Extracting lines from a file if a certain substring is present - awk

I have a file that looks like:
I want to extract only those lines where ID in third column is greater than 1 so the expected output becomes:
The bash script I have take care of removing either ID=1 or ID=0 but I don't know how to do it together. This is what I have:
awk '$3 !~ /^ID=1;/' file.txt > output.txt
But this gives me an output:
How can I add ID=0 in my bash statement above? Insights will be appreciated.

It's a bit fragile, but you could try:
$ cat input
$ awk '$2>1' FS='[=;]' input
That is, split the line on the = and ; so that the number you're looking to compare is in field 2.

awk '$3 !~ /^ID=1;/' file.txt > output.txt
How it works
Your AWK command (anything between the quotes) works like a filter.
$3 !~ // filters by a condition on the 3rd field ($3). The condition is a not matching (!~) regular expression (between the slashes //).
^ID=1; is a regular expression matching all lines starting with (^) ID=1.
Adjust the regex
As Charles Duffy commented you could simply change the constant literal pattern ID=1 for a more flexible one like either of those:
ID=[01]; the ID can be any char inside character-set (the set inside square brackets []), so either 0 or 1
similar set defined as range: ID=[0-1]; (from 0 to 1)
or even distinct alternatives ID=(0|1); whereas alternatives are listed in a group (wrapped inside parentheses) separated by a pipe symbol (| often meaning logical-OR)
All above will match 2 cases.

The expression is a regular expression so you can use:
awk '$3 !~ /^ID=[01];/' file.txt > output.txt

Here is a way to do numerical comparison by stripping out all unwanted characters from last field:
awk '{val=$NF; gsub(/(^|.*;)ID=|;.*/, "", val)} val+0 > 1' file
This will also work correctly for input like this:

Another possibility with awk could be:
awk '$NF ~ /^ID=[[:digit:]]+/ {split($NF,a,/=|;/);if (a[1]=="ID" && a[2] > 1) print $0}' file
Initial condition: only if last field begins by the sequence
of characteres of the regexp /^ID=[[:digit:]]+/
action: split the field with the separator = or ; and then check the condition (a[1]=="ID" && a[2] > 1) If true, print the current line.


split based on the last dot and create a new column with the last part of the string

I have a file with 2 columns. In the first column, there are several strings (IDs) and in the second values. In the strings, there are a number of dots that can be variable. I would like to split these strings based on the last dot. I found in the forum how remove the last past after the last dot, but I don't want to remove it. I would like to create a new column with the last part of the strings, using bash command (e.g. awk)
Example of strings:
5_8S_A.3-C_1.A 50
6_FS_B.L.3-O_1.A 20
H.YU-201.D 80
UI-LP.56.2011.A 10
Example of output:
5_8S_A.3-C_1 A 50
6_FS_B.L.3-O_1 A 20
H.YU-201 D 80
UI-LP.56.2011 A 10
I tried to solve it by using the following command but it works if I have just 1 dot in the string:
awk -F' ' '{{split($1, arr, "."); print arr[1] "\t" arr[2] "\t" $2}}' file.txt
You may use this sed:
sed -E 's/^([[:blank:]]*[^[:blank:]]+)\.([^[:blank:]]+)/\1 \2/' file
5_8S_A.3-C_1 A 50
6_FS_B.L.3-O_1 A 20
H.YU-201 D 80
UI-LP.56.2011 A 10
^: Start
([[:blank:]]*[^[:blank:]]+): Capture group #2 to match 0 or more whitespaces followed by 1+ non-whitespace characters.
\.: Match a dot. Since this regex pattern is greedy it will match until last dot
([^[:blank:]]+): Capture group #2 to match 1+ non-whitespace characters
\1 \2: Replacement to place a space between capture value #1 and capture value #2
each line consists of two (white) space delimited fields
first field contains at least one period (.)
Sticking with OP's desire (?) to use awk:
awk '
{ n=split($1,arr,".") # split first field on period (".")
for (i=1;i<n;i++) { # print all but the nth array entry
printf "%s%s",pfx,arr[i]
print "\t" arr[n] "\t" $2} # print last array entry and last field of line
' file.txt
Removing comments and reducing to a one-liner:
awk '{n=split($1,arr,"."); pfx=""; for (i=1;i<n;i++) {printf "%s%s",pfx,arr[i]; pfx="."}; print "\t" arr[n] "\t" $2}' file.txt
This generates:
5_8S_A.3-C_1 A 50
6_FS_B.L.3-O_1 A 20
H.YU-201 D 80
UI-LP.56.2011 A 10
With your shown samples, here is one more variant of rev + awk solution.
rev Input_file | awk '{sub(/\./,OFS)} 1' | rev
Explanation: Simple explanation would be, using rev to print reverse order(from last character to first character) for each line, then sending its output as a standard input to awk program where substituting first dot(which is last dot as per OP's shown samples only) with spaces and printing all lines. Then sending this output as a standard input to rev again to print output into correct order(to remove effect of 1st rev command here).
$ sed 's/\.\([^.]*$\)/\t\1/' file
5_8S_A.3-C_1 A 50
6_FS_B.L.3-O_1 A 20
H.YU-201 D 80
UI-LP.56.2011 A 10

