How does lower level module and higher level module communicate in golang - oop

In the following code, I have a lower level module RelationshipBrowser defined a FindAllChildrenOf method and I have a struct Relationships that has the property relations which is a slice and another struct named Research which as the property browser. I declared a receiver function FindAllChildrenOf for Relationships and another receiver function Investigate for Research, I think my question is, when I implement the logics in the function Investigate it's clearly calling the browser interface to trigger the function FindAllChildrenOf and go automatically knows that I am referring to type Relationship. My confusion is, how does RelationshipBrowser and Relationships connect in this context while they seem to have no connection?
const (
Parent Relationship = iota
type Person struct {
name string
type Info struct{
from *Person
relatiionship Relationship
to *Person
// low-level module
type RelationshipBrowser interface{
FindAllChildrenOf(name string)[]*Person
type Relationships struct{
relations []Info
func (r *Relationships)AddParentAndChild(parent,child *Person){
r.relations = append(r.relations, Info{parent,Parent,child})
r.relations = append(r.relations, Info{child,Child,parent})
func (r *Relationships)FindAllChildrenOf(name string)[]*Person{
result:= make([]*Person,0)
for i,v:= range r.relations{
if v.relatiionship == Parent &&{
result = append(result, r.relations[i].to)
return result
// high-level module
type Research struct{
// break DIP
// relationships Relationships
browser RelationshipBrowser
func (r *Research)Investigate(){
// relations:= r.relationships.relations
// for _, rel := range relations{
// if == "John" && rel.relatiionship == Parent{
// fmt.Println("John has a child called",
// }
// }
for _,child:=range children{
fmt.Println("John has a child called",
func main(){
parent:= Person{"John"}
child1:= Person{"Chris"}
child2:= Person{"Matt"}
relationships:= Relationships{}
r := Research{&relationships}

go automatically knows that I am referring to type Relationship.
Yes, because Go knows the exact address of the RelationshipBrowser, so it can know everything if it want.
You can know everything too, through the reflection, see
In your code, you explicitly pass the address here:
r := Research{&relationships}
RelationshipBrowser and Relationships connect together by this address, because Research think of it as a RelationshipBrowser, but it's actually a Relationships.

I just figured out that by calling r.Investigate, the program knows I am referring to the Relationship struct. I am still a go beginner, so the learning curve is deep.


Writing an attribute trait

I'm about to choose what language to use for a new project: Perl5 or Perl6. 6 wins so far except that it is missing Moo's lazy attributes. The two implementations I found in modules are missing the key functionality. Hence, my attempt write my own implementation.
Role vs. Class
First problem I've got into is the content of attribute's .package for one declared in a role. Consider the followin:
role HOW1 {
method compose ( Mu $class ) {
note "HOW1.compose";
role HOW2 {
method compose ( Mu $class ) {
note "HOW2.compose";
multi trait_mod:<is> (Attribute:D $attr, :$mooish!) {
note "Attribute's package.HOW: ", $attr.package.HOW;
$attr.package.HOW does HOW1;
class Foo {
has $.bar is mooish;
role FooRole {
has $.baz is mooish;
The output of the script follows:
Attribute's package.HOW:
Attribute's package.HOW:
As it is clearly seen from the output, applying a role to a metaclass always works for classes and only works for $*PACKAGE.HOW with roles. Use of $*PACKAGE instead of .package could be considered a solution, but not the one I'd really like to use. (Though, if there is no better way...)
I would like to provide lazy functionality for private attributes too. Yes, this will be availabe with self!bar syntax only, but this is a sacrifice I'm willing to make. 😉 The problem is that all the examples of custome-made accessor I found so far are using Attribute.set_value() method which is way too low-level. I'd like to have something like this:
role MooishHOW {
method compose ( Mu $class ) {
my $accessor = $class.^add_private_method( 'bar1',
method () is rw {
note self.WHO, ".bar1";
FETCH => -> $o {
STORE => method ( $val ) {
note "Storing";
$!bar1 = $val;
multi trait_mod:<is> (Attribute:D $attr, :$mooish!) {
$attr.package.HOW does MooishHOW unless $attr.package.HOW ~~ MooishHOW;
class Foo {
has $.bar is mooish;
has $!bar1 is mooish;
method to-bar1 {
note "bar1 val:",self!bar1;
my $inst =;
But $!bar1 notation doesn't compile because of the scope (MooishRole). Are there a trick I'm missing which would allow referencing a private attribute on self?
Tricky one
Perhaps it is possible to make an attribute to be a Proxy container? This would greatly simplify the overall logic of laziness implementation.
I have answered all my questions by finally achieving the target and released AttrX::Mooish module.
So far, the answer for the first question is: no. $*PACKAGE is currently the only way.
Second question: have no answer, but the final code has to rely on set_value() anyway.
The tricky one happened to be possible: set_value() does binding of an attribue to a container making it possible to bind to a Proxy object. No need to for sacrifices, private attributes can be accessed directly with lazyness working on them.
Thanks everybody, your answers let me work around some rough edges!

