NavigationLink button focusable override issue - swiftui-navigationlink

I face an issue which stucks for days. I am createing a tvos application which reqiures a custome navigationlink(button), when I move the focus to the navigation item, it should scale a little bit, and also I need to change the parent's view backgound. It is pretty simple, but it seems that the focusabe override the my custome button Style. The test shows that the background image was changed but without any scale effect when the navigationbutton get focused. Any suggestion?
NavigationLink(destination: Text("myview"))
.Focusable(true){(focus) in
//the code to change the background image
//myButtonStyle definition
struct MyButtonStyle: ButtonStyle {
func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {
return AppButton(configuration: configuration)
struct AppButton: View {
#Environment(\.isFocused) var focused: Bool
let configuration: ButtonStyle.Configuration
var body: some View {
.scaleEffect(focused ? 1.1 : 1.0)
The line to change the background image is always called when the item get focused as my expected, but the scale effect is gone. If I remove the following line of codes, the scale effect is back:
// .Focusable(true){(focus) in
//the code to change the background image
// }
It looks like that this line of code override my custome style of navigation button, any ideas? Appreciate any help!

Ah, finally I found the tricky, though there is very little document about this. When Focusable was introduced, it should not be in your code to change focus engine, which will cause the navigationlink tap message uncaptured, then your navigationlink for another view will not work.
Use .onChange() function to deal with any focus change event, not use Focusable.


How to change the fonts of all items on recyclerview runtime

I wanted to change font family of items on a recycler view every time I click a button.
So I coded like below.
rbAritaBuri = view.findViewById(
rbCafe24 = view.findViewById(
rbAritaBuri.setOnClickListener {
rv_work_preview.tv_work_content.typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(requireActivity().assets, "fonts/arita_buri.otf")
rbCafe24.setOnClickListener {
rv_work_preview.tv_work_content.typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(requireActivity().assets, "fonts/cafe24_surround_air.ttf")
But it changes only the font family of the first item of the recycler view.
Is there a way to change fonts of them all together runtime? And please tell me why the code I wrote doesn't work right.
Thank you.
If I were in your position, I would:
Put your font changing calls inside of onBindViewHolder(). If you have to, you could put a bool in there like buttonClicked and link its value to your buttons.
Come up with a good way to force a call to onBindViewHolder(). Sometimes notifyDataSetChanged() is enough. But in some cases, you might have to remove the adapter by setting it to null and then reset the adapter to its original value.
Place that logic from step 2 inside of your buttons' onClick()s.
What I mean is, create a var inside the class with the most exterior scope, so outside of oncreate().
var textChoice=""
Now use your buttons to change that var.
rbAritaBuri.setOnClickListener {
Now inside your onBindViewHolder(), make the font switch.
when (fontChoice){
"fonts/arita_buri.otf"->{ rv_work_preview.tv_work_content.typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(requireActivity().assets, "fonts/arita_buri.otf")}
//and so on and so forth for all of your fonts
Now when you want to show the change, call notifyDatasetChanged(). I think maybe the best place to do that would be inside of your buttons. So maybe you'd actually have:
rbAritaBuri.setOnClickListener {
<The name of your recyclerview adapter>.notifyDatasetChanged()
Here is how I solved it, thanks to D. Kupra:
class SampleWorkAdapter(private val context: Context) :
RecyclerView.Adapter<SampleWorkAdapter.ViewHolder>() {
var selectedFont = EditTextActivity.HAMBAK_SNOW
First, I assigned the default font Hambak_snow to selectedFont, type String.
inner class ViewHolder(view: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view) {
fun changeFont(font: String) {
CustomFontHelper.setCustomFont(content, font, itemView.context)
} ...
Then I wrote a function to be called on onBindViewHolder to change font-family of textview, using custom typeface. This post helped a lot.
override fun onBindViewHolder(viewHolder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
Now, replaceFont will be called when the variable selectedFont get changed and adapter.notifyDatasetChanged() is called on an activity, like this:
rbMapoFlowerIsland.setOnClickListener {
sampleWorkAdapter.selectedFont = EditTextActivity.MAPO_FLOWER

