Binary Tree in Objective-C - objective-c

I am learning algorithms and data structures and to train I am trying to design and implement a binary tree using objective-c.
So far I have the following Classes:
main - for testing
Node - node of tree
BinaryTree - for all methods related to the tree
One of the first methods in BinaryTree class I implemented is insertNode:forRoot:.
- (void)insertNodeByRef:(Node **)node forRoot:(Node **)root{
if (head == NULL) {
head = *node;
// Case 2 root is null so can assign the value of the node to it
if (root == NULL) {
root = node;
} else {
if ( > { // to the right
[self insertNode:node forRoot:root.right];
} else if ( < { //or to the left
[self insertNode:node forRoot:root.left];
Where the interface of Node class looks like:
#interface Node : NSObject
#property(nonatomic, assign) int data;
#property(nonatomic, strong) Node * right;
#property(nonatomic, strong) Node * left;
My problem is that I don't know how to access the Node class member variables if I am passing Node as a reference. Whenever I try to access the node properties (like data, left or right) I am getting the following error message:
Member reference base type 'Node *__autoreleasing *' is not a structure or union
So my questions is:
how can I access those properties (data, left or right) and use them to store either int data or reference to another Node?
Hope it makes sense. Thanks!

Your code is mixing two common approaches to the task, hence the problem. You are also using an abstract data type (ADT) type approach, rather than an object-oriented one, so there are three approaches to consider.
In both ADT approaches your tree is represented by a reference to its root, in Objective-C this is probably stored in an instance variable:
Node *TreeRoot;
Note also that both of these algorithms use field references, a->b, rather than property references, a.b - this is because the former references a variable and the second algorithm requires passing a reference to a variable.
Functional ADT: Pass-by-value and assign result
In this approach a node is inserted into a tree and a modified tree is returned which is assigned back, e.g. the top-level call to insert a Node nodeToInsert would be:
TreeRoot = insertNode(nodeToInsert, TreeRoot);
and the insertNode function looks like:
Node *insertNode(Node *node, Node *root)
if(root == nil)
{ // empty tree - return the insert node
return node;
{ // non-empty tree, insert into left or right subtree
if(node->data > root->data) // to the right
root->right = insertNode(node, root->right);
else if(node->data < root->data)//or to the left
root->left = insertNode(node, root->left);
// tree modified if needed, return the root
return root;
Note that in this approach in the case of a non-empty (sub)tree the algorithm performs a redundant assignment into a variable - the assigned value is what is already in the variable... Because of this some people prefer:
Procedural ADT: Pass-by-reference
In this approach the variable holding the root of the (sub)tree is passed-by-reference, rather than its value being passed, and is modified by the called procedure as needed. E.g. the top-level call would be:
insertNode(nodeToInsert, &TreeRoot); // & -> pass the variable, not its value
and the insertNode procedure looks like:
void insertNode(Node *node, Node **root)
if(*root == nil)
{ // empty tree - insert node
*root = node;
{ // non-empty tree, insert into left or right subtree
Node *rootNode = *root;
if(node->data > rootNode->data) // to the right
insertNode(node, &rootNode->right);
else if(node->data < rootNode->data)//or to the left
insertNode(node, &root->left);
You can now see that your method is a mixture of the above two approaches. Both are valid, but as you are using Objective-C it might be better to take the third approach:
Object-Oriented ADT
This is a variation of the procedural ADT - rather than pass a variable to a procedure the variable, now called an object, owns a method which updates itself. Doing it this way means you must test for an empty (sub)tree before you make a call to insert a node, while the previous two approaches test in the call. So now we have the method in Node:
- (void) insert:(Node *)node
if( > // using properties, could also use fields ->
if(self.right != nil)
[self.right insert:node];
self.right = node;
else if( <
if(self.left != nil)
[self.left insert:node];
self.left = node;
You also need to change the top level call to do the same test for an empty tree:
if(TreeRoot != nil)
[TreeRoot insert:nodeToInsert];
TreeRoot = nodeToInsert;
And a final note - if you are using MRC, rather than ARC or GC, for memory management you'll need to insert the appropriate retain/release calls.
Hope that helps you sort things out.

