How to change the fonts of all items on recyclerview runtime - android-recyclerview

I wanted to change font family of items on a recycler view every time I click a button.
So I coded like below.
rbAritaBuri = view.findViewById(
rbCafe24 = view.findViewById(
rbAritaBuri.setOnClickListener {
rv_work_preview.tv_work_content.typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(requireActivity().assets, "fonts/arita_buri.otf")
rbCafe24.setOnClickListener {
rv_work_preview.tv_work_content.typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(requireActivity().assets, "fonts/cafe24_surround_air.ttf")
But it changes only the font family of the first item of the recycler view.
Is there a way to change fonts of them all together runtime? And please tell me why the code I wrote doesn't work right.
Thank you.

If I were in your position, I would:
Put your font changing calls inside of onBindViewHolder(). If you have to, you could put a bool in there like buttonClicked and link its value to your buttons.
Come up with a good way to force a call to onBindViewHolder(). Sometimes notifyDataSetChanged() is enough. But in some cases, you might have to remove the adapter by setting it to null and then reset the adapter to its original value.
Place that logic from step 2 inside of your buttons' onClick()s.
What I mean is, create a var inside the class with the most exterior scope, so outside of oncreate().
var textChoice=""
Now use your buttons to change that var.
rbAritaBuri.setOnClickListener {
Now inside your onBindViewHolder(), make the font switch.
when (fontChoice){
"fonts/arita_buri.otf"->{ rv_work_preview.tv_work_content.typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(requireActivity().assets, "fonts/arita_buri.otf")}
//and so on and so forth for all of your fonts
Now when you want to show the change, call notifyDatasetChanged(). I think maybe the best place to do that would be inside of your buttons. So maybe you'd actually have:
rbAritaBuri.setOnClickListener {
<The name of your recyclerview adapter>.notifyDatasetChanged()

Here is how I solved it, thanks to D. Kupra:
class SampleWorkAdapter(private val context: Context) :
RecyclerView.Adapter<SampleWorkAdapter.ViewHolder>() {
var selectedFont = EditTextActivity.HAMBAK_SNOW
First, I assigned the default font Hambak_snow to selectedFont, type String.
inner class ViewHolder(view: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view) {
fun changeFont(font: String) {
CustomFontHelper.setCustomFont(content, font, itemView.context)
} ...
Then I wrote a function to be called on onBindViewHolder to change font-family of textview, using custom typeface. This post helped a lot.
override fun onBindViewHolder(viewHolder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
Now, replaceFont will be called when the variable selectedFont get changed and adapter.notifyDatasetChanged() is called on an activity, like this:
rbMapoFlowerIsland.setOnClickListener {
sampleWorkAdapter.selectedFont = EditTextActivity.MAPO_FLOWER


Adapter with Picasso

I'm trying to use Picasso to get images from Url and put inside an Adapter. I have to send the image as a parameter to the funcion imageSlider inside the my SliderViewHolder. Can someone explain me how?
Picasso get:
.transform( RoundedTransformation(30, 0))
.placeholder(context.resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_launcher_foreground))//it will show placeholder image when url is not valid.
.networkPolicy(NetworkPolicy.OFFLINE) //for caching the image url in case phone is offline
class SliderViewHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
val imageView: RoundedImageView = itemView.findViewById(
fun imageSlider(sliderItem: SliderItem) {
The Function
fun imageSlider(sliderItem: SliderItem) {
is not necessary, because you declare the imageView with a public visibility.
In the Adapter of your RecyclerView, there is a Method called
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: SliderViewHolder, position: Int)
This one will get invoked, when the Adapter wants to bind your Item Layout (ViewHolder) with a "backing data item" of the List...
Then you could simply do this:
.transform( RoundedTransformation(30, 0))
.placeholder(context.resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_launcher_foreground))//it will show placeholder image when url is not valid.
.networkPolicy(NetworkPolicy.OFFLINE) //for caching the image url in case phone is offline
Which will make Picasso, load the Image into the ImageView of your ViewHolder (which actually simply holds the Item Layout) for the current Item in the List.
The correct implementation would actually be, that you give your Adapter a List of Image Objects (for example, containing Properties like Image Name and a Path/URL, that should get "rendered") and when the Adapter is invoking "onBindViewHolder" with the corresponding Position, it is your Job to implement the loading of the image from the given path for the given position.

Custom CollapsingTopAppBar Jetpack Compose

The essence of the problem is that I want to write my own version of the AppBar that would include content as another Compose function. After looking at the source code of the current CollapsingTopAppBar implementation, I saw the following lines:
private fun TwoRowsTopAppBar(
scrollBehavior: TopAppBarScrollBehavior?
) {
val pinnedHeightPx: Float = 64.dp
val maxHeightPx: Float = 152.dp {
pinnedHeightPx = pinnedHeight.toPx()
maxHeightPx = maxHeight.toPx()
// Sets the app bar's height offset limit to hide just the bottom title area and keep top title
// visible when collapsed.
SideEffect {
if (scrollBehavior?.state?.heightOffsetLimit != pinnedHeightPx - maxHeightPx) {
scrollBehavior?.state?.heightOffsetLimit = pinnedHeightPx - maxHeightPx
Surface(...) {
Column {
heightPx = pinnedHeightPx
heightPx = maxHeightPx - pinnedHeightPx + (scrollBehavior?.state?.heightOffset
?: 0f),
As I understand it, scrollBehavior is used to handle the collapse and expansion behavior. In the current implementation, just constant values are put in heightOffsetLimit. And since I need my appbar implementation to be able to contain content of any size, I need to somehow know the size of this content in advance and put this value in heightOffsetLimit.
I have already written the code for my AppBar, so that it also contains content. But since I can't pass the height value of the content to scrollBehavior, the AppBar doesn't collapse to the end.
you need to calculate the height that the appbar will have before drawing it into the screen. I have followed this issue and solved my problem with the last solution. hope it helps:
Get height of element Jetpack Compose
use the content you can put (ex. an image or a huge text) as the MainContent
use your appbar as the DependentContent and use the size given in lambda to give the height to your appbar
finally set placeMainContent false as I believe you don't need to draw the image (or any other composable) directly in a box
and you will good to go