Printing out a particular row based on condition in another row

apologies if this really basic stuff but i just started with awk
so i have an input file im piping into awk like below. format never changes (like below)
name: Jim
gender: male
age: 40
name: Joe
gender: female
age: 36
name: frank
gender: Male
age: 40
I'm trying to list all names where age is 40
I can find them like so
awk '$2 == "40" {print $2 }'
but cant figure out how to print the name
Could you please try following(I am driving as of now so couldn't test it).
awk '/^age/{if($NF==40){print val};val="";next} /^name/{val=$0}' Input_file
Explanation: 1st condition checking ^name if a line starts from it then store that line value in variable val. Then in other condition checking if a line starts from age; then checking uf that line's 2nd field is greater than 40 then print value if variable val and nullify it too.
Using gnu awk and set Record Selector to nothing makes it works with blocks.
awk -v RS="" '/age: 40/ {print $2}' file
Some shorter awk versions of suspectus and RavinderSingh13 post
awk '/^name/{n=$2} /^age/ && $NF==40 {print n}' file
awk '/^name/{n=$2} /^age: 40/ {print n}' file
If line starts with name, store the name in n
IF line starts with age and age is 40 print n
Awk knows the concept records and fields.
Files are split in records where consecutive records are split by the record separator RS. Each record is split in fields, where consecutive fields are split by the field separator FS.
By default, the record separator RS is set to be the <newline> character (\n) and thus each record is a line. The record separator has the following definition:
The first character of the string value of RS shall be the input record separator; a <newline> by default. If RS contains more than one character, the results are unspecified. If RS is null, then records are separated by sequences consisting of a <newline> plus one or more blank lines, leading or trailing blank lines shall not result in empty records at the beginning or end of the input, and a <newline> shall always be a field separator, no matter what the value of FS is.
So with the file format you give, we can define the records based on RS="".
So based on this, we can immediately list all records who have the line age: 40
$ awk 'BEGIN{RS="";ORS="\n\n"}/age: 40/
There are a couple of problems with the above line:
What if we have a person that is 400 yr old, he will be listed because the line /age: 400/ contains that the requested line.
What if we have a record with a typo stating age:40 or age : 40
What if our record has a line stating wage: 40 USD/min
To solve most of these problems, it is easier to work with well-defined fields in the record and build the key-value-pairs per record:
key value
name => Jim
gender => male
age => 40
and then, we can use this to select the requested information:
$ awk 'BEGIN{RS="";FS="\n"}
# build the record
{ delete rec;
for(i=1;i<=NF;++i) {
# find the first ":" and select key and value as substrings
j=index($i,":"); key=substr($i,1,j-1); value=substr($i,j+1)
# remove potential spaces from front and back
# store key-value pair
rec[key] = value
# select requested information and print
(rec["age"] == 40) { print rec["name"] }' file
This is not a one-liner, but it is robust. Furthermore, this method is fairly flexible and adaptable to make selections based on a more complex logic.
If you are not averse to using grep and the format is always the same:
cat filename | grep -B2 "age: 40" | grep -oP "(?<=name: ).*"
awk -F':' '/^name/{name=$2} \
/^age/{if ($NF==40)print name}' input_file

