on('videoLoaded', videoLength => {
this.videoLength = videoLength;
EventBus.$on('playStateChange', playing => {
beforeDestroy() {
props: ['sourceUrl', 'platformType', 'videoId'],
In case anyone comes across this problem, I found a solution that works well for me. Thanks to #ChunbinLi for pointing me in the right direction - their solution did work, but passing props everywhere is a bit clunky.
Instead, I used the Provide/Inject pattern supported by Vue:
Some minimal relevant code:
The highest level Grandparent will provide the EventBus,
export default {
provide() {
return {
eventBus: new Vue()
Then any descendant has the ability to Inject that bus,
export default {
inject: ['eventBus'],
created() {
export default {
inject: ['eventBus'],
this.eventBus.$on('neededEvent', ()=>{console.log('Event triggered!')});
This is still a GLOBAL EventBus, so directionality of events and parental relationship is easy, as long as all components communicating are descendants of the component which "Provided" the bus.

Lazy loading a specific component in Vue.js

I just make it quick:
In normal loading of a component (for example "Picker" component from emoji-mart-vue package) this syntax should be used:
import {Picker} from "./emoji-mart-vue";
Vue.component("picker", Picker);
And it works just fine.
But when I try to lazy load this component I'm not sure exactly what code to write. Note that the following syntax which is written in the documentation doesn't work in this case as expected:
let Picker = ()=>import("./emoji-mart-vue");
The problem, I'm assuming, is that you're using
let Picker = ()=>import("./emoji-mart-vue");
Vue.component("picker", Picker);
to be clear, you're defining the component directly before the promise is resolved, so the component is assigned a promise, rather than a resolved component.
The solution is not clear and depends on "what are you trying to accomplish"
One possible solution:
.then(Picker=> {
Vue.component("picker", Picker);
// other vue stuff
This will (block) wait until the component is loaded before loading rest of the application. IMHO, this defeats the purpose of code-spliting, since the application overall load time is likely worse.
Another option
is to load it on the component that needs it.
so you could put this into the .vue sfc that uses it:
export default {
components: {
Picker: () => import("./emoji-mart-vue")
But this would make it so that all components that use it need to have this added, however, this may have benefits in code-splitting, since it will load only when needed the 1st time, so if user lands on a route that doesn't require it, the load time will be faster.
A witty way to solve it
can be done by using a placeholder component while the other one loads
const Picker= () => ({
component: import("./emoji-mart-vue"),
loading: SomeLoadingComponent
Vue.component("picker", Picker);
or if you don't want to load another component (SomeLoadingComponent), you can pass a template like this
const Picker= () => ({
component: import("./emoji-mart-vue"),
loading: {template:`<h1>LOADING</h1>`},
Vue.component("picker", Picker);
In PluginPicker.vue you do this:
<picker />
import { Picker } from "./emoji-mart-vue";
export default {
components: { Picker }
And in comp where you like to lazy load do this:
The component will not be loaded until it is required in the DOM, which is as soon as the v-if value changes to true.
<plugin-picker v-if="compLoaded" />
const PluginPicker = () => import('./PluginPicker.vue')
export default {
data() = { return { compLoaded: false }}
components: { PluginPicker }
// Another syntax
export default {
components: {
PluginPicker: () => import('./PluginPicker.vue')

Observe Vue.js store boolean change inside component

I have a vue.js store that holds a boolean value and I need to detect when this changes inside a component. When userEnabled changes I need to call a method inside the component. I don't need to compute a new value.
My question is should I be using 'watch' for this or is there a more efficient way? If so, should I be configuring the watch inside 'mounted' and what about unwatch?
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
export const store = new Vuex.Store({
state : {
userEnabled: false,
<div id="user"></div>
export default {
watch: {
'this.$store.userEnabled': function() {
mounted: function() {
this.$ state => state.userEnabled, (newValue, oldValue) => {
// call function!
If the functionality is to be executed only inside the component, watch is the way to go. You might map userEnabled to a computed prop of the component to improve readability, but that's optional.
Manually calling $ in mounted mainly gives you the option to store the returned unwatch function and stop watching the property at an arbitrary point. However, if you want to watch the property as long as the component exists anyway, this adds no benefits.
Finally, if the desired functionality should be run whenever userEnabled is changed, regardless of specific components handling the change, a better approach might be to move that code into the Vuex mutation function which changes the value of userEnabled in the store.