First of all, don't write your methods to take Node **. It's just confusing.
Second, think about how it should work. Describe to yourself how it should work at a pretty abstract level. Translate that description directly into code, inventing new (not-yet-written!) messages where necessary. If there are steps you don't know how to do yet, just punt those off to new messages you'll write later. I'll walk you through it.
Presumably you want the public API of BinaryTree to include this message:
#interface BinaryTree
- (void)insertValue:(int)value;
So how do you implement insertValue:? Pretend you're the BinaryTree object. What's your high-level description of what you need to do to insert a value? You want to create a new Node. Then you want to insert that new Node into yourself. Translate that description directly into code:
#implementation BinaryTree {
Node *root_; // root node, or nil for an empty tree
- (void)insertValue:(int)value {
Node *node = [[Node alloc] initWithData:value];
[self insertNode:node];
Now think about how you do the inserting. Well, if you are an empty tree, your root_ is nil and you can just set it to the new node. Otherwise, you can just ask your root node to insert the new node under himself. Translate that description directly into code:
- (void)insertNode:(Node *)node {
if (root_ == nil) {
root_ = node;
} else {
[root_ insertNode:node];
Now pretend you're a Node. You've been asked to insert a new Node under yourself. How do you do it? You have to compare the new node's value to your value. If the new node's value is less than your value, you want to insert the new node on your left side. Otherwise, you want to insert it on your right side. Translate that description directly into code:
#implementation Node
- (void)insertNode:(Node *)node {
if ( < {
[self insertNodeOnLeftSide:node];
} else {
[self insertNodeOnRightSide:node];
Now you're still a Node, and you've been asked to insert a new node on your left side. How do you do it? Well, if you don't have a child on your left side yet, just use the new node as your left child. Otherwise, you ask your left child to insert the new node under himself. Translate that description directly into code:
- (void)insertNodeOnLeftSide:(Node *)node {
if (self.left == nil) {
self.left = node;
} else {
[self.left insertNode:node];
I'll leave the implementation of insertNodeOnRightSide: as an exercise for the reader. ;^)

Your code, in my opinion, has a lot of logic errors. Maybe consider reviewing what a pointer-to-pointer is to insure you're designing the desired effect. Likewise, you need to dereference node/root to access them in normal state. Otherwise, the error is valid, Node** is not type of structure or union.

(Node **)node is a pointer to an object pointer so node.something is invalid because you are a reference to far away from the object.
But (*node).something will work.
Addition for comments :
When you originally call this method : -(void)insertNodeByRef:(Node **)node forRoot:(Node **)root how do you call it?
From the error you've post in your comment it look to me that you are doing :
Node *n = [[Node alloc] init];
[aNode insertNodeByRef:n forRoot:aRoot];
when your method signature state that you need to call it like this :
[aNode insertNodeByRef:&n forRoot:&aRoot];
To pass the address of the pointer to the object.
I'm saying this because your error is now stating that your are sending Node * instead of Node ** which are 2 different thing. (( Incompatible pointer types sending 'Node *' to parameter of type 'Node **' ) I've remove the __autoreleasing between the 2 *, it was obscuring the error message.)
So in other word you are passing a pointer to an object when your method is asking for a pointer TO A pointer to an object.


