Vuetify date picker: multiple event indicators - vue.js

I'm learning Vue and Vuetify right now. And I want to develop a Calendar tool combining Vuetify with Laravel.
With v-calendar it is possible to render multiple 'event-indicators'
See example
With Vuetify 'one' event indicator is possible (example), but I don't know how to manage to make it two or even three. Is there any solution for this?

Yes we can, just pass an array for all the colors you want to assign on a particular date, using the allowed-dates prop. It has been included in the vuetify examples as well.

Yeah had a play around with it but doesn't seem you can get it to display multiple events as it is :( You can submit it as a feature though here and they're usually quite quick to respond if it's possible or not. Sorry I can't help any other way.


Vuetify disable a single button in the pagination component

I'm still pretty new to Vuetify and try to learn with the docs and forums but I've come across a problem :
I couldn't find a way to disable only one button of the pagination component.
Example :
A user is on page 2. I want them to be able to go to page 1 but to prevent them from going to page 3 until they meet certain conditions.
The problem is I saw that the "disabled" prop can only be a boolean on the pagination component (thus disabling the whole component).
Does anyone know a way to achieve that? Might it become a feature request?
Thanks in advance

Show SnackBars stacked instead of overlapping?

In my app there's a page where I am showing several snackbars depending on results from server.
There can be several triggered by the server's result. They are also triggered from different components, so I don't have a single controller that could render them where I want.
So, they all display at once and overlap each other. I linked the official Vuetify docs page because the problem is clearly visible there. Just click on two of the buttons in short enough succession.
Is there any way I could render them such that they would stack one above the other instead of all bottom-centering over each other?
I was thinking I'd need a way to tell them the component that would be their rendering parent. But I can't seem to find a way to do this. Slots don't seem to be much help with this either since I can't declare global ones.
Is there any way I can do this?

How to do the the filter with this design on react native?

I have to design specific filters. But i absolutly don't know how to call this sort of filter to find some documentation ?
Thanks for your help !
for this design, you can use this library. and for the js side, you can use the filter method on your arrays. for more information about the way of using the filter method follow this link. Notify me if you need more information.
I didn't complete understood your question but I believe you might want to know how to achieve this UI where You can use single slider and also Multi slider
You can check React Native Multi Slider and also read this article here

Vuetify carousel looping

Vuetify carousel - I cannot find the way to turn off the looping. I do not show images in my vuetify carousel, I use for a few steps for the user -passive steps, more like a description step by step and I don't need the loop in the carousel..
Thanks for help
For those who are interested I ended up using vue-carousel
There is now a continuous (default=true) prop now.
You can turn it off by setting it like so: :continuous="false"
THe docs of Vuetify do not provide any info of such option.
Since you do not use it as carousel but as stepper, why don't you use stepper..?
Either I was blind yesterday or it just appeared - the docs mention now the cycle prop of carousel:
I think you should give it a try by setting this to false. ;)

How to select multiple values from Picker component in react-native?

react-native Picker component doesn't seem like providing multiselect option
But, I have com across some libraries which provides multiselect option like,
But is there any way to select multiple values without going for package?
As #Adam Kipnis pointed out, you could always write your own.
You can store the values in an array and render from there.
Since the question was asked the developer team has deprecated the default Picker component. They provide a link for community packages.