Alternative to ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING with sequence object - sql

I have the following query in PostgreSQL 9.5 but I need to translate it to not use ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING:
INSERT INTO grade(id, name, group_id)
SELECT nextval('hibernate_sequence') as id, name, ?
FROM grade
WHERE group_id = ?
Where only the id has UNIQUE constraint
I have been reading the similar questions and I understand that with LOCKS and WHERE NOT EXISTS this can be done. But I'm struggling on how to achieve this with the hibernate_sequence, to check if for the value given by nextval('hibernate_sequence') is already on the table.
If I try this, the second call to nextval will be returning a different value than the first right? even if is in the same query?
INSERT INTO grade(id, name, group_id)
SELECT nextval('hibernate_sequence') as id, name, ?
FROM grade
WHERE group_id = ? AND
NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM grade g1 WHERE = nextval('hibernate_sequence'))
And if I use currval, it ensures that will be returning the one getting on the SELECT or it could be other(if two queries run nextval at the same time).
Anything I could read to understand this?


Query ID for name, if not found insert name and return ID

I really struggle to find a efficient way in one postgresql script to ask for the id primary key where the name is X but if not found insert name X and returning id primary key. Im doing it from Python using psycopg2.
I have for simplicity a two col table. A primary key and a character name.
The code below works if it is found and returns me the ID.
SELECT part_id FROM parts WHERE part_name='testing2'
The code below works if it is not found and returns me the new ID
INSERT INTO parts(part_name)
SELECT 'testing2'
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM parts WHERE part_name='testing2')
I would like to have one call where the server checks everything instead of first asking for the key then checking if it returns anything then sending a new command where I insert the new name and extract the ID for the name.
I simple could not get any of kind of similar questions online to work. Somebody using IFs but could not get anything to work.
Thanks in advance
In Postgres you can use CTEs, which can include INSERT:
SELECT part_id
FROM parts
WHERE part_name = 'testing2'
i AS (
INSERT INTO parts (part_name)
SELECT 'testing2'
SELECT p.part_id FROM p
SELECT i.part_id FROM i;

Teradata - Insert new rows only

Can someone please tell me what is wrong with this insert statement?
I am trying to insert new rows into the USERS_AND_USAGE_STG2 table, from PERMS_STG2 table, if the combination of USER_ID, OBJECT, and DATE is not already present.
The USERS_AND_USAGE_STG2 has a unique key of DATE, USER_ID & OBJECT.
When I run the statement below, it errors with "INSERT Failed. 2801: Duplicate unique prime key error in....."
**I realize that Staging tables usually don't have Unique Keys, but it is telling me that my "Insert if not exists" isn't working correctly.
The code above is/was correct. I had a problem with my source data. #JNevill deserves the credit for pointing that out.