Preferable pattern for getting around the "moving out of borrowed self" checker

Consider the pattern where there are several states registered with a dispatcher and each state knows what state to transition to when it receives an appropriate event. This is a simple state transition pattern.
struct Dispatcher {
states: HashMap<Uid, Rc<RefCell<State>>>,
impl Dispatcher {
pub fn insert_state(&mut self, state_id: Uid, state: Rc<RefCell<State>>) -> Option<Rc<RefCell<State>>> {
self.states.insert(state_id, state)
fn dispatch(&mut self, state_id: Uid, event: Event) {
if let Some(mut state) = states.get_mut(&state_id).cloned() {
state.handle_event(self, event);
trait State {
fn handle_event(&mut self, &mut Dispatcher, Event);
struct S0 {
state_id: Uid,
move_only_field: Option<MOF>,
// This is pattern that concerns me.
impl State for S0 {
fn handle_event(&mut self, dispatcher: &mut Dispatcher, event: Event) {
if event == Event::SomeEvent {
// Do some work
if let Some(mof) = self.mof.take() {
let next_state = Rc::new(RefCell::new(S0 {
state_id: self.state_id,
move_only_field: mof,
let _ = dispatcher.insert(self.state_id, next_state);
} else {
// log an error: BUGGY Logic somewhere
let _ = dispatcher.remove_state(&self.state_id);
} else {
// Do some other work, maybe transition to State S2 etc.
struct S1 {
state_id: Uid,
move_only_field: MOF,
impl State for S1 {
fn handle_event(&mut self, dispatcher: &mut Dispatcher, event: Event) {
// Do some work, maybe transition to State S2/S3/S4 etc.
With reference to the inline comment above saying:
// This is pattern that concerns me.
S0::move_only_field needs to be an Option in this pattern because self is borrowed in handle_event, but I am not sure that this is best way to approach it.
Here are the ways I can think of with demerits of each one:
Put it into an Option as I have done: this feels hacky and every time I need
to check the invariant that the Option is always Some otherwise
panic! or make it a NOP with if let Some() = and ignore
the else clause, but this causes code-bloat. Doing an unwrap
or bloating the code with if let Some() feels a bit off.
Get it into a shared ownership Rc<RefCell<>>: Need to heap allocate
all such variables or construct another struct called Inner or
something that has all these non-clonable types and put that into an
Pass stuff back to Dispatcher indicating it to basically remove us
from the map and then move things out of us to the next State which
will also be indicated via our return value: Too much coupling,
breaks OOP, does not scale as Dispatcher needs to know about all the
States and needs frequent updating. I don't think this is a good
paradigm, but could be wrong.
Implement Default for MOF above: Now we can mem::replace it with
the default while moving out the old value. The burden of panicking OR
returning an error OR doing a NOP is now hidden in implementation of
MOF. The problem here is we don't always have the access to MOF
type and for those that we do, it again takes the point of bloat
from user code to the code of MOF.
Let the function handle_event take self by move as fn handle_event(mut self, ...) -> Option<Self>: Now instead of Rc<RefCell<>> you will need to have Box<State> and move it out each time in the dispatcher and if the return is Some you put it back. This almost feels like a sledgehammer and makes many other idioms impossible, for instance if I wanted to share self further in some registered closure/callback I would normally put a Weak<RefCell<>> previously but now sharing self in callbacks etc is impossible.
