I'm trying to integrate Interactive live streaming in the React native app. It works fine with the temp token and console generated channel name, But in real-world example when the user goes for the live stream it will create its own channel so for this purpose, I use the NODEJS server to generate token with APP ID and APP CERTIFICATE and gets the token then I pass generated token JoinChannel.
this.state.channelName = I USE USER ID TO AS CHANNEL NAME (this is
the same name that I pass to the server while generating token)
this.state.userId = MONGO DB USER ID (this is the same id that I pass to the server while generating token)
this.state.channelName = this.state.userId = 612e77c536d8140016ee4ef2
await this._engine?.joinChannel(this.state.token, this.state.channelName, null, this.state.userid)
After that, I got nothing in CONSOLE and JoinChannelSuccess not fired.
Looks like a problem with your credentials. A common error can be setting the expiry time too low when generating the token using NodeJS. Another common error can be mixing the userId type, you can choose between userAccount or integer type. I'd suggest double checking all the values in both places.
I want to validate my RESTful API using token authentication. Two key options provided are https://github.com/tymondesigns/jwt-auth and Laravel's own inbuilt token authentication.
I'm unable to make jwt-auth work for me even if it looks the most promising, so I decide to check on Laravel's implementation.
It is pretty straightforward. Create an extra field api_token in users DB, generate a random string and store it against the users record IN PLAIN TEXT, then any request the user sends they should append the api_token, which you shall authenticate by checking its existence in the DB. Just that.
Isn't that like storing passwords in plain text because anyone who happens to have access to the DB is as good as authenticated? Isn't there an outright security risk there? Someone help me understand this one.
Also, how does one handle things like invalidating the token, giving the token an expiry period, and such?
for Similar Case I am not using any external plugin, while Laravel already ship a project called Lumen which is best suitable for Restfull web service,
I am storing the encrypted hash string as api_token in the user table,
and in my mobile application i let the users authenticate by username password first time and then i store the decrypted token in the mobile to maintain the user state for subsequent api calls, key point is i am storing the decrypted user token in the mobile and whenver i receive the token in server, i do comparison to match both of them using the same encryption function i have used before,...
in this case you have to come up with your own encryption algorithm since you need to use the same algorithm to decry-pt in the client,
or else an easy way is to copy the user password hash string in the api_token field and store the user password in the client side,
but you have to make sure the security of the client application,
if you consider native android, i will use sharedpreference in private mode which is secure....
$response['success'] = 1;
$response['message'] = 'You have Connected to Server Successfully';
$response['api_token'] = $user->api_token;
$response['success'] = 0;
$response['message'] = 'Authentication Unsuccessful';
$response['api_token'] = '';
The new Firebase for Unity support has just been released into Beta and I am trying to implement Auth with it. I already have a Google sign-in that implements the oauth2 flow using an auth code from GooglePlayGames.PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.GetServerAuthCode and sending it to a server that exchanges it for an access token using the https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token endpoint.
I assume this access token is the second parameter of the Firebase.Auth.GoogleAuthProvider.GetCredential method, but what is the ID Token that the first parameter is asking for? Is that the token obtained from GooglePlayGames.PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.GetIdToken (same as GoogleAuthUtil.GetToken, if my reading of the docs/code is correct)?
If this is the case, why are both required? I thought the access token was all that was needed to authenticate a user with google cloud services and that the ID Token was being phased out.
Edit: After some testing, I found that passing the ID Token obtained from GooglePlayGames.PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.GetIdToken does allow Firebase to authenticate. Problem is, it asks for the user's email address every time. I'd like to avoid this if possible.
What is the difference between GetToken, GetAccessToken and GetIdToken, aside from the fact that GetIdToken requires a callback?
I managed to "hack" this in order to get it working... But still i think the correct method should only be using GetServerAuthCode but I cannot make it work with that.
Do your normal process of getting idToken and AccessToken the first time, when you log in to firebase get the user's email and store it in playerprefs. Then the second time if you already have the email you do this:
AndroidJavaClass authUtil = new AndroidJavaClass("com.google.android.gms.auth.GoogleAuthUtil");
AndroidJavaClass unity = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");
AndroidJavaObject currentActivity = unity.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
string idToken = authUtil.CallStatic<string>("getToken", currentActivity, PlayerData.Email, "audience:server:client_id:XXXXXXXXXX-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com"); // your client id, should be a number a dash and then a bunch of numbers and letters
string accessToken = authUtil.CallStatic<string>("getToken", currentActivity, PlayerData.Email, "oauth2:https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me");
Hope it helps although it would be greatif someone posts a solution with GetServerAuthCode cause that is the correct way
I am using JSONStore to store some data in my project but my problem is that I want to store a key that is used to unlock the data.