talkback not focusing by default on any view on start of inner fragment

I am using accessibility talkback functionality and I am facing one problem I have one bottom navigation in the parent activity and from the setting tab I am opening another fragment(inner fragment) using .add but the inner fragment view not getting focus by default
I also tried with . replace but it's not focusing by default on fragment creation.
open fragment code
val details = DetailsFragment.newInstance();
getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(, details).commit()
and I used this extension function to not get focus on the previous fragment from this source
fun FragmentManager.setupForAccessibility() {
addOnBackStackChangedListener {
val lastFragmentWithView = fragments.lastOrNull { it.view != null }
for (fragment in fragments) {
if (fragment == lastFragmentWithView) {
fragment.view?.importantForAccessibility =
} else {
fragment.view?.importantForAccessibility =
in normal I show that at the start of the first fragment it's focusing top first Textview and speaking automatic but in the inner fragment it's not focusing by default so what should I do to get focus by default on the first view by default
I already try
and request focus but it's not working
Please suggest me any help would be highly appriciated
I've had the best luck using
on the view you want to focus, or maybe
}, someDelayMillis)
to let the system do whatever it does, and then jump in after a moment and force a focus change.
But this might be considered bad accessibility, if it's interfering with the usual navigation, and that might be why it's so hard to get focus working consistently! It might be better to just announce the new fragment (with something like view.announceForAccessibility("new fragment")) and let the user start navigating from the top. It depends on your app, it's your call
Also you probably want to use replace for your fragment instead of add, if you add a fragment on top of an old one, TalkBack can get stuck looking at the "invisible" views on the old fragment
this is my improved code that extends from #cactustictacs
//target to specific a view
binding.getRoot().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 300);

How to switch to another XML layout after click on button?

I would like to have one kotlin file with the logic and I would like to allow users to switch between two different XLM layouts (logic of program is still the same, but layout of buttons shall be changed when clicking on button).
I simply add setContentView function to setOnClickListener for this button in order to load activity_main_second_layout.xml layout.
PS. activity_main_second_layout.xml is almost the same like activity_main.xml, I only changed the position of elements (not the names of elements)
button_switch_to_the_second_design.setOnClickListener {
When clicking on the button, voala, the layout really changes to the second one.
BUT the functionality of the program is not working any more, the logic disappear. It seems that I need to resume running of the program somehow to make the code working again without interuption including loss of variables.
There is a lot of ways to do that.
In my opinion you should not try to change layout in runtime - it's possible, but you have to override setContentView and rebind all views and all listeners (or do it in other method, which will be called after changing the layout).
So... Sth like this:
fun sth() {
fun rebindLayout(#LayoutRes layoutId: Int) {
when (layoutId) {
R.layout.activity_main_first_layout -> { /* rebind views here */ }
R.layout.activity_main_second_layout -> { /* rebind views here */ }
The other's, better I think is to create independent fragments and change fragment via fragmentManager.
Others approches - ViewAnimator, ViewSwitcher.

tvOS: Focus first button as preferred focus view when buttons are in horizontal order