Are there any other options? Is there any that is considered the "most idiomatic" way of doing this in Rust?
Let the function handle_event take self by move as fn handle_event(mut self, ...) -> Option<Self>: Now instead of Rc<RefCell<>> you will need to have Box<State> and move it out each time in the dispatcher and if the return is Some you put it back.
This is what I would do. However, you don't need to switch from Rc to Box if there is only one strong reference: Rc::try_unwrap can move out of an Rc.
Here's part of how you might rewrite Dispatcher:
struct Dispatcher {
states: HashMap<Uid, Rc<State>>,
impl Dispatcher {
fn dispatch(&mut self, state_id: Uid, event: Event) {
if let Some(state_ref) = self.states.remove(&state_id) {
let state = state_ref.try_unwrap()
.expect("Unique strong reference required");
if let Some(next_state) = state.handle_event(event) {
self.states.insert(state_id, next_state);
} else {
// handle state_id not found
(Note: dispatch takes state_id by value. In the original version, this wasn't necessary -- it could have been changed to pass by reference. In this version, it is necessary, since state_id gets passed to HashMap::insert. It looks like Uid is Copy though, so it makes little difference.)
It's not clear whether state_id actually needs to be a member of the struct that implements State anymore, since you don't need it inside handle_event -- all the insertion and removal happens inside impl Dispatcher, which makes sense and reduces coupling between State and Dispatcher.
impl State for S0 {
fn handle_event(self, event: Event) -> Option<Rc<State>> {
if event == Event::SomeEvent {
// Do some work
let next_state = Rc::new(S0 {
state_id: self.state_id,
move_only_field: self.mof,
} else {
// Do some other work
Now you don't have to handle a weird, should-be-impossible corner case where the Option is None.
This almost feels like a sledgehammer and makes many other idioms impossible, for instance if I wanted to share self further in some registered closure/callback I would normally put a Weak<RefCell<>> previously but now sharing self in callbacks etc is impossible.
Because you can move out of an Rc if you have the only strong reference, you don't have to sacrifice this technique.
"Feels like a sledgehammer" might be subjective, but to me, what a signature like fn handle_event(mut self, ...) -> Option<Self> does is encode an invariant. With the original version, each impl State for ... had to know when to insert and remove itself from the dispatcher, and whether it did or not was uncheckable. For example, if somewhere deep in the logic you forgot to call dispatcher.insert(state_id, next_state), the state machine wouldn't transition, and might get stuck or worse. When handle_event takes self by-value, that's not possible anymore -- you have to return the next state, or the code simply won't compile.
(Aside: both the original version and mine do at least two hashtable lookups each time dispatch is called: once to get the current state, and again to insert the new state. If you wanted to get rid of the second lookup, you could combine approaches: store Option<Rc<State>> in the HashMap, and take from the Option instead of removing it from the map entirely.)