NavigationLink button focusable override issue

I face an issue which stucks for days. I am createing a tvos application which reqiures a custome navigationlink(button), when I move the focus to the navigation item, it should scale a little bit, and also I need to change the parent's view backgound. It is pretty simple, but it seems that the focusabe override the my custome button Style. The test shows that the background image was changed but without any scale effect when the navigationbutton get focused. Any suggestion?
NavigationLink(destination: Text("myview"))
.Focusable(true){(focus) in
//the code to change the background image
//myButtonStyle definition
struct MyButtonStyle: ButtonStyle {
func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {
return AppButton(configuration: configuration)
struct AppButton: View {
#Environment(\.isFocused) var focused: Bool
let configuration: ButtonStyle.Configuration
var body: some View {
.scaleEffect(focused ? 1.1 : 1.0)
The line to change the background image is always called when the item get focused as my expected, but the scale effect is gone. If I remove the following line of codes, the scale effect is back:
// .Focusable(true){(focus) in
//the code to change the background image
// }
It looks like that this line of code override my custome style of navigation button, any ideas? Appreciate any help!
Ah, finally I found the tricky, though there is very little document about this. When Focusable was introduced, it should not be in your code to change focus engine, which will cause the navigationlink tap message uncaptured, then your navigationlink for another view will not work.
Use .onChange() function to deal with any focus change event, not use Focusable.

How to switch to another XML layout after click on button?

I would like to have one kotlin file with the logic and I would like to allow users to switch between two different XLM layouts (logic of program is still the same, but layout of buttons shall be changed when clicking on button).
I simply add setContentView function to setOnClickListener for this button in order to load activity_main_second_layout.xml layout.
PS. activity_main_second_layout.xml is almost the same like activity_main.xml, I only changed the position of elements (not the names of elements)
button_switch_to_the_second_design.setOnClickListener {
When clicking on the button, voala, the layout really changes to the second one.
BUT the functionality of the program is not working any more, the logic disappear. It seems that I need to resume running of the program somehow to make the code working again without interuption including loss of variables.
There is a lot of ways to do that.
In my opinion you should not try to change layout in runtime - it's possible, but you have to override setContentView and rebind all views and all listeners (or do it in other method, which will be called after changing the layout).
So... Sth like this:
fun sth() {
fun rebindLayout(#LayoutRes layoutId: Int) {
when (layoutId) {
R.layout.activity_main_first_layout -> { /* rebind views here */ }
R.layout.activity_main_second_layout -> { /* rebind views here */ }
The other's, better I think is to create independent fragments and change fragment via fragmentManager.
Others approches - ViewAnimator, ViewSwitcher.

Trigger buttons in Touch Bar when sliding

I have created a Touch Bar with many colourful buttons.
The user will often change the color using the buttons.
When a button is pressed some graphical elements of the current window change accordingly with the color of the button.
I would like that sliding the finger among the buttons the elements will change their color, without having to wait for a "touch up inside" event.
Is there a quick way to do that?
EDIT: I think that a way to do that would be use a button of type momentaryPushIn or to create a class subclassing a button and handing something like a "touch inside" event.
I would prefer the first method but I am finding a very poor documentation.
Since you approved Scrubber solution here it is:
Firstly you need to screate instance of NSScrubber and insert it into your touch bar. Make sure that selection mode will be fixed.
yourScrubber.mode = .fixed
Then for purposes of highlighting(just to see outline be eyes, without this outline showed everything will work correctly) set Selection Overlay Style to .outlineOverlay.
youtScrubber.mode = .selectionBackgroundStyle = .outlineOverlay
Next set delegates for data source and for selection events.
yourScrubber.delegate = self
yourScrubber.dataSource = self
Then return amount of items in scrubber
public func numberOfItems(for scrubber: NSScrubber) -> Int {
return 8
Now you need to insert items(NSScrubberItemView). Which can be also filled with NSScrubberImageItemView or NSScrubberTextItemView or even your custom NSView.
There are many ways how to fill content of scrubber, for easy case where you will provide images it will look like this:
public func scrubber(_ scrubber: NSScrubber, viewForItemAt index: Int) -> NSScrubberItemView {
let itemView = scrubber.makeItem(withIdentifier: "colorIdentifier", owner: nil) as! NSScrubberImageItemView
itemView.image = yourImage
return itemView
Now you should be able to see something like this: (I used random images for my scrubber)
Also you should be able to visible(if you enabled outline) select items:
Ok and now the most important part, how to get the effect you desire: (use of delegate protocol method)
public func scrubber(_ scrubber: NSScrubber, didHighlightItemAt highlightedIndex: Int) {
print("highlight = \(highlightedIndex)")
//your code here
Which results to something like this: (notice output window)
You can also add spacing between cells be defining cell width:
func scrubber(_ scrubber: NSScrubber, layout: NSScrubberFlowLayout, sizeForItemAt itemIndex: Int) -> NSSize {
return NSSize(width: yourWidth, height: 30)
Also maybe you will find use for:
optional public func scrubber(_ scrubber: NSScrubber, didSelectItemAt selectedIndex: Int)