Delete duplicates with no primary key

Here want to delete rows with a duplicated column's value (Product) which will be then used as a primary key.
The column is of type nvarchar and we don't want to have 2 rows for one product.
The database is a large one with about thousands rows we need to remove.
During the query for all the duplicates, we want to keep the first item and remove the second one as the duplicate.
There is no primary key yet, and we want to make it after this activity of removing duplicates.
Then the Product columm could be our primary key.
The database is SQL Server CE.
I tried several methods, and mostly getting error similar to :
There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 2,Token line offset = 1,Token in error = FROM ]
A method which I tried :
FROM TblProducts w
SELECT Product
FROM TblProducts
GROUP BY Product
)Dup ON w.Product = Dup.Product
The preferred way trying to learn and adjust my code with something similar
(It's not correct yet):
SELECT Product, COUNT(*) TotalCount
FROM TblProducts
GROUP BY Product
;WITH cte -- These 3 lines are the lines I have more doubt on them
FROM Word)
If you have two DIFFERENT records with the same Product column, then you can SELECT the unwanted records with some criterion, e.g.
SELECT MAX(entryDate) AS date, Product, COUNT(*) AS dups FROM ProductsTable WHERE ...
GROUP BY Product HAVING dups > 1;
Then you can do a DELETE JOIN between ProductTable and Victims.
Or also you can select Product only, and then do a DELETE for some other JOIN condition, for example having an invalid CustomerId, or EntryDate NULL, or anything else. This works if you know that there is one and only one valid copy of Product, and all the others are recognizable by the invalid data.
Suppose you instead have IDENTICAL records (or you have both identical and non-identical, or you may have several dupes for some product and you don't know which). You run exactly the same query. Then, you run a SELECT query on ProductsTable and SELECT DISTINCT all products matching the product codes to be deduped, grouping by Product, and choosing a suitable aggregate function for all fields (if identical, any aggregate should do. Otherwise I usually try for MAX or MIN). This will "save" exactly one row for each product.
At that point you run the DELETE JOIN and kill all the duplicated products. Then, simply reimport the saved and deduped subset into the main table.
Of course, between the DELETE JOIN and the INSERT SELECT, you will have the DB in a unstable state, with all products with at least one duplicate simply disappeared.
Another way which should work in MySQL:
-- Create an empty table
CREATE TABLE deduped AS SELECT * FROM ProductsTable WHERE false;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX deduped_ndx ON deduped(Product);
-- DROP duplicate rows, Joe the Butcher's way
ALTER TABLE ProductsTable RENAME TO ProductsBackup;
ALTER TABLE deduped RENAME TO ProductsTable;
-- TODO: Copy all indexes from ProductsTable on deduped.
NOTE: the way above DOES NOT WORK if you want to distinguish "good records" and "invalid duplicates". It only works if you have redundant DUPLICATE records, or if you do not care which row you keep and which you throw away!
You say that "duplicates" have invalid fields. In that case you can modify the above with a sorting trick:
SELECT * FROM ProductsTable ORDER BY Product, FieldWhichShouldNotBeNULL IS NULL;
Then if you have only one row for product, all well and good, it will get selected. If you have more, the one for which (FieldWhichShouldNeverBeNull IS NULL) is FALSE (i.e. the one where the FieldWhichShouldNeverBeNull is actually not null as it should) will be selected first, and inserted. All others will bounce, silently due to the IGNORE clause, against the uniqueness of Product. Not a really pretty way to do it (and check I didn't mix true with false in my clause!), but it ought to work.
actually more of a new answer
This is a simple table to illustrate the problem
CREATE TABLE ProductTable ( Product varchar(10), Description varchar(10) );
INSERT INTO ProductTable VALUES ( 'CBPD10', 'C-Beam Prj' );
INSERT INTO ProductTable VALUES ( 'CBPD11', 'C Proj Mk2' );
INSERT INTO ProductTable VALUES ( 'CBPD12', 'C Proj Mk3' );
There is no index yet, and no primary key. We could still declare Product to be primary key.
But something bad happens. Two new records get in, and both have NULL description.