How do I handle errors from libc functions in an idiomatic Rust manner?

libc's error handling is usually to return something < 0 in case of an error. I find myself doing this over and over:
let pid = fork()
if pid < 0 {
// Please disregard the fact that `Err(pid)`
// should be a `&str` or an enum
return Err(pid);
I find it ugly that this needs 3 lines of error handling, especially considering that these tests are quite frequent in this kind of code.
Is there a way to return an Err in case fork() returns < 0?
I found two things which are close:
assert_eq!. This needs another line and it panics so the caller cannot handle the error.
Using traits like these:
pub trait LibcResult<T> {
fn to_option(&self) -> Option<T>;
impl LibcResult<i64> for i32 {
fn to_option(&self) -> Option<i64> {
if *self < 0 { None } else { Some(*self) }
I could write fork().to_option().expect("could not fork"). This is now only one line, but it panics instead of returning an Err. I guess this could be solved using ok_or.
Some functions of libc have < 0 as sentinel (e.g. fork), while others use > 0 (e.g. pthread_attr_init), so this would need another argument.
Is there something out there which solves this?
As indicated in the other answer, use pre-made wrappers whenever possible. Where such wrappers do not exist, the following guidelines might help.
Return Result to indicate errors
The idiomatic Rust return type that includes error information is Result (std::result::Result). For most functions from POSIX libc, the specialized type std::io::Result is a perfect fit because it uses std::io::Error to encode errors, and it includes all standard system errors represented by errno values. A good way to avoid repetition is using a utility function such as:
use std::io::{Result, Error};
fn check_err<T: Ord + Default>(num: T) -> Result<T> {
if num < T::default() {
return Err(Error::last_os_error());
Wrapping fork() would look like this:
pub fn fork() -> Result<u32> {
check_err(unsafe { libc::fork() }).map(|pid| pid as u32)
The use of Result allows idiomatic usage such as:
let pid = fork()?; // ? means return if Err, unwrap if Ok
if pid == 0 {
// child
Restrict the return type
The function will be easier to use if the return type is modified so that only "possible" values are included. For example, if a function logically has no return value, but returns an int only to communicate the presence of error, the Rust wrapper should return nothing:
pub fn dup2(oldfd: i32, newfd: i32) -> Result<()> {
check_err(unsafe { libc::dup2(oldfd, newfd) })?;
Another example are functions that logically return an unsigned integer, such as a PID or a file descriptor, but still declare their result as signed to include the -1 error return value. In that case, consider returning an unsigned value in Rust, as in the fork() example above. nix takes this one step further by having fork() return Result<ForkResult>, where ForkResult is a real enum with methods such as is_child(), and from which the PID is extracted using pattern matching.
Use options and other enums
Rust has a rich type system that allows expressing things that have to be encoded as magic values in C. To return to the fork() example, that function returns 0 to indicate the child return. This would be naturally expressed with an Option and can be combined with the Result shown above:
pub fn fork() -> Result<Option<u32>> {
let pid = check_err(unsafe { libc::fork() })? as u32;
if pid != 0 {
} else {
The user of this API would no longer need to compare with the magic value, but would use pattern matching, for example:
if let Some(child_pid) = fork()? {
// execute parent code
} else {
// execute child code
Return values instead of using output parameters
C often returns values using output parameters, pointer parameters into which the results are stored. This is either because the actual return value is reserved for the error indicator, or because more than one value needs to be returned, and returning structs was badly supported by historical C compilers.
In contrast, Rust's Result supports return value independent of error information, and has no problem whatsoever with returning multiple values. Multiple values returned as a tuple are much more ergonomic than output parameters because they can be used in expressions or captured using pattern matching.
Wrap system resources in owned objects
When returning handles to system resources, such as file descriptors or Windows handles, it good practice to return them wrapped in an object that implements Drop to release them. This will make it less likely that a user of the wrapper will make a mistake, and it makes the use of return values more idiomatic, removing the need for awkward invocations of close() and resource leaks coming from failing to do so.
Taking pipe() as an example:
use std::fs::File;
use std::os::unix::io::FromRawFd;
pub fn pipe() -> Result<(File, File)> {
let mut fds = [0 as libc::c_int; 2];
check_err(unsafe { libc::pipe(fds.as_mut_ptr()) })?;
Ok(unsafe { (File::from_raw_fd(fds[0]), File::from_raw_fd(fds[1])) })
// Usage:
// let (r, w) = pipe()?;
// ... use R and W as normal File object
This pipe() wrapper returns multiple values and uses a wrapper object to refer to a system resource. Also, it returns the File objects defined in the Rust standard library and accepted by Rust's IO layer.
The best option is to not reimplement the universe. Instead, use nix, which wraps everything for you and has done the hard work of converting all the error types and handling the sentinel values:
pub fn fork() -> Result<ForkResult>
Then just use normal error handling like try! or ?.
Of course, you could rewrite all of nix by converting your trait to returning Results and including the specific error codes and then use try! or ?, but why would you?
There's nothing magical in Rust that converts negative or positive numbers into a domain specific error type for you. The code you already have is the correct approach, once you've enhanced it to use a Result either by creating it directly or via something like ok_or.
An intermediate solution would be to reuse nix's Errno struct, perhaps with your own trait sugar on top.
so this would need another argument
I'd say it would be better to have different methods: one for negative sentinel values and one for positive sentinel values.

How can one set up persistent collaborating objects in DigitalMicrograph via scripting?

