Unique EventBus for multiple instances of the same Vue application - vue.js

I have a Vue application (which is basically a video player) that uses EventBus to communicate across components which normally cannot communicate easily. This worked perfectly when I was developing the video player, but now I have bundled it using Rollup, and when I try to put multiple instances of the video player on the same page, any Event one instance sends will also be picked up by all the other instances of the application.
Now in hindsight I understand why people don't seem to like the EventBus, but I can't find a great solution to either improve or replace it. I can't name the EventBus instances dynamically, because then the rest of my application won't be informed about the new name. I can't even use something like a videoId in my EventBus listeners to control the uniqueness, because then I will encounter the same problem if a video is on the same page more than once.
Some posts suggest VueX, but my app doesn't need to be stateful and it doesn't seem like a replacement for Event and listeners (though I could be wrong on that.) It seems like a lot of overhead for more functionality than I need. Again, I could be wrong.
I tried to remove as much irrelevant code as possible, but to give an idea of how I implemented my EventBus:
import Vue from 'vue';
const EventBus = new Vue();
export default EventBus;
<div id='media-player'>
<end-screen v-if="videoIsFinished"/>
<div id="control-bar-container">
<transition name="slide-fade">
<div v-show='(showControls || !playing)' >
import TapVideo from './TapVideo.vue';
import EventBus from './event-bus';
export default {
data (){
playing: false,
showControls: false,
videoLength: 0,
tapVideoRef: null
mounted() {
this.tapVideoRef = this.$refs.tapVideoRef;
EventBus.$on('videoLoaded', videoLength => {
this.videoLength = videoLength;
EventBus.$on('playStateChange', playing => {
beforeDestroy() {
props: ['sourceUrl', 'platformType', 'videoId'],

In case anyone comes across this problem, I found a solution that works well for me. Thanks to #ChunbinLi for pointing me in the right direction - their solution did work, but passing props everywhere is a bit clunky.
Instead, I used the Provide/Inject pattern supported by Vue: https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/component-provide-inject.html
Some minimal relevant code:
The highest level Grandparent will provide the EventBus,
export default {
provide() {
return {
eventBus: new Vue()
Then any descendant has the ability to Inject that bus,
export default {
inject: ['eventBus'],
created() {
export default {
inject: ['eventBus'],
this.eventBus.$on('neededEvent', ()=>{console.log('Event triggered!')});
This is still a GLOBAL EventBus, so directionality of events and parental relationship is easy, as long as all components communicating are descendants of the component which "Provided" the bus.


What's the most idomatic Vue way of handling this higher-order component?

I have a VueJS organization and architecture question. I have a bunch of pages that serve as CRUD pages for individual objects in my system. They share a lot of code . I've abstracted this away in a shared component but I don't love what I did and I'm looking for advice on the idiomatic Vue way to do this.
I'm trying to create a higher order component that accepts two arguments:
An edit component that is the editable view of each object. So you can think of it as a stand in for a text input with a v-model accept that it has tons of different inputs.
A list component which displays a list of all the objects for that type in the system. It controls navigation to edit that object.
Normally this would be simply something where I use slots and invoke this component in the view page for each CRUD object. So basically I'd have something like this:
<!-- this file is src/views/DogsCRUDPage.vue -->
<template slot="list">
<dogs-list-component />
<template slot="edit">
<dogs-edit-field v-model="... oops .." />
export default {
name: "DogCRUDPage",
components: {
This is nice because it matches the general syntax of all of my other VueJS pages and how I pass props and things to shared code. However, the problem is that GeneralCRUDComponent handles all of the mechanisms for checking if an object is edited, and therefor hiding or unhiding the save button, etc. Therefor it has the editable object in its data which will become the v-model for DogsEditField or any other that's passed to it. So it needs to pass this component a prop. So what I've done this:
// This file is src/utils/crud.js
import Vue from "vue"
const crudView = (listComponent, editComponent) => {
return Vue.component('CrudView', {
template: `
<list-component />
<edit-component v-model="obj" />
components: {
ListComponent: listComponent,
EditComponent: editComponent,
data() {
return {
obj: {},
export default crudView
This file has a ton of shared code not shown that is doing the nuts and bolts of editing, undo, saving, etc.
And then in my src/router/index.js
//import DogCRUDPage from "#/views/libs/DogCRUDPage"
import crudView from "#/utils/crud"
import DogListComponent from "#/components/DogListComponent"
import DogEditField from "#/components/design/DogEditField"
const DogCRUDPage = crudView(DesignBasisList, DesignBasis)
export default new VueRouter({
routes: [
path: "/dog",
name: "dog",
component: DogCRUDPage,
This is working, but there are issues I don't love about it. For one, I needed to enable runtimecompiler for my project which increases the size of the payload to the browser. I need to import the list and edit components to my router instead of just the page for every single object I have a page for. The syntax for this new shared component is totally different from the template syntax all the other pages use. It puts all of my page creation into the router/index.js file instead of just layed out as files in src/views which I am used to in Vue.
What is the idiomatic way to accomplish this? Am I on the right track here? I'm happy to do this, it's working, if this really is how we do this in Vue. But I would love to explore alternatives if the Vue community does something differently. I guess I'm mostly looking for the idiomatic Vue way to accomplish this. Thanks a bunch.
How about this:
import DogsEdit from '#/components/DogsEdit.vue'
import DogsList from '#/components/DogsList.vue'
import CrudView from '#/components/CrudView.vue'
export default {
components: { CrudView },
data() {
return { DogsEdit, DogsList }
<component :is="listComponent"></component>
<component :is="editComponent" v-model="obj"></component>
export default {
props: {
editComponent: Object,
listComponent: Object
data() {
return {
obj: {}

