How to do the the filter with this design on react native? - react-native

I have to design specific filters. But i absolutly don't know how to call this sort of filter to find some documentation ?
Thanks for your help !

for this design, you can use this library. and for the js side, you can use the filter method on your arrays. for more information about the way of using the filter method follow this link. Notify me if you need more information.

I didn't complete understood your question but I believe you might want to know how to achieve this UI where You can use single slider and also Multi slider
You can check React Native Multi Slider and also read this article here


Does anyone know of a way to customize or remove the Callout for the Fluent UI SearchBox?

I'm working on an autocomplete for the React Search Box but because it doesn't have an open interface, the Callout will popup if you have done a previous search. I want to either turn it off or customize it so I don't have to use a separate component.
Thanks in advance.
I know it's a little late but I found setting autoComplete attribute on the SearchBox to "off" works.

Algolia for React Native: refine() method

I wish to use Algolia to setup InstantSearch in my React Native project. I am using this tutorial to learn the basics.
It appears in their RefinementList and InfiniteHits components there is a parameter: refine. This parameter seems to play a key role in the functionality of this tutorial's app.
Where can I get an example of how this refine() method would look like?
Please help me with some resources. An explanation of this refine() method would also help.
I think there's a typo in the documentation at the time of this writing (for which I opened a pull request), and the name of the actual prop is refineNext.
The documented InfiniteHits example from the React Native guide uses a connector, which is a lower-level abstraction allowing users to fully control the UI. This is what allows you to use React Native code for the UI while having access to the InfiniteHits data and logic. You can read more about the connectInfiniteHits connector in the documentation.
The provided refineNext function lets you load more results. It doesn't take any arguments, all you need to do is call it whenever you want to load more results from Algolia. In the example, it's being used in the onEndReached callback of React Native's FlatList component, whenever the hasMore provided prop is true. This allows loading more results once when the scroll position gets within onEndReachedThreshold of the rendered content.

How to customize lower level components in Spartacus?

I'm trying to customize the ProductListItemComponent and the ProductGridItemComponent in order to add some more functionality like a Stock counter.
After some quick research I came to the conclusion that they can't be remapped using the cmsComponents object, only the actual CMS Component, the CMSProductListComponent, can be remapped.
If my assumption is correct, what would be the best approach on customizing these components?
Thank you for your time!
You are right! You can't customize ProductListItemComponent or ProductGridItemComponent via remapping it like a CMS Component, you should customize it over higher lever CMS Component - ProductListComponent.
And here you can find GitHub issues: and, which relates to above problem.

Vuetify date picker: multiple event indicators

I'm learning Vue and Vuetify right now. And I want to develop a Calendar tool combining Vuetify with Laravel.
With v-calendar it is possible to render multiple 'event-indicators'
See example
With Vuetify 'one' event indicator is possible (example), but I don't know how to manage to make it two or even three. Is there any solution for this?
Yes we can, just pass an array for all the colors you want to assign on a particular date, using the allowed-dates prop. It has been included in the vuetify examples as well.
Yeah had a play around with it but doesn't seem you can get it to display multiple events as it is :( You can submit it as a feature though here and they're usually quite quick to respond if it's possible or not. Sorry I can't help any other way.

How do I customize the Ext.grid.RowBodyFeature of ExtJS 4.0?

I have implemented the getAdditionalData in ExtJS's grid.panel.
I have it showing the extra information but I want to style the extra row. Basically make the font smaller, etc.
Other than wrapping my data in span tags, is there another way to alter the style for those rows?
I found the answer. It was just easier to use a custom renderer.