Angular 6 migration PWA not working - angular5

I have recently migrated my app to Angular 6, it was working fine in angular 5, I faced a lot of issues but anyhow I resolved them, but PWA I am not able to migrate, in angular 5 PWA was working fine, but in 6 Giving below error ...
when I am running
command ng add #angular/PWA its showing error
**Error **
target is not defined for the specified project
Please help how to migrate or add PWA in Angular 6

This was already answered in the comment, but since this was the correct solution here's again what to do:
ng add #angular/pwa --project *project-name*
The above command adds the #angular/service-worker package to your project.
Source: Adding a service worker to your project


Quasar 2 Vue 3 "ReferenceError: process is not defined" error

I bump into ReferenceError: process is not defined error for my Quasar 2 application deployed to firebase. Howver, running it locally with quasar dev does not see the error. Any advice and insight is appreciated.
This happened to me as well after I accidentally ran "quasar build" in my functions directory rather than in my root directory then deployed that.
Easy way to test this is run the build command in the root directory and check if it fixes the error on the firebase hosting emulator (usually localhost:5000) before deploy.
Hope this helps anyone else who has my issue.
Solved by installing NPM process package.

Laravel with JetStream and LiveWire not rendering (Tailwind)

I started a new project in Laravel 8 with Jetstream and LiveWire.
It seems everything ok, but I'm not able to show correctly the auth pages.
I created a new laravel project.
I installed the jetstream package with LiveWire
This is the result of login page:
The css is not working.
After days of workaround on this issue, I found the problem.
After npm run dev, the console display the following line:
You have enabled the JIT engine which is currently in preview.
Documentation Here
For now I changed mode: 'JIT' to mode: '' in file tailwind.config.js
The project seems to work.

Ionic build production shows html errors

I am facing issue while generating production build using ionic. I am using ionic 5 with capacitor 2.2.0
Below is the screenshot of the errors. I am able to do development build(ionic build) successfully, but facing issues with ionic build --prod
Above are the html errors which are not observed when executing ionic build, but observed when we execute ionic build --prod.
As I know production build reduces the file size, but I am not able to understand what is causing the html errors as per the above screenshot.
Is it a problem with angular devkit? Also, I am using angular version 8.
It's intended
With prod it will build with types check in html
If you set the networkAvailable to public it should work

Vue UI: "This relative module was not found"

I have used Vue before with Laravel, and now I am getting started with Vue CLI. I have installed Vue CLI and used Vue UI to create my first project. It pre-installs the Hello World example, but when I go to Task > Build, I get the following error:
This relative module was not found:
* ./src/main.js in multi ./src/main.js
Why is this? I can see the file there, and as far as I can see I have not made any config choices or changes that would cause this problem.
I tried removing the node_modules directory and running npm install, but that did not seem to help.
When I was installing Vue CLI I ran into an error because I am on macOS Catalina, but I googled it and installed some Xcode tools and that seemed to sort it out.
I created a second project and the Hello World example works fine there. I noticed that, as part of the process - in the terminal screen - it installed some additional plugins. So perhaps that is what was missing from the first project.
The first project still does not compile, but I am happy to delete it and work with the second.

How can I solve an error in build ionic 4 (PWA)?

I have created ionic 4 new project using following command.
ionic start myApp tabs
Install angular
ng add #angular/pwa --project app
And build app
ionic build --prod
at 92%(92% chunk asset optimization TerserPlugin) it doesn't work, stop here and and gives attached error!
Can somone adivse?
I tried to do the same operation with other projects but it doesn't work.
node v 9.8.0
You don't need to install angular, its already part of an Ionic project. Maybe you are confusing things by doing this.
Try doing the steps above but without this line:
ng add #angular/pwa --project app
Also btw if you are posting errors, please copy paste them in as text. Your error is hard to read and half clipped off - do yourself a favour and make it easy for people to help you.