Vue3 Composition API Reusable reactive values unique to calling component

Running Vue 3.2.6 and Vite 2.5.1
I've been experimenting a bit with the new Composition API and trying to figure out some common usecases where it makes sense to use it in favor of the OptionsAPI. One good usecase I immediately identified would be in Modals, the little popups that occur with a warning message or dialogue or whatever else.
In my old Apps, I'd have to create the modal opening logic in every single component where the modal is being called, which lead to a lot of repetition. With the CompAPI, I tried extracting the logic into a simple modal.ts file that exports 2 things, a reactive openModal boolean, and a toggleModal function. It works great! Until I have more than one modal in my app, that is, in which case it'll open every single Modal at once, on top of one another.
As an example setup
import { ref } from "vue";
const openModal = ref(false);
const toggleModal = () => {
openModal.value = !openModal.value;
export { openModal, toggleModal };
<Example1 />
<Example2 />
<Example3 />
<div class="modal" #click.self.stop="sendClose">
<slot />
<script setup>
const emit = defineEmits(["closeModal"]);
const sendClose = () => {
Note that each of these are separate components that have the same layout, the only difference being the number
<h1>Example 1 <span #click="toggleModal">Toggle</span></h1>
<teleport to="body">
<Modal v-if="openModal" #closeModal="toggleModal">
<h1>Modal 1</h1>
<script setup>
import { openModal, toggleModal } from "#/shared/modal";
import Modal from "#/components/Modal.vue";
What happens when clicking the toggle span is obvious (in hindsight). It toggles the value of openModal, which will open all 3 modals at once, one on top of the other. The issue is even worse if you try to implement nested Modals, aka logic in one modal that will open up another modal on top of that one.
Am I misunderstanding how to use ref here? Is it even possible for each component to have and keep track of its own version of openModal? Cause the way I've set it up here, it's acting more like a global store, which isn't great for this particular usecase.
The way I imagined this working is that each component would import the reactive openModal value, and keep track of it independently. That way, when one component calls toggleModal, it would only toggle the value inside of the component calling the function.
Is there a way of doing what I originally intended via the Composition API? I feel like the answer is simple but I can't really figure it out.
That is because you are not exporting your composition correctly, resulting in a shared state, since you are exporting the same function and ref to all components. To fix your issue, you should wrap whatever you're exporting in modal.ts in a function, say:
// Wrap in an exported function (you can also do a default export if you want)
export function modalComposition() {
const openModal = ref(false);
const toggleModal = () => {
openModal.value = !openModal.value;
return { openModal, toggleModal };
And in each component that you plan to use the composition, simply import it, e.g.:
import { modalComposition } from "#/shared/modal";
import Modal from "#/components/Modal.vue";
// By invoking `modalComposition()`, you are no longer passing by reference
// And therefore there is no "shared state"
const { openModal, toggleModal } = modalComposition();
Why does this work?
When you export a function and then invoke it in the setup of every single component, you are ensuring that each component is setup by executing the function, which returns a new ref for every single instance.