Yet, the second one is a valid product since we knew nothing of CBPD14 before now, and therefore we do NOT want to lose this record completely. We do want to get rid of the spurious CBPD10 though.
A rude DELETE FROM ProductTable WHERE Description IS NULL is out of the question, it would kill CBPD14 which isn't a duplicate.
So we do it like this. First get the list of duplicates:
SELECT Product, COUNT(*) AS Dups FROM ProductTable GROUP BY Product HAVING Dups > 1;
We assume that: "There is at least one good record for every set of bad records".
We check this assumption by positing the opposite and querying for it. If all is copacetic we expect this query to return nothing.
SELECT Dups.Product FROM ProductTable
RIGHT JOIN ( SELECT Product, COUNT(*) AS Dups FROM ProductTable GROUP BY Product HAVING Dups > 1 ) AS Dups
ON (ProductTable.Product = Dups.Product
AND ProductTable.Description IS NOT NULL)
WHERE ProductTable.Description IS NULL;
To further verify, I insert two records that represent this mode of failure; now I do expect the query above to return the new code.
INSERT INTO ProductTable VALUES ( "AC5", NULL ), ( "AC5", NULL );
Now the "check" query indeed returns,
So, the generation of Dups looks good.
I proceed now to delete all duplicate records that are not valid. If there are duplicate, valid records, they will stay duplicate unless some condition may be found, distinguishing among them one "good" record and declaring all others "invalid" (maybe repeating the procedure with a different field than Description).
But ay, there's a rub. Currently, you cannot delete from a table and select from the same table in a subquery ( ). So a little workaround is needed:
SELECT Product, COUNT(*) AS Duplicates
FROM ProductTable GROUP BY Product HAVING Duplicates > 1;
DELETE ProductTable FROM ProductTable JOIN Dups USING (Product)
WHERE Description IS NULL;
Now this will delete all invalid records, provided that they appear in the Dups table.
Therefore our CBPD14 record will be left untouched, because it does not appear there. The "good" record for CBPD10 will be left untouched because it's not true that its Description is NULL. All the others - poof.
Let me state again that if a record has no valid records and yet it is a duplicate, then all copies of that record will be killed - there will be no survivors.
To avoid this can may first SELECT (using the query above, the check "which should return nothing") the rows representing this mode of failure into another TEMPORARY TABLE, then INSERT them back into the main table after the deletion (using transactions might be in order).
Create a new table by scripting the old one out and renaming it. Also script all objects (indexes etc..) from the old table to the new. Insert the keepers into the new table. If you're database is in bulk-logged or simple recovery model, this operation will be minimally logged. Drop the old table and then rename the new one to the old name.
The advantage of this over a delete will be that the insert can be minimally logged. Deletes do double work because not only does the data get deleted, but the delete has to be written to the transaction log. For big tables, minimally logged inserts will be much faster than deletes.
If it's not that big and you have some downtime, and you have Sql Server Management studio, you can put an identity field on the table using the GUI. Now you have the situation like your CTE, except the rows themselves are truly distinct. So now you can do the following
SELECT MIN(table_a.MyTempIDField)
table_a lhs
join table_1 rhs
on lhs.field1 = rhs.field1
and lhs.field2 = rhs.field2 [etc]
table_a.MyTempIDField <> table_b.MyTempIDField
lhs.field1, rhs.field2 etc
This gives you all the 'good' duplicates. Now you can wrap this query with a DELETE FROM query.
FROM table_a lhs
join table_b rhs
on lhs.field1 = rhs.field1
and lhs.field2 = rhs.field2 [etc]
lhs.MyTempIDField <> rhs.MyTempIDField
and lhs.MyTempIDField not in (
SELECT MIN(lhs.MyTempIDField)
table_a lhs
join table_a rhs
on lhs.field1 = rhs.field1
and lhs.field2 = rhs.field2 [etc]
lhs.MyTempIDField <> rhs.MyTempIDField
lhs.field1, lhs.field2 etc
Try this:
WHERE Product IN
SELECT Product
FROM TblProducts
GROUP BY Product
This suffers from the defect that it deletes ALL the records with a duplicated Product. What you probably want to do is delete all but one of each group of records with a given Product. It might be worthwhile to copy all the duplicates to a separate table first, and then somehow remove duplicates from that table, then apply the above, and then copy remaining products back to the original table.