How does lower level module and higher level module communicate in golang

In the following code, I have a lower level module RelationshipBrowser defined a FindAllChildrenOf method and I have a struct Relationships that has the property relations which is a slice and another struct named Research which as the property browser. I declared a receiver function FindAllChildrenOf for Relationships and another receiver function Investigate for Research, I think my question is, when I implement the logics in the function Investigate it's clearly calling the browser interface to trigger the function FindAllChildrenOf and go automatically knows that I am referring to type Relationship. My confusion is, how does RelationshipBrowser and Relationships connect in this context while they seem to have no connection?
const (
Parent Relationship = iota
type Person struct {
name string
type Info struct{
from *Person
relatiionship Relationship
to *Person
// low-level module
type RelationshipBrowser interface{
FindAllChildrenOf(name string)[]*Person
type Relationships struct{
relations []Info
func (r *Relationships)AddParentAndChild(parent,child *Person){
r.relations = append(r.relations, Info{parent,Parent,child})
r.relations = append(r.relations, Info{child,Child,parent})
func (r *Relationships)FindAllChildrenOf(name string)[]*Person{
result:= make([]*Person,0)
for i,v:= range r.relations{
if v.relatiionship == Parent &&{
result = append(result, r.relations[i].to)
return result
// high-level module
type Research struct{
// break DIP
// relationships Relationships
browser RelationshipBrowser
func (r *Research)Investigate(){
// relations:= r.relationships.relations
// for _, rel := range relations{
// if == "John" && rel.relatiionship == Parent{
// fmt.Println("John has a child called",
// }
// }
for _,child:=range children{
fmt.Println("John has a child called",
func main(){
parent:= Person{"John"}
child1:= Person{"Chris"}
child2:= Person{"Matt"}
relationships:= Relationships{}
r := Research{&relationships}
go automatically knows that I am referring to type Relationship.
Yes, because Go knows the exact address of the RelationshipBrowser, so it can know everything if it want.
You can know everything too, through the reflection, see
In your code, you explicitly pass the address here:
r := Research{&relationships}
RelationshipBrowser and Relationships connect together by this address, because Research think of it as a RelationshipBrowser, but it's actually a Relationships.
I just figured out that by calling r.Investigate, the program knows I am referring to the Relationship struct. I am still a go beginner, so the learning curve is deep.

Save LinkedList to Parse Server

I'm trying to build a Single Linked List using Parse PFObjects. Each PFObject has a pointer to the next object in the list. I can pin them locally, but I'm having an issue when saving them to Parse Server.
The problem start here:
+ (BFTask *)_deepSaveAsyncChildrenOfObject:(id)object withCurrentUser:(PFUser *)currentUser sessionToken:(NSString *)sessionToken;
// This saves all of the objects and files reachable from the given object.
// It does its work in multiple waves, saving as many as possible in each wave.
// If there's ever an error, it just gives up, sets error, and returns NO;
When trying to save the first object in the list, it will access the child (next object) and try to save that one first. As the child (next object) has also a pointer to the next object in list, this will keep happening until the last object in the list.
This succeeds for small amount of objects (<200) but once we are handling linked list with large amounts of objects, there is a crash in here:
Finds all of the objects that are reachable from child, including child itself,
and adds them to the given mutable array. It traverses arrays and json objects.
#param node An kind object to search for children.
#param dirtyChildren The array to collect the result into.
#param seen The set of all objects that have already been seen.
#param seenNew The set of new objects that have already been seen since the
last existing object.
+ (BOOL)collectDirtyChildren:(id)node
children:(NSMutableSet *)dirtyChildren
files:(NSMutableSet *)dirtyFiles
seen:(NSSet *)seen
seenNew:(NSSet *)seenNew
currentUser:(PFUser *)currentUser
error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error
This method is called by deepSaveAsyncChildrenOfObject to build a NSSet of the children objects that must be saved too.
#synchronized ([object lock]) {
// Check for cycles of new objects. Any such cycle means it will be
// impossible to save this collection of objects, so throw an exception.
if (object.objectId) {
seenNew = [NSSet set];
} else {
if ([seenNew containsObject:object] && error) {
*error = [PFErrorUtilities errorWithCode:kPFErrorInvalidPointer
message:#"Found a circular dependency when saving."];
return NO;
// 🚨CRASH: Thread 160: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x70000fc80f38)
seenNew = [seenNew setByAddingObject:object];
// Check for cycles of any object. If this occurs, then there's no
// problem, but we shouldn't recurse any deeper, because it would be
// an infinite recursion.
if ([seen containsObject:object]) {
return YES;
seen = [seen setByAddingObject:object];
// Recurse into this object's children looking for dirty children.
// We only need to look at the child object's current estimated data,
// because that's the only data that might need to be saved now.
toSearch = [object._estimatedData.dictionaryRepresentation copy];
So, this could be avoided by saving the PFObjects without saving its children, is there any way to do this? Or is there any workaround to save linked lists to Parse Server, maybe by using Cloud Code, or modifying the data model?