Vue- best practice for loops and event handlers

I am curious if it is better to include methods within loops instead of using v-if. Assume the following codes work (they are incomplete and do not)
EX: Method
<template >
<div v-for="(d, i) in data" v-bind:key="i">
<span v-on:click="insertPrompt($event)">
{{ d }}
export default {
data() {
The DOM would be updated via the insertPrompt() function which is just for display
<template >
<div v-for="(d, i) in data" v-bind:key="i">
<child v-bind:data="d"/>
import child from './child'
export default {
data() {
<span v-on:click="display != display">
{{ d }}
<PROMPT v-if="display"/>
import child from './child'
export default {
return {
props: {
The PROMPT is a basic template that is rendered with the data from the loop data click.
Both methods can accomplish the same end result. My initial thought is having additional conditions within a loop would negatively impact performance?!?!
Any guidance is greatly appreciated
Unless you are rendering really huge amounts of items in your loops (and most of the times you don't), you don't need to worry about performance at all. Any differences will be so small nobody will ever notice / benefit from having it a tiny touch faster.
The second point I want to make is that doing your own DOM manipulations is often not the best idea: Why do modern JavaScript Frameworks discourage direct interaction with the DOM
So I would in any case stick with the v-if for conditionally rendering things. If you want to care about performance / speed here, you might consider what exactly is the way your app will be used and decide between v-if and v-show. Citing the official documentation:
v-if is “real” conditional rendering because it ensures that event
listeners and child components inside the conditional block are
properly destroyed and re-created during toggles.
v-if is also lazy: if the condition is false on initial render, it
will not do anything - the conditional block won’t be rendered until
the condition becomes true for the first time.
In comparison, v-show is much simpler - the element is always rendered
regardless of initial condition, with CSS-based toggling.
Generally speaking, v-if has higher toggle costs while v-show has
higher initial render costs. So prefer v-show if you need to toggle
something very often, and prefer v-if if the condition is unlikely to
change at runtime.
There are numerous solutions to solving this issue, but let's stick to 3. Options 2 and 3 are better practices, but option 1 works and Vue was designed for this approach even if hardcore developers might frown, but stick yoru comfort level.
Option 1: DOM Manipulation
Your data from a click, async, prop sets a condition for v-if or v-show and your component is shown. Note v-if removes the DOM element where v-show hides the visibility but the element is still in the flow. If you remove the element and add its a complete new init, which sometimes works in your favor when it come to reactivity, but in practice try not to manipulate the DOM as that will always be more expensive then loops, filters, maps, etc.
<template >
<div v-for="(d, i) in getData"
<div v-if="d.active">
<div v-else-if="d.active">
import ChildOne from "./ChildOne";
import ChildTwo from "./ChildTwo";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
data: [],
computed: {
getData() {
return this.data;
mounted() {
// assume thsi woudl come from async but for now ..
this.data = [
id: 1,
comp: 'ChildOne',
active: false
id: 2,
comp: 'ChildTwo',
active: true
Option 2: Vue's <component> component
Always best to use Vue built in component Vue’s element with the is special attribute: <component v-bind:is="currentTabComponent"></component>
In this example we pass a slug or some data attribute to activate the component. Note we have to load the components ahead of time with the components: {}, property for this to work i.e. it has to be ChildOne or ChildTwo as slug string. This is often used with tabs and views to manage and maintain states.
The advantage of this approach is if you have 3 form tabs and you enter data on one and jump to the next and then back the state / data is maintained, unlike v-if where everything will be rerendered / lost.
<template >
<component :is="comp"/>
import ChildOne from "./ChildOne";
import ChildTwo from "./ChildTwo";
export default {
components: {
props: ['slug'],
data() {
return {
comp: 'ChildOne',
methods: {
setComponent () {
// assume prop slug passed from component or router is one of the components e.g. 'ChildOne'
this.comp = this.slug;
mounted() {
Option 3: Vue & Webpack Async and Dynamic components.
When it comes to larger applications or if you use Vuex and Vue Route where you have dynamic and large number of components then there are a number of approaches, but I'll stick to one. Similar to option 2, we are using the component element, but we are using WebPack to find all Vue files recursively with the keyword 'module'. We then load these dynamically / asynchronous --- meaning they will only be loaded when needed and you can see this in action in network console of browser. This means I can build components dynamically (factory pattern) and render them as needed. Example, of this might be if a user adds projects and you have to build and config views dynamically for projects created e.g. using vue router you passed it a ID for a new project, then you would need to dynamically load an existing component or build and load a factory built one.
Note: I'll use v-if on a component element if I have many components and I'm unsure the user will need them. I don't want to maintain state on large collections of components because I will end up memory and with loads of observers / watches / animations will most likely end up with CPU issues
<template >
<component :is="module" v-if="module"/>
const requireContext = require.context('./', true, /\.module\.vue$/);
const modules = requireContext.keys()
.map(file =>
[file.replace(/(.*\/(.+?)\/)|(\.module.vue$)/g, ''), requireContext(file)]
.reduce((components, [name, component]) => {
// console.error("components", components)
components[name] = component.default || component
return components
}, {});
export default {
data() {
return {
module: [],
props: {
slug: {
type: String,
required: true
computed: {
getData() {
return this.data;
methods: {
setModule () {
let module = this.slug;
if (!module || !modules[module]) {
module = this.defaultLayout
this.module = modules[module]
mounted() {
My initial thought is having additional conditions within a loop would negatively impact performance?
I think you might be confused by this rule in the style guide that says:
Never use v-if on the same element as v-for.
It's only a style issue if you use v-if and v-for on the same element. For example:
<div v-for="user in users" v-if="user.isActive">
But it's not a problem if you use v-if in a "child" element of a v-for. For example:
<div v-for="user in users">
<div v-if="user.isActive">
Using v-if wouldn't have a more negative performance impact than a method. And I'm assuming you would have to do some conditional checks inside your method as well. Remember that even calling a method has some (very small) performance impact.
Once you use Vue, I think it's a good idea not to mix it up with JavaScript DOM methods (like insertBefore). Vue maintains a virtual DOM which helps it to figure out how best to update the DOM when your component data changes. By using JavaScript DOM methods, you won't be taking advantage of Vue's virtual DOM anymore.
By sticking to Vue syntax you also make your code more understandable and probably more maintainable other developers who might read or contribute to your code later on.

