wants to pick most closest record in group of records in single table which input criteria - sql

we have a table and there is possibility that one record can have multiple copies means same record can exist in table with multiple entries but their criteria will be different criteria is decided using three main parameters.income,score,no_months.these columns are integer.and we are grouping them by giving unique code to same records profile.
if one input is eligible for multiple profiles then we need to pick which is most matching to criteria.
Sample Data.
Desired Results
Note: id 23 row has 2 columns which values are greater than id 22 row that is why id 23 was picked although id 23 has less income
Only those records should be display which columns have more count of greater values than other row if group_code is same.
I have tried using multiple order by with cte as more columns needs to display like image city etc. but its not working

Select a single row for the Name or a winner of multiple rows. Winner is one with max score of wins when compared to others in a triangle join. Provided 2 rows has the same criteria, a row with the lesser id wins.
select *
from tbl t
where id in (
-- winners
select winid
from tbl t1
join tbl t2 on t1.name = t2.name and t1.id < t2.id
join lateral (
select case when sign(t1.income - t2.income) + sign(t1.score - t2.score) + sign(t1.no_months - t2.no_months) >= 0
then t1.id else t2.id end winid
) w on 1=1
group by winid
order by count(*) desc
limit 1)
or not exists(select 1 from tbl t3 where t3.name = t.name and t3.id <> t.id)


SQL Select from 1 table rows with 2 specific column value that are not equal

I have a table
id number name update_date
1 123 asd 08.05.18
2 412 ddd 08.05.18
3 123 dsa 14.05.18
4 125 dsa 05.05.18
Whole table consist from that rows like that. I need to select row 1 and 3 because I need different update_dates but same number. How to do that? I need to see the changes from specific Number between 2 update dates 08.05.18 and 14.05.18. I have more update dates in my table.
I tried:
FROM legal_entity_history a
JOIN legal_entity_history b ON a.BIN = b.BIN
WHERE ( a.update_date <> b.update_date AND
a.update_date = "08.05.18" AND
b.update_date = "14.05.18" )
A relatively simple method is:
select leh.*
from legal_entity_history leh
where exists (select 1
from legal_entity_history leh2
where leh2.number = leh.number and leh2.update_date <> leh.update_date
For performance, you want an index on legal_entity_history(number, update_date).
TRY THIS: Assuming that same number may not appear more than once under same update_date, so, you can achieve that using GROUP BY with HAVING as below
FROM test t
FROM test
GROUP BY number
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT update_date) > 1) t1 ON t1.number = t.number
id number name update_date
1 123 asd 08.05.18
3 123 dsa 14.05.18

unable to use LIMIT when using correlated query

I have two tables in Postgres. I want to get the latest 3records data from table.
Below is the query:
select two.sid as sid,
two.sidname as sidname,
two.myPercent as mypercent,
two.saccur as saccur,
one.totalSid as totalSid
from table1 one,table2 two
where one.sid = two.sid;
The above query displays all records checking the condition one.sid = two.sid;I want to get only recent 3 records data(4,5,6) from table2.
I know in Postgres we can use limit to limit the rows to retrieve, but here in table2 for each ID I have multiple rows. So I guess I cannot use limit on table2 but should use on table1. Any suggestions?
sid totalSid
1 10
2 20
3 30
4 40
5 50
6 60
sid sidname myPercent saccur
1 aaaa 11 11t
1 bbb 13 13g
1 ccc 11 11g
1 qw 88 88k
//more data for 2,3,4,5....
6 xyz 89 895W
6 xyz1 90 90k
6 xyz2 91 91p
6 xyz3 92 92q
Given a changed understanding of the question a simple subquery and join should suffice.
We select everything from table1 limit to 3 records in sid order desc. This gives us the 3 most recent Sid's and then join to table2 to get the other SID relevant data. The assumption here is that SID is unique in table one and "most recent" would be those records having the highest SID.
SELECT two.sid as sid
, two.sidname as sidname
, two.myPercent as mypercent
, two.saccur as saccur
, one.totalSid as totalSid
INNER JOIN table2 two
ON one.sid = two.sid;
*note I removed a comma after one alias above.
and below we reinstated the ANSI 88 join syntax using , notation.
SELECT two.sid as sid
, two.sidname as sidname
, two.myPercent as mypercent
, two.saccur as saccur
, one.totalSid as totalSid
, table2 two
WHERE one.sid = two.sid;
This syntax basically says get the 3 most recent SIDs from table one and cross join (For each record in one match it to all records in two) that to all records in table two but then return only records that have the same SID on both sides. Modern compilers may be able to use Cost based optimization to improve performance here negating the need to do the entire cross join; however, order of operation says this is what the database would normally have to do. if one and two are both tables of substantial size, you can see the cross join could result in a very large temporary dataset

How to update every rows which has a number greater than or equal to the joining table?