Binary Search Tree Inorder Traversal

I am confused by this code:
void in_order_traversal_iterative(BinaryTree *root) {
stack<BinaryTree*> s;
BinaryTree *current = root;
while (!s.empty() || current) {
if (current) {
current = current->left;
} else {
current =;
cout << current->data << " ";
current = current->right;
We set a pointer to point to root. Then if it exists, then push the current (which is root currently) into the stack. I do not see why we push the whole tree into the stack initially, instead of just the value of the data the node holds. Am I missing something completely or not understanding why it would work this way? I cannot comprehend why we push the whole tree in, rather than a single node...
You're missing the fact that after a node is popped, its right child must still be traversed:
current =;
cout << current->data << " ";
current = current->right;
If you had only the data on the stack, this would be impossible. The loop invariant is that the stack holds exactly those nodes with un-traversed right children.
Another way to see what's going on is to transform the recursive traversal to the iterative by algebra:
traverse(node) {
if (node) {
First convert the tail call to iteration. We do this by updating the argument and replacing the recursive call with a goto the start of the function:
traverse(node) {
if (node) {
node = node->right;
goto start;
The goto and if are the same as a while, so we have so far
traverse(node) {
while (node) {
node = node->right;
Replacing the other recursive call requires us to simulate the call stack of the compiler's runtime environment. We do that with an explicit stack.
traverse(node) {
while (node) {
stack.push(node); // save the value of the argument.
node = node->left; // redefine it the same way the recursive call would have
goto start; // simulate the recursive call
// recursive call was here; it's gone now!
recursive_return: // branch here to simulate return from recursive call
node = node->right;
// simulate the recursive return: if stack has args, restore and go to return site
if (!stack.empty()) {
node = stack.pop(); // restore the saved parameter value
goto recursive_return;
Though it's ugly, this is a way that always works to implement iterative versions of recursive code. (It's more complicated if there are multiple non-tail recursive calls, but not much.) And I'm sure you can see the similarity to your code.
We can even get rid of the ugliness with more algebra. First, it's not hard to see this code:
while (node) {
stack.push(node); // save the value of the argument.
node = node->left; // redefine it the same way the recursive call would have
goto start; // simulate the recursive call
when executed beginning with start is equivalent to
while (node) {
stack.push(node); // save the value of the argument.
node = node->left; // redefine it the same way the recursive call would have
We can also replace
if (!stack.empty()) {
node = stack.pop(); // restore the saved parameter value
goto recursive_return;
with the following
if (!stack.empty()) {
node = stack.pop(); // restore the saved parameter value
node = node->right;
goto start;
We have merely copied the three instructions after recursive_return: into the if body.
With this, there is no way left to arrive at the recursive_return label, so we can delete it along with the two following statements:
// Dead code! Delete me!
node = node->right;
We now have:
traverse(node) {
while (node) {
stack.push(node); // save the value of the argument.
node = node->left; // redefine it the same way the recursive call would have
if (!stack.empty()) {
node = stack.pop(); // restore the saved parameter value
node = node->right;
goto start;
We can get rid of the last goto start by replacing it with an endless loop:
traverse(node) {
loop {
while (node) {
stack.push(node); // save the value of the argument
node = node->left; // redefine it the same way the recursive call would have
if (stack.empty()) break; // original code returns, so does this!
node = stack.pop(); // restore the saved parameter value
node = node->right;
Note we are returning under the same conditions as the previous code: the stack is empty!
I will let you prove to yourself that this code does the same as what you presented, only it's a bit more efficient because it avoids some comparisons! We never had to reason at all about pointers and stack elements. It "just happened."
It's not pushing the whole tree into the stack, it pushes the left-most part of the tree. Then it begin to pop the elements and push their right-most counterparts, in ascending order.

How to use "enumerateChildNodesWithName" with Swift in SpriteKit?