Does MobileFirst provide any way to
Securely store a key at client side or server side.
Is there any way that I can get the key from adapter or unlock the
JSONStore by connecting to adapter.
I believe you want to encrypt the data inside of a JSONStore collection and at the same time you want to be able to decrypt the collection without requiring the user to enter a password.
Approach 1: Client side
If you want to accomplish that in iOS you could use Touch ID for that purpose. You could read up more on that by going to https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSHS8R_7.1.0/com.ibm.worklight.dev.doc/devref/t_setting_up_touch_id_jsonstore.html
For Android there is no out-of-the box integration but staring in Android Marshmallow (6.0) there is an API for the fingerprint scanner which you could also use. https://developer.android.com/about/versions/marshmallow/android-6.0.html#fingerprint-authentication
Basically with the approach mentioned above you are creating a random password and storing it securely in the device. Then the device prompts the user with the authentication (fingerprint scanner or pin code) and then if it's successful you will get access to that random password.
Approach 2: Server side
In this approach you will use an adapter to hash a token/string sent from the client. For this to work you will need to use something that remains constant i.e., device id WL.Device.getID() https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSHS8R_7.1.0/com.ibm.worklight.apiref.doc/html/refjavascript-client/html/WL.Device.html#getID
var id = response.deviceID;
var req = WLResourceRequest('/adapters/Util/hash', WLResourceRequest.POST);
return req.sendFormParameters({
pass: id
var passwordHash = response.responseJSON.hash;
// open JSONStore collection with the passwordHash
In your adapter you can hash your password/device id then return it to the device to open the JSONStore collection. You can check the following post How can I hash a password in Java? if you want to hash passwords in your Java adapter
This approach is a bit tricky since you will need to authenticate the somehow to make sure you are only opening/decrypting JSONStore for the legitimate user.
Using Parse.com, I want my users to login only with their phone number, just like WhatsApp.
Enter your phone number, get a verification code by SMS, enter the code - you are logged in and stay logged-in!
I can see how I can use Twilio to send a verification code.
My problem is how to tie it in with the Parse authentication framework.
When to use signUp vs login?
What is the password?
What to do the second time the app is launched?
What to do when the application is re-installed?
I don't think you should use the predefined Signup and login classes provided by parse as they do not allow you to create a user without a password,
Nor should you use the Anonymous Users as the data will be lost once the user sign out/uninstall.
For Signup, Use another object to store the numbers , Implement a onSave hook in cloud code to ensure that all the username"phone nos" are unique during Signing in.
For each device, perform an OPT(one time password) to the phone of the user by using the installation class's id
Perform a query and load the data connected to the number during Login
To keep the user logged in , use the local data store , pin a Boolean variable that indicates the status of a user, either logged in or out.
In the parse DB , You can use the phone num as the link to the other data of the user.
In this way, no password , only OTP
You will need to store something on the user settings/profile to pin that user, I do not recommend using a boolean but rather something that ties that device with the user so that if someone decides to copy that file and paste it into a rooted phone you will be able to determine if the app install corresponds to that user.
I would recommend using the a unique token to create a password for a user in Parse.com - you can use the token that RingCaptcha generates for this, ensuring it will never collide with other users and that every phone number will only be able to verify one time for each device. RC is a new service that helps you onboard verified users into your apps in seconds via SMS. Integration is a breeze with all the available plugins for web, APIs, and SDKs of all flavours.
[Disclaimer: I'm part of the team behind RingCaptcha]
Is there a good way to do secret key authentication for http queries from a salesforce app to my own web server? In other words, I'd like to give each company that installs our application their own secret key. Then each http call the app makes to our server (whether json or just a link to a hosted iframe) would look something like this:
groupid = groupid
param1 = value1
param2 = value2
signParam = signValue
Where signValue = md5("groupid=groupid,param1=value1,param2=value2,secretKey"
Then when I receive the query, I calculate the signature as well to make sure it matches before I perform any actions on our web server. The problem is, I don't see how I can assign and store the secret key for each company that installs our app (that is, have them store the secret key in their installation).
Is there a good way to do this that I'm missing? And if this isn't possible in salesforce, how else do you authenticate web queries before you perform actions in your own server?
Rather than trying to track it on the salesforce side, have the salesforce side send the users sessionId to your webservice, you can then use the API to validate that sessionId get details about the user, and check locally that the particular user/organization is licensed. There's some articles on the developerforce wiki about using this approach.