How can I remove Jetstream from my laravel 8 project? - laravel-8

I install Jetstream few mins ago in my Laravel project. But I thinks it hampers my project So I want remove it. Is that possible?


Laravel with JetStream and LiveWire not rendering (Tailwind)

I started a new project in Laravel 8 with Jetstream and LiveWire.
It seems everything ok, but I'm not able to show correctly the auth pages.
I created a new laravel project.
I installed the jetstream package with LiveWire
This is the result of login page:
The css is not working.
After days of workaround on this issue, I found the problem.
After npm run dev, the console display the following line:
You have enabled the JIT engine which is currently in preview.
Documentation Here
For now I changed mode: 'JIT' to mode: '' in file tailwind.config.js
The project seems to work.

How to Install vue3 in Laravel 8 without vue-scaffolding or without installing breeze / jetstream with Inertia+vue

I have install Laravel 8 fresh project. And for authentication scaffolding I have run:
composer require Laravel/breeze --dev
It generate Laravel build-in authentication functionality which is now components base.
Now my question is, now are not generating Auth by using Laravel Ui package. So the vue scaffolding is not generated so how we can use vue?
We can install vue3 in Laravel 8 without vue-scaffolding by following instructions given in below video:
Install vue3 in Laravel 8 without Laravel UI / breeze / Jetstream

How to use Laravel sanctum with Breeze

I have installed Laravel Breeze and then Sanctum. But, it is not working as it should. Please guide me, how can I set up it?
I want to create the admin panel with Laravel Breeze and Vue application for the front users.
For a start you can install Breeze with Vue + Inertia scaffolding unless you're implementing everything by hand using API calls with Sanctum. First option is easier to implement.
php artisan breeze:install vue
php artisan migrate
npm install
npm run dev

Angular 6 migration PWA not working

I have recently migrated my app to Angular 6, it was working fine in angular 5, I faced a lot of issues but anyhow I resolved them, but PWA I am not able to migrate, in angular 5 PWA was working fine, but in 6 Giving below error ...
when I am running
command ng add #angular/PWA its showing error
**Error **
target is not defined for the specified project
Please help how to migrate or add PWA in Angular 6
This was already answered in the comment, but since this was the correct solution here's again what to do:
ng add #angular/pwa --project *project-name*
The above command adds the #angular/service-worker package to your project.
Source: Adding a service worker to your project

i have new in ios how to prepare and install build on diawi

I have an application on App Store with 5.9 build version.But he wants to install it on the above of App store build. I changed my build version from 1.92 to 1.9 and gave him Diawi link . Now he is unable to install Both 1.9 and 1.92 This issue is coming only in iOS 8 and above. I can install the Diawi link to ios 7 and its working perfectly.
Advance th#nx for helping me....
Try enabling TestFlight in your iTunes and share the app with the version you need. I'd recommend you to use Fabric(crashlytics) which takes care of maintaining all the shared app's builds and crash reporting.