I'm using Swift to make a game in SpriteKit.
In Objective-C I could use the following method:
(void)enumerateChildNodesWithName:(NSString *)name usingBlock:(void (^)(SKNode *node, BOOL *stop))block
to perform actions on that *node, but I can't get this function working in Swift. Basically, I don't know how to reference that node in Swift.
This is the code I'm using, but I'm having trouble with the "usingBlock:" part. I've tried many things for many hours, but have not succeeded. Help please!
func spawnEnemy() -> () {
let enemy = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "enemy") = "enemy"
enemy.position = CGPointMake(100, 100)
func checkCollisions() -> () {
self.enumerateChildNodesWithName("enemy", usingBlock: ((SKNode!, CMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void)?)
For now, don't trust autocomplete to insert the code you need — it drops in signatures from the "header", but a block signature is not the same as the declaration you need when inserting your own closure for a block parameter.
The formal way to write a closure would be to replicate the signature inside braces, adding local parameter names and using the in keyword to mark the start of the closure body:
self.enumerateChildNodesWithName("enemy", usingBlock: {
(node: SKNode!, stop: UnsafeMutablePointer <ObjCBool>) -> Void in
// do something with node or stop
But Swift's type inference means you don't have to write that much. Instead, you can just name the parameters, because their type (as well as the closure's return type) is known:
self.enumerateChildNodesWithName("enemy", usingBlock: {
node, stop in
// do something with node or stop
You can also use trailing closure syntax:
self.enumerateChildNodesWithName("enemy") {
node, stop in
// do something with node or stop
(You can even drop the local parameter names and refer to parameters by position — e.g. $0 for node — but here isn't a great place to do that because it makes your code far less readable. It's best to reserve $0 and friends for closures where it's blindingly obvious what the parameters are, like the closures you use with map and sort.)
See Closures in The Swift Programming Language for further explanation.
Also, because stop is an UnsafeMutablePointer, the syntax for using it is a bit different than in ObjC: set stop.memory = true to break out of enumeration.

Overriding a setter method, and getting info out

I have a setter method (setMinimumNumberOfSides) that I want to override after using synthesize. In it, I'm putting in a constraint on the instance variable to make sure the int is within certain bounds.
Later in a custom init method, I'm setting another instance variable (numberOfSides), but I need to make sure minimumNumberOfSides and maximumNumberOfSides was set properly within bounds. I tried changing the return value on the setter to a BOOL, so I could pass back a YES or NO if it succeeded/failed, but that created a conflicting method, I'm guessing because I'm using synthesize and overriding the setter.
How can I get the info out easily to check to see if the setter was called and returned successfully?
if ((sides < maximumNumberOfSides) && (sides > minimumNumberOfSides))
numberOfSides = sides;
NSLog (#"Invalid number of sides: %d is outside the constraints allowed", sides);
if (minimum > 2)
minimumNumberOfSides = minimum;
if (maximum <= 12)
maximumNumberOfSides = maximum;
-(id)initWithNumberOfSides:(int)sides minimumNumberOfSides:(int)min maximumNumberOfSides:(int)max
if (self = [super init])
self.minimumNumberOfSides = min;
self.maximumNumberOfSides = max;
self.numberOfSides = sides;
return self;
You don't have to synthesize numberOfSides if you're planning on implementing the getter and setter. Without #synthesize numberOfSides you can return a BOOL if you choose. You'll need to declare the getter/setter in your interface accordingly.
BTW, another approach would be to use the synthesized getter/setter and add a separate method -(BOOL)isNumberOfSidesValid which performs this check.
In a situation like this, you may be better off using a simple call to assert(), or throwing an exception.
The choice will depend on how you see this class being used. If it will be part of a library, and you expect other developers to frequently supply incorrect values for minimumNumberOfSides or maximumNumberOfSides, you should probably throw a proper exception.
A word of warning, though. If you expect the users of your application to frequently supply incorrect values, then an exception is a bad idea. Exception handling in Objective-C is an expensive operation. If these checks are in place for the sake of the user, you should perform input validation, and report errors to the user in a much more friendly manner.
edit: Here is some quick sample code:
if (minimum <= 2)
[NSException raise:#"invalid minimumNumberOfSides value"
format:#"value of %d is too low (must be > 2)", minimum];
minimumNumberOfSides = minimum;
edit: Here is another SO question that goes into detail about exception handling in Objective-C.