I have come to really appreciate the benefits of using objects to deploy a given application within the DigitalMicrograph environment via the DMS language. The object-oriented approach opens the door to the use of reusable design patterns involving collaborating objects, e.g. Model-View-Controller (MVC). However, objects within DM seem to be highly volatile due to the use of automatic reference counting to manage their life cycles. In order for an MVC trio, or any other set of collaborating objects, to stay alive long enough to be useful, at least one of them must be rooted in a non-volatile object managed by the DM application. So far, the only such objects I have come across within DM are those based on the UIFrame class (i.e. modeless dialogs and UI palettes). For MVC implementations, this works out fine since it makes sense to implement the View as a UIFrame object. It's just a bit unconventional in that the View object becomes the root object that keeps the MVC trio alive and functioning. Normally it is the Controller object that is rooted in the application and manages the Model and View objects. But what about design patterns that do not involve UI? Is there any (acceptable) way to give a set of collaborating objects persistence without rooting them in a UIFrame object? Are there other application-rooted object types that can serve this purpose? I assume setting up a reference cycle would not be an acceptable approach due to the inevitable risk of memory leaks.
The third, and by far the best and cleanest solution is to launch your object as a 'listener' to some event. As you are looking for an object which should stay in scope as long as DigitalMicrograph is open, its possibly best to listen to the application itself. By listening for the "about_to_close" message you also get the ideal handle to properly release all resources before shutdown. The code is the following:
From my 3 answers this is the one I would use. (The others should just illustrate options.)
class MyPermanentObject
MyPermanentObject( object self ) { result("created MyPermanentObject :"+self.ScriptObjectGetID()+"\n");}
~MyPermanentObject( object self ) { result("killed MyPermanentObject :"+self.ScriptObjectGetID()+"\n");}
void DeInitialize( object self, number eventFlags, object appObj )
OKDialog( "The application is closing now. Deinitialize stuff properly!" );
object listener = Alloc( MyPermanentObject )
ApplicationAddEventListener( listener, "application_about_to_close:DeInitialize" )
I can think of various ways to get this persistence, but the one which jumped to mind first was to launch one object into a background thread, like in the example below. The actual background thread can check every so often if the object should still remain, and by sharing the object ID with the outside world, other objects (which don't have to be persistent) can access the "anchored" object.
A word of warning though: If you keep things in memory like this, you have to be careful when closing DigitalMicrograph. If the object hangs on to some items DM wants to destroy, you might see errors or crashes at the end.
// This is the object "anchored". It will remain in memory, because we launch it on a separate thread.
// On this thread, it loops until a variable is set to false (or until SHIFT is pressed)
Class IPersist : Thread
number keepme
IPersist( object self ) { result("created IPersist:"+self.ScriptObjectGetID()+"\n");}
~IPersist( object self ) { result("killed IPersist:"+self.ScriptObjectGetID()+"\n\n\n\n");}
void CallFromOutside( object self ) { Result( "\t IPersist can be used!\n" ); }
void StopFromOutside( object self ) { keepme = 0; }
void RunThread( object self )
keepme = 1
Result( "\t Called once at start.\n")
While( keepme && !ShiftDown() ) yield()
Result( "\t Finished.\n")
// Just and example class used to access the 'anchored' object
Class SomethingElse
number keepID
SomethingElse( object self ) { result("created SomethingElse:"+self.ScriptObjectGetID()+"\n");}
~SomethingElse( object self ) { result("killed SomethingElse:"+self.ScriptObjectGetID()+"\n");}
void SetKeepID( object self, number id ) { keepID = id; }
void CallOut( object self )
result( "SomethingElse object is accessing CallOut...\n" )
object p = GetScriptObjectFromID( keepID )
if ( p.ScriptObjectIsValid() )
void CallStop( object self )
result( "SomethingElse object is accessing CallOut...\n" )
object p = GetScriptObjectFromID( keepID )
if ( p.ScriptObjectIsValid() )
// Main script. Create object on separate thread. Then feed it's ID as "weak reference" into the second object.
object ob = Alloc(IPersist)
object other = Alloc(SomethingElse)
other.SetKeepID( ob.ScriptObjectGetID() )
If ( TwoButtonDialog( "You can either stop IPerstis now, or by pressing SHIFT later.", "Stop now", "later" ) )
An alternative way would be to have two objects keep references of each other. This is a deadlock-situation one would normally rather avoid, but for the purpose of anchoring it works as well. No object can go out of scope until you release one on purpose.
Again, it is your responsibility to 'release' things when you want a proper shutdown of the system.
The code for the deadlock-situation is rather slim:
class SelfLock
object partner
SelfLock( object self ) { result("created SelfLock:"+self.ScriptObjectGetID()+"\n");}
~SelfLock( object self ) { result("killed SelfLock:"+self.ScriptObjectGetID()+"\n");}
void SetPartner(object self, object p) { partner = p; }
void ReleasePartner(object self) { partner = NULL; }
object p1 = Alloc(SelfLock)
object p2 = Alloc(SelfLock)
if ( TwoButtonDialog( "Release partner", "Yes", "No keep locked" ) )