v-runtime-template and vuex cause infinite update loop

I came across an infinite loop that really confused me. I used v-runtime-template to load dynamic forms, everything works fine when I use static data, but switches to an infinite loop after getting data from vuex.
I have written two examples with CodeSandbox, but note that clicking on Demo2 may cause the browser to die.
The loading of data needs to be done through vuex. How to solve the problem of infinite loop, I look forward to your help.
I have solved this problem. defining a sub-component to load v-runtime-template, get data in the parent component and passing it to sub-components via props.
Code is like this:
<form data-vv-scope="custom-form" v-if="html">
<form-content :html="html" :data="data" :permission="permission" />
import FormContent from "#/components/FormContent.vue";
import { mapState } from "vuex";
export default {
name: "demo2",
computed: mapState({
html: state => state.html,
data: state => state.data,
permission: state => state.permission
components: {
created() {

Communicate between two components(not related with child-parent)

component 1
component 2
mounted() {
this.$root.$on('event', () = {
I am trying to alert "fired" of comonent 2 from component 1. But this is not happening. what i am doing wrong. Should i have to add something on main js?
Other than the small typo in your $on, it's not clear what you're doing wrong, as you haven't provided enough context, but here's a working example of exactly what you're trying to do (send and receive an event via the $root element, without instantiating a separate eventbus Vue instance). (Many people do prefer to do the message passing via a separate instance, but it's functionally similar to do it on $root.)
I included a payload object to demonstrate passing information along with the event.
Vue.component('sender', {
template: '<span><button #click="send">Sender</button></span>',
methods: {
send() {
this.$root.$emit('eventName', {
message: "This is a message object sent with the event"
Vue.component('receiver', {
template: '<span>Receiver component {{message}}</span>',
data() {return {message: ''}},
mounted() {
this.$root.$on('eventName', (payload) => {
console.log("Received message", payload)
this.message = payload.message
new Vue({
el: '#app'
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue#latest/dist/vue.min.js"></script>
<div id="app">
Personally I don't tend to use this pattern much; I find it's better to handle cross-component communication from parent to child as props, and from child to parent as direct $emits (not on $root). When I find I'm needing sibling-to-sibling communication that's generally a sign that I've made some poor architecture choices, or that my app has grown large enough that I should switch over to vuex. Piling all the event messaging into a single location, whether that's $root or an eventbus instance, tends to make the app harder to reason about and debug.
At the very least you should be very explicit in naming your events, so it's easier to tell where they're coming from; event names such as "handleClick" or just "event" quickly become mysterious unknowns.
So what you are looking for is an event bus (global events)
I'd advise considering using vuex anytime you have the need to implement an event bus.
Let's get back to the problem.
Create a file event-bus.js this is what's going to be capturing and distributing events.
import Vue from 'vue'
const EventBus = new Vue()
export default EventBus
Now in your main.js register your event bus
import Vue from 'vue'
import eventBus from './event-bus'
//other imports
Vue.prototype.$eventBus = eventBus
new Vue({
Now you can:
listen for events with this.$eventBus.$on(eventName)
emit events this.$eventBus.$emit(eventName)
in this example i'll bring event from child to parent component with $emit
Child Component:
Vue.component('Child component ', {
methods: {
getMyProfile: function() {
this.$emit('me-event', 'YUP!')
template: `
<button v-on:click="getMyProfile">
Emmit Event to Parrent
Parent Component:
Vue.component('Parent component ', {
methods: {
getEventFromChild: function(event) {
template: `
<Child-component v-on:me-event="getEventFromChild" />
for example when you have data flow one way from parent to child and you want to bring data from child to parent you can use $emit and bring it from child.. and in the parent you must catch it with v-on directive. (sry form my english)
If component 2 is the parent of the component 1 you could do:
for componant 2 componant like
<componant-2 #myevent="dosomething" ...></componant-2>
and in componant two
methods: {
dosomething() {
console.log('Event Received');