Getting the last record in SQL in WHERE condition

i have loanTable that contain two field loan_id and status
loan_id status
1 0
2 9
1 6
5 3
4 5
1 4 <-- How do I select this??
4 6
In this Situation i need to show the last Status of loan_id 1 i.e is status 4. Can please help me in this query.
Since the 'last' row for ID 1 is neither the minimum nor the maximum, you are living in a state of mild confusion. Rows in a table have no order. So, you should be providing another column, possibly the date/time when each row is inserted, to provide the sequencing of the data. Another option could be a separate, automatically incremented column which records the sequence in which the rows are inserted. Then the query can be written.
If the extra column is called status_id, then you could write:
FROM LoanTable AS L1
WHERE L1.Status_ID = (SELECT MAX(Status_ID)
FROM LoanTable AS L2
WHERE L2.Loan_ID = 1);
(The table aliases L1 and L2 could be omitted without confusing the DBMS or experienced SQL programmers.)
As it stands, there is no reliable way of knowing which is the last row, so your query is unanswerable.
Does your table happen to have a primary id or a timestamp? If not then what you want is not really possible.
If yes then:
SELECT TOP 1 status
FROM loanTable
WHERE loan_id = 1
-- or
-- ORDER BY yourTimestamp DESC
I assume that with "last status" you mean the record that was inserted most recently? AFAIK there is no way to make such a query unless you add timestamp into your table where you store the date and time when the record was added. RDBMS don't keep any internal order of the records.
But if last = last inserted, that's not possible for current schema, until a PK addition:
select top 1 status, loan_id
from loanTable
where loan_id = 1
order by id desc -- PK
Use a data reader. When it exits the while loop it will be on the last row. As the other posters stated unless you put a sort on the query, the row order could change. Even if there is a clustered index on the table it might not return the rows in that order (without a sort on the clustered index).
SqlDataReader rdr = SQLcmd.ExecuteReader();
while (rdr.Read())
string lastVal = rdr[0].ToString()
You could also use a ROW_NUMBER() but that requires a sort and you cannot use ROW_NUMBER() directly in the Where. But you can fool it by creating a derived table. The rdr solution above is faster.
In oracle database this is very simple.
select * from (select * from loanTable order by rownum desc) where rownum=1
Hi if this has not been solved yet.
To get the last record for any field from a table the easiest way would be to add an ID to each record say pID. Also say that in your table you would like to hhet the last record for each 'Name', run the simple query
SELECT Name, MAX(pID) as LastID
INTO [TableName]
FROM [YourTableName]
GROUP BY [Name]/[Any other field you would like your last records to appear by]
You should now have a table containing the Names in one column and the last available ID for that Name.
Now you can use a join to get the other details from your primary table, say this is some price or date then run the following:
SELECT a.*,b.Price/[Whatever other field you want]
FROM [TableName] a LEFT JOIN [YourTableName]
ON a.Name = b.Name and a.LastID = b.pID
This should then give you the last records for each Name, for the first record run the same queries as above just replace the Max by Min above.
This should be easy to follow and should run quicker as well
If you don't have any identifying columns you could use to get the insert order. You can always do it like this. But it's hacky, and not very pretty.
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY t.[count]) AS rownum from (
1 as [count]
from table tab) t
So basically you get the 'natural order' if you can call it that, and add some column with all the same data. This can be used to sort by the 'natural order', giving you an opportunity to place a row number column on the next query.
Personally, if the system you are using hasn't got a time stamp/identity column, and the current users are using the 'natural order', I would quickly add a column and use this query to create some sort of time stamp/incremental key. Rather than risking having some automation mechanism change the 'natural order', breaking the data needed.
I think this code may help you:
WITH cte_Loans
FROM LoanTable
FROM LoanTable L1
FROM LoanTable L2
WHERE L2.LoanID = L1.LoanID)

How to mark duplicates in an SQL query

I have an SQL query which looks at date-of-birth, last name and a soundex of first name to identify duplicates. The following query finds some 8,000 rows (which I assume means there are around 8,000 duplicate records).
select dob,last_name,soundex(first_name),count(*)
from clients
group by dob,last_name,soundex(first_name)
having count(*) >1
Almost all of the results have a count of 2, a few have a count of 3 where obviously the record existed twice in one of the two databases which were merged.
The next step I need to take is to mark one of the rows, doesn't really matter, with a duplicate flag and to mark each row with the opposite rows key. Is there a way of doing this using SQL?
This should do what you are after, the UPDATE in one go.
UPDATE FROM clients c
select dob,last_name,soundex(first_name),MIN(id) as keep
from clients
group by dob,last_name,soundex(first_name)
having count(*) >1
) k
ON c.dob=k.dob AND c.last_name=k.last_name AND soundex(c.first_name)=soundex(k.first_name)
SET duplicateid = NULLIF(k.keep,,
hasduplicate = (k.keep =
It assumes you have 3 columns not stated in the question
id: primary key
duplicateid: points to the dup being kept
hasduplicate: boolean, marks the one to keep
Well, you could use SELECT DISTINCT, and then mark a single row as "not duplicate" -- then search for rows that are "not duplicate" to find the duplicate.
Here is a query that will give you not only the duplicates, but also the first id inserted (assuming Id is the sequential primary-key column) and the newest id.
select dob, last_name, soundex(first_name) firstnamesoundex, min (Id) OldestId, max (Id) NewestId, Count (*) NumRows
from clients
group by dob,last_name,soundex(first_name)
having count(*) >1
You can use this in a JOIN to do your update
UPDATE Clients
SET OppositeRowId = DuplicateRows.NewestId
select dob, last_name, soundex(first_name) firstnamesoundex, min (Id) OldestId, max (Id) NewestId, Count (*) NumRows
from clients
group by dob,last_name,soundex(first_name)
having count(*) >1
) DuplicateRows
DuplicateRows.OldestId = Clients.Id
All of this assumes that you have one duplicate. If you have more than one, you are going to have to try something different.