Binary Tree in Objective-C

I am learning algorithms and data structures and to train I am trying to design and implement a binary tree using objective-c.
So far I have the following Classes:
main - for testing
Node - node of tree
BinaryTree - for all methods related to the tree
One of the first methods in BinaryTree class I implemented is insertNode:forRoot:.
- (void)insertNodeByRef:(Node **)node forRoot:(Node **)root{
if (head == NULL) {
head = *node;
// Case 2 root is null so can assign the value of the node to it
if (root == NULL) {
root = node;
} else {
if ( > { // to the right
[self insertNode:node forRoot:root.right];
} else if ( < { //or to the left
[self insertNode:node forRoot:root.left];
Where the interface of Node class looks like:
#interface Node : NSObject
#property(nonatomic, assign) int data;
#property(nonatomic, strong) Node * right;
#property(nonatomic, strong) Node * left;
My problem is that I don't know how to access the Node class member variables if I am passing Node as a reference. Whenever I try to access the node properties (like data, left or right) I am getting the following error message:
Member reference base type 'Node *__autoreleasing *' is not a structure or union
So my questions is:
how can I access those properties (data, left or right) and use them to store either int data or reference to another Node?
Hope it makes sense. Thanks!
Your code is mixing two common approaches to the task, hence the problem. You are also using an abstract data type (ADT) type approach, rather than an object-oriented one, so there are three approaches to consider.
In both ADT approaches your tree is represented by a reference to its root, in Objective-C this is probably stored in an instance variable:
Node *TreeRoot;
Note also that both of these algorithms use field references, a->b, rather than property references, a.b - this is because the former references a variable and the second algorithm requires passing a reference to a variable.
Functional ADT: Pass-by-value and assign result
In this approach a node is inserted into a tree and a modified tree is returned which is assigned back, e.g. the top-level call to insert a Node nodeToInsert would be:
TreeRoot = insertNode(nodeToInsert, TreeRoot);
and the insertNode function looks like:
Node *insertNode(Node *node, Node *root)
if(root == nil)
{ // empty tree - return the insert node
return node;
{ // non-empty tree, insert into left or right subtree
if(node->data > root->data) // to the right
root->right = insertNode(node, root->right);
else if(node->data < root->data)//or to the left
root->left = insertNode(node, root->left);
// tree modified if needed, return the root
return root;
Note that in this approach in the case of a non-empty (sub)tree the algorithm performs a redundant assignment into a variable - the assigned value is what is already in the variable... Because of this some people prefer:
Procedural ADT: Pass-by-reference
In this approach the variable holding the root of the (sub)tree is passed-by-reference, rather than its value being passed, and is modified by the called procedure as needed. E.g. the top-level call would be:
insertNode(nodeToInsert, &TreeRoot); // & -> pass the variable, not its value
and the insertNode procedure looks like:
void insertNode(Node *node, Node **root)
if(*root == nil)
{ // empty tree - insert node
*root = node;
{ // non-empty tree, insert into left or right subtree
Node *rootNode = *root;
if(node->data > rootNode->data) // to the right
insertNode(node, &rootNode->right);
else if(node->data < rootNode->data)//or to the left
insertNode(node, &root->left);
You can now see that your method is a mixture of the above two approaches. Both are valid, but as you are using Objective-C it might be better to take the third approach:
Object-Oriented ADT
This is a variation of the procedural ADT - rather than pass a variable to a procedure the variable, now called an object, owns a method which updates itself. Doing it this way means you must test for an empty (sub)tree before you make a call to insert a node, while the previous two approaches test in the call. So now we have the method in Node:
- (void) insert:(Node *)node
if( > // using properties, could also use fields ->