I have been trying to focus the first button but focus engine takes the third button right below the tab bar as the first item to be focussed. I tried with preferred focus view but found that when i place the buttons in vertical order then preferred takes the preferred view to be focussed but when i placed all the buttons in horizontal plane it always takes the third button.The other approach i can think of if Focus Guide but i wonder how that will work in this scenario?
override weak var preferredFocusedView: UIView? {
get {
return thrirdButton
It happens because focus engine takes the nearest possible focus element as 1st element as you can see from the picture attached.I have attached the context screenshot for the view controller. Any help or clue to solve this will be appreciated.
Solution :
We need to add focus guide just above button 3 and redirect it to button one when the focus guide is focussed.
private var focusGuide = UIFocusGuide()
self.focusGuide.bottomAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(self.button3.topAnchor).active = true
self.focusGuide.leftAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(self.button3.leftAnchor).active = true
// Width and height
self.focusGuide.widthAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(self.button3.widthAnchor).active = true
self.focusGuide.heightAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(self.button3.heightAnchor).active = true
focusGuide.centerXAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(self.button3.centerXAnchor).active = true
override func didUpdateFocusInContext(context: UIFocusUpdateContext, withAnimationCoordinator coordinator: UIFocusAnimationCoordinator) {
self.focusGuide.preferredFocusedView = button1
Try adding a UIFocusGuide just above the button rows. In that case, before reaching the button, it will hit your focus guide in which you can redirect the preferredFocusedView to that particular button. The code to redirect is to be done by overriding didUpdateFocusInContext method.
Assuming you have setup the focus guide in viewDidload, the following is a sample,
override func didUpdateFocusInContext(context: UIFocusUpdateContext, withAnimationCoordinator coordinator: UIFocusAnimationCoordinator) {
super.didUpdateFocusInContext(context, withAnimationCoordinator: coordinator)
self.focusGuide.preferredFocusedView = self.mypreferredbutton
TO initialise a focus guide ( Do the addition of guide to view in viewDidLoad)
var focusGuide = UIFocusGuide()
self.focusGuide.leftAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(self.placerLabel.leftAnchor).active = true
self.focusGuide.rightAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(self.placerLabel.rightAnchor).active = true
self.focusGuide.topAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(self.audioTable.topAnchor).active = true
I too faced a similar issue but somehow able to do it through this. The preferredFocusedView approach will also work, but you have to do lot of circus by updating some reference variable and then calling setneedsfocusupdate for that view. Try the focus guide way. Hope it helps.
I have added code how to setup the guide. In this case I have put the guide on the right side of my view. So, whenever your focus hits the guide, it redirects to the preferredfocusguide view that you want the focus to go to in the didUpdateFocusInContext. "There is only one view in focus at anytime.", remember thes ? So, the moment it hits the guide, the overriden method gets hit which in turn moves your focus to the guide's preferred view. For examples, you can refer to Apple's UIKitCatlog app for tvOS and here is one link explaining the same.
The best way to give the initial focus to your preferred view is by using preferredFocusEnivronments.
override var preferredFocusEnvironments: [UIFocusEnvironment] {
return [firstButton]
preferredFocusEnvironments will be called before didUpdateFocus, that way you can inform the system, where you want the focus to be redirected.

How can I get a specific button running on tvOS (AppleTV) to take focus? (Objective C)

The project have some views with different buttons. When I hide a view and show the other view, I can't get the focus on my button.
I think is related to setNeedsFocusUpdate. I have read the Apple doc. There is not any example.
Does anyone know how to do it and put an example (Objective C)?
You need to override preferredFocusedView, and when you are hiding one view and showing there call this method setNeedsFocusUpdate, your preferredFocusedView implementation should be something like this
- (UIView *)preferredFocusedView
// Add your logic here, it could be more complicated then what is below
if (view1.hidden)
return _button;
return _button2
And if you want to make custom view get focus, override canBecomeFocused method and return true
You can use add a breakpoint and execute this command po [buttonYouWantToFocus _whyIsThisViewNotFocusable] it will tell you why its not focusable.
If you are adding a sub view programmatically, maybe this is what you want:
- (UIView *)preferredFocusedView {
return [view1 preferredFocusedView];
I realize your question is specific to Objective-C but here is a way to solve for this in Swift. You need to override the preferredFocusedView property.
override var preferredFocusedView: UIView? {
guard primaryView.hidden == false else {
return secondaryView
return primaryView
Then just call setNeedsFocusUpdate() whenever an event happens that causes your views to be hidden. Hope this helps...
Another option (if you don't want to use preferredFocusedView) is, instead of setting your view to be hidden, simply remove it from it's superview, like so:
This automatically takes the focus away from the button that is removed and gives it to another one that is still on screen.