awk: identify column by condition, change value, and finally print all columns

I want to extract the value in each row of a file that comes after AA. I can do this like so:
awk -F'[;=|]' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i=="AA"){print toupper($(i+1));next}}'
This gives me the exact information I need and converts to uppercase, which is exactly what I want to do. How can I do this and then print the entire row with this altered value in its previous position? I am essentially trying to do a find and replace where the value is changed to uppercase.
Here is a sample input line:
11 128196 rs576393503 A G 100 PASS AC=453;AF=0.0904553;AN=5008;NS=2504;DP=5057;EAS_AF=0.0159;AMR_AF=0.0259;AFR_AF=0.3071;EUR_AF=0.006;SAS_AF=0.0072;AA=g|||;VT=SNP
and here is a how I would like the output to look:
11 128196 rs576393503 A G 100 PASS AC=453;AF=0.0904553;AN=5008;NS=2504;DP=5057;EAS_AF=0.0159;AMR_AF=0.0259;AFR_AF=0.3071;EUR_AF=0.006;SAS_AF=0.0072;AA=G|||;VT=SNP
All that has changed is the g after AA= is changed to uppercase.
Following awk may help you on same.
awk '
print substr($0,1,RSTART+2) toupper(substr($0,RSTART+3,RLENGTH-3)) substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)
' Input_file
With GNU sed and perl, using word boundaries
$ echo 'SAS_AF=0.0072;AA=g|||;VT=SNP' | sed 's/\bAA=[^;=|]*\b/\U&/'
$ echo 'SAS_AF=0.0072;AA=g|||;VT=SNP' | perl -pe 's/\bAA=[^;=|]*\b/\U$&/'
\U will uppercase string following it until end or \E or another case-modifier
use g modifier if there can be more than one match per line

Print rows that has numbers in it

this is my data - i've more than 1000rows . how to get only the the rec's with numbers in it.
Records | Num
123 | 7 Y1 91
7834 | 7PQ34-102
AB12AC|87 BWE 67
5690278| 80505312
7ER| 998
Output has to be
7ER| 998
5690278| 80505312
I'm new to linux programming, any help would be highly useful to me. thanks all
I would use awk:
awk -F'[[:space:]]*[|][[:space:]]*' '$2 ~ /^[[:digit:]]+$/'
If you want to print the number of lines deleted as you've been asking in comments, you may use this:
awk -F'[[:space:]]*[|][[:space:]]*' '
END{printf "%d lines deleted\n", c}' file
A short and simple GNU awk (gawk) script to filter lines with numbers in the second column (field), assuming a one-word field (e.g. 1234, or 12AB):
awk -F'|' '$2 ~ /\y[0-9]+\y/' file
We use the GNU extension for regexp operators, i.e. \y for matching the word boundary. Other than that, pretty straightforward: we split fields on | and look for isolated digits in the second field.
Edit: Since the question has been updated, and now explicitly allows for multiple words in the second field (e.g. 12 AB, 12-34, 12 34), to get lines with numbers and separators only in the second field:
awk -F'|' '$2 ~ /^[- 0-9]+$/' file
Alternatively, if we say only letters are forbidden in the second field, we can use:
awk -F'|' '$2 ~ /^[^a-zA-Z]+$/' file

Delete text before comma in a delimited field

I have a pipe delimited file where I want to remove all text before a comma in field 9.
Example line:
www.upstate.edu|upadhyap|Prashant K Upadhyaya, MD||General Surgery|http://www.upstate.edu/hospital/providers/doctors/?docID=upadhyap|Patricia J. Numann Center for Breast, Endocrine & Plastic Surgery|Upstate Specialty Services at Harrison Center|Suite D, 550 Harrison Street||Syracuse|NY|13202|
so the targeted field is: |Suite D, 550 Harrison Street|
and I want it to look like: |550 Harrison Street|
So far what I have tried has either deleted information from other fields (usually the name in field 3) or has had no effect.
The .awk script I have been trying to write looks like this:
mv $1 $1.bak4
cat $1.bak4 | awk -F "|" '{
gsub(/*,/,"", $9);
print $0
}' > $1
The pattern argument to gsub is a regex not a glob. Your * isn't matching what you expect it to. You want /.*,/ there. You are also going to need to OFS to | to keep that delimiter.
mv $1 $1.bak4
awk 'BEGIN{ FS = OFS = "|" }{ gsub(/.*,/,"",$9) } 1' $1.bak4 > $1
I also replaced the verbose print line you had with a true pattern (1) that uses the fact that the default action is print.