if(self.right != nil)
[self.right insert:node];
self.right = node;
else if( <
if(self.left != nil)
[self.left insert:node];
self.left = node;
You also need to change the top level call to do the same test for an empty tree:
if(TreeRoot != nil)
[TreeRoot insert:nodeToInsert];
TreeRoot = nodeToInsert;
And a final note - if you are using MRC, rather than ARC or GC, for memory management you'll need to insert the appropriate retain/release calls.
Hope that helps you sort things out.
First of all, don't write your methods to take Node **. It's just confusing.
Second, think about how it should work. Describe to yourself how it should work at a pretty abstract level. Translate that description directly into code, inventing new (not-yet-written!) messages where necessary. If there are steps you don't know how to do yet, just punt those off to new messages you'll write later. I'll walk you through it.
Presumably you want the public API of BinaryTree to include this message:
#interface BinaryTree
- (void)insertValue:(int)value;
So how do you implement insertValue:? Pretend you're the BinaryTree object. What's your high-level description of what you need to do to insert a value? You want to create a new Node. Then you want to insert that new Node into yourself. Translate that description directly into code:
#implementation BinaryTree {
Node *root_; // root node, or nil for an empty tree
- (void)insertValue:(int)value {
Node *node = [[Node alloc] initWithData:value];
[self insertNode:node];
Now think about how you do the inserting. Well, if you are an empty tree, your root_ is nil and you can just set it to the new node. Otherwise, you can just ask your root node to insert the new node under himself. Translate that description directly into code:
- (void)insertNode:(Node *)node {
if (root_ == nil) {
root_ = node;
} else {
[root_ insertNode:node];
Now pretend you're a Node. You've been asked to insert a new Node under yourself. How do you do it? You have to compare the new node's value to your value. If the new node's value is less than your value, you want to insert the new node on your left side. Otherwise, you want to insert it on your right side. Translate that description directly into code:
#implementation Node
- (void)insertNode:(Node *)node {
if ( < {
[self insertNodeOnLeftSide:node];
} else {
[self insertNodeOnRightSide:node];
Now you're still a Node, and you've been asked to insert a new node on your left side. How do you do it? Well, if you don't have a child on your left side yet, just use the new node as your left child. Otherwise, you ask your left child to insert the new node under himself. Translate that description directly into code:
- (void)insertNodeOnLeftSide:(Node *)node {
if (self.left == nil) {
self.left = node;
} else {
[self.left insertNode:node];
I'll leave the implementation of insertNodeOnRightSide: as an exercise for the reader. ;^)
Your code, in my opinion, has a lot of logic errors. Maybe consider reviewing what a pointer-to-pointer is to insure you're designing the desired effect. Likewise, you need to dereference node/root to access them in normal state. Otherwise, the error is valid, Node** is not type of structure or union.
(Node **)node is a pointer to an object pointer so node.something is invalid because you are a reference to far away from the object.
But (*node).something will work.
Addition for comments :
When you originally call this method : -(void)insertNodeByRef:(Node **)node forRoot:(Node **)root how do you call it?
From the error you've post in your comment it look to me that you are doing :
Node *n = [[Node alloc] init];
[aNode insertNodeByRef:n forRoot:aRoot];
when your method signature state that you need to call it like this :
[aNode insertNodeByRef:&n forRoot:&aRoot];
To pass the address of the pointer to the object.
I'm saying this because your error is now stating that your are sending Node * instead of Node ** which are 2 different thing. (( Incompatible pointer types sending 'Node *' to parameter of type 'Node **' ) I've remove the __autoreleasing between the 2 *, it was obscuring the error message.)
So in other word you are passing a pointer to an object when your method is asking for a pointer TO A pointer to an object.