Here is an example of the tables I am joining together (note: the tables have the exact same schema but are in different databases, I am trying to combine them):
Database 1 Table
UniqID UniqID2 Number
100 150 1
100 151 2
Database 2 Table
UniqID UniqID2 Number
100 152 2
100 153 3
I am trying to merge Table2 into Table1 and I'm joining on Table1.UniqID = Table2.UniqID. I don't want any overlapping values in the Number column, this is what I want the result to look like:
Table 1
UniqID UniqID2 Number
100 150 1
100 151 2
100 152 3
100 153 4
This is the query I have so far, but it only updates the row in Table 2 where the Number = 2 and doesn't increment the Number = 3 row. How can I adjust my query to do so?
Set db2.Number = db2.Number +
(SELECT MAX(Number) FROM [Database 1]..db1 WHERE UniqID = db2.UniqID)
FROM [Database 2]..table db2
INNER JOIN [Database 1]..Table db1
ON db1.UniqID = db2.UniqID
AND db1.Number = db2.Number
And this is what my Database 2 Table results look like right now:
Database 2 Table
UniqID UniqID2 Number
100 152 3
100 153 3
Basically, the only difference is that I want the Number = 3 to be Number = 4 in the second column.
I think you want a union all query and insert:
insert into table1(UniqID, UniqID2, Number)
select t2.UniqID, t2.UniqID2,
(x.maxn + row_number() over (order by (select null) ))
from table2 t2 cross join
(select max(number) as maxn from table1) x;
A different appraoch could be
SET t2.Number = t1.T1Number + 1
FROM table2 t2
INNER JOIN (SELECT uniqid, uniqid2, number as T1Number from Table1
SELECT uniqid, uniqid2, number as T1Number from Table2
) t1
ON t1.uniqid = t2.uniqid and t1.UniqID2 = t2.UniqID2-1
one more approach which works in SQL 2012..
Demo here
;With cte
(select *
union all
select *
from #t1
select uniqid,uniqid2,
case when lag(number) over (order by uniqid,uniqid2) is null then number
when lead(number) over (order by uniqid,uniqid2) is null
then number+1 else lead(number) over (order by uniqid,uniqid2) end as nextnumber
from cte

SQL query Splitting a column into Multiple rows divide by percentage

How to get percentage of a column and then inserting it as rows
Col1 item TotalAmount**
1 ABC 5558767.82
2 ABC 4747605.5
3 ABC 667377.69
4 ABC 3844204
6 CTB 100
7 CTB 500.52
I need to create a new column percentage for each item which is I have done as :-
Select item, (totalAmount/select sum(totalAmount) from table1) as Percentage
From table1
Group by item
Col1 item TotalAmount percentage
1 ABC 5558767.82 38
2 ABC 4747605.5 32
3 ABC 667377.69 5
4 ABC 3844204 26
6 CTB 100 17
7 CTB 500.52 83
Now, the complex part I have to calculate another amount by multiplying this percentage to an amount from another table say table2
ii) update the Total amount column by spilt the total amount column of table 1 into 2 rows – 1st row of the new Calculate PledgeAmount and 2nd row – (totalAmount – PledgeAmount)
*Select t1.percentage * t2.new amount as [PledgeAmount]
From table 1 join table2 where t1.item=t2.item*
. e.g. for col1 Amount of 5558767.82 will split into two rows.
Final Result sample for :-
Col1 item TotalAmount Type
1 ABC 363700.00 Pledge
1 ABC 5195067.82 Unpledge
I am using Temporary table to do calculations.
One of the way I think is to calculate the Pledged and Unpledged amount as new column and Pivot it but its huge table with hundreds of columns it will not perform fast.
Any other efficient way?
You can use a windowing function to solve this problem -- first in a sub-query calculate the total and then in the main query the percent:
Select *, (totalAmount/total_for_item)*100 as percent_of_total
from (
SUM(totalAmount) OVER (PARTITION BY item) as total_for_item
FROM table t
) sub
First, let's get the total amount per item:
SELECT item, SUM( totalAmount ) as sumTotal
INTO #totalperitem
FROM table1
Now it's easy to get to the percentages:
SELECT t1.Col1,
t1.totalAmount/tpi.sumTotal*100 AS percentage
FROM table1 t1
INNER JOIN #totalperitem tpi on ...
Tricky part: Separate rows with/without match in table2. Can be done with a WHERE NOT EXISTS, or, my preference, with a single outer join:
SELECT t1.item,
CASE WHEN tpledged.item IS NULL
THEN "Unpledged"
ELSE "Pledged"
SUM( t1.totalAmount ) AS amount
FROM table1 t1
LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 tpledged ON t1. ... = tpledged. ...
GROUP BY t1.item,
CASE WHEN tpledged.item IS NULL
THEN "Unpledged"
ELSE "Pledged"
The basic trick is to create an artificial column from the presence/absence of records in table2 and to also group by that artificial column.

Select data if conditions on two separate rows are met

Consider the following dataset:
id dataid data
1 3095 5
1 3096 9
1 3097 8
2 3095 4
2 3096 9
2 3097 15
Now, in this, the column someid identifies to certain data, so if I see 3095, I know what data the data column represents (name, address, etc.). I need to do a check so that for the group of ids (i.e. 1 and 2) dataid=3095 then data=5 AND dataid=3096 then data=9, and if this is true, the id group will be selected and operations will be done on it.
Edit: Now I use the following SQL query to do the above:
FROM table s0
JOIN table s1 USING (dataid)
JOIN table s2 USING (dataid)
WHERE s1.dataid=359 AND s1.data=5
AND s2.dataid=360 AND s2.data=6;
But how can I get the output from rows to columns. The property values I need are still as key:pair values in rows and I would like them as columns.
So the output for the above would be:
id 3095 3096 3097
1 5 9 8
whereas currently it is returning from the above query:
id dataid data dataid_1 data_1 dataid_2 data_2
1 3095 5 Unnecessary stuff because of JOIN
1 3096 9
1 3097 8
Thanks and sorry if this is confusing.
FROM table) as ids
FROM table t2
WHERE t2.id = ids.id AND dataid = 3095 AND data = 5)
FROM table t2
WHERE t2.id = ids.id AND dataid = 3096 AND data = 9)
Also, if you're querying additional tables besides the given one (one with id as a unique key, preferrably), consider including that, to remove the need to use DISTINCT