Not able to login to sitefinity backend when restoring a copy of its database on a local computer - sitefinity

I have recently started learning Sitefinity and done its setup and trying to login into Sitefinity backend by restoring a copy of an its existing database on my local system but my user is not present in that database so how can I login into the Sitefinity backend?
Is there any default credential present for login?
Is there any way to skip that login part or remove that login page?

No, the default admin is created on setup.
Open the database and check out the users table. You can change the password format column to 0 (should be 1) then just set the password to anything you want right in the database.
... obviously don't set a plain text password for the admin user on a live database though

#Steve is right. Here is a script that you can run against the DB:
update sf_users
set password_format = 0, -- clear text
salt = null,
passwd = 'veryStrongPa55' -- put whatever pass you like here
where user_name = 'xxx' -- change this
Then you may need to restart the application and should be able to login with that username.


How to set password to user in database directly?

I have a website for university timetable connected to microsoft sql server, there I have django table auth_user. Users can't register by themselves, university provides them with username and password. So in the table auth_user I have to fill data manually, but how can I fill the field which is responsible for password since it has to be hashed? I found only way to set password is to log in as admin, and change passwords in admin site, but that is not quite correct in terms of working with database as if I had to fill more than 100 students, it would be tiresome to do so. Maybe there is another approach to fill passwords directly in the database?
You can set the password for a user in Django by using the set_password method
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
u = User.objects.get(username='john')
u.set_password('new password')

How to create login and user registration without database

I need to do a login and user registration form without using a database. The ideia is getting it working just like a normal website login/registration form, but it only has to work locally (in my computer, without web). So what's the better way to do this? Thank you
Please Try using CSV or excel file
where one column can store the username and the other can store password
You could create a file settings, where you set your users and passwords.
Login form would work normally, into backend you have to ask to your settings files instead of database.

how to authenticate to ldap server using mail id instead of user name

I have a created a ldap server . I registered some users in that server. For now i am able to login through server using username and password of users from my mac system.But now i want to login through server using mail id and password of users instead of username and password.How to change this setting in mappings of ldap in mac.
Go through this link it helped me a lot. we have to give DN as mail=mailaddress,OU=users,dc=example,dc=com.
and password whatever we configured during server configuration.
I'd add a new Mapping-File to the DirectoryServices as stated in That way you can map not only the UID or the CN for logging into the machine but also the email-address. That way you will only have to store the email-address in the corresponding field that is also used by the mail server and the possibility that one time something gets mixed up due to incomplete changes is reduced.
On the other hand it might be a lengthy process to get everything right
Update: I've just written a blog-post about mapping LDAP-Attributes to DirectoryService-Attributes. It might be helpfull here:

Developing a User Authentication in DreamWeaver CS6

I have actually set up and implemented a couple dynamic webpages for my website that involve adding news feeds and other media sources everyday with certain filters.
For right now, only I know the exact address of my admin menu for the CMS, but really anybody could access it right now since it isn't password protected.
I've looked into how to set up a User Authentication Restriction in Adobe's DreamWeaver CS6, but I keep hitting the same bump in the road in trying to do so.
I have my login.php page in front of me, and with the "password" field selected, I click on Server Behaviors > Add a Server Behavior > User Authentication > Login User. But this is where it gets hairy
I have the ability to pull up the database I have been using locally which involves about 4 separate columns (none of which have anything to do with a username/password), but when I go to select from the table which columns are used to verify the "username" and "password" field on my login.php page, there quite simply isn't a corresponding column to select.
I know there must be another way to set up in the database or in a separate database the values for my Logon, but I am not sure where. Anyone have any clue how to set this up so I can create a User Logon for my webpages? I tried granting my username all privileges and giving it a password in phpMyAdmin for this certain database I have been talking about but it did not help in creating the User Login (unless I missed something again in creating this password/granting all privileges).
You have to set your database username up with an index value in your table. It's an option other wise a key icon.
Unique I'd auto increment + username indexed + password varchar+ timestamp timestamp + reference1

Express + Mongoose login

I would like to create a login system in Express + Mongoose.
I managed to create in HTML some dummy page that reads as input an username and a password and send it using backbone to the server (express) that takes the input and search in the database for some entry with the same username and password (with mongoose).
Everything works fine up until here, now my question: how can I assure my user is connected? I mean, I could possibly redirect my user to another page now that I checked that the username and the password match, but I would like to have for example "Hello username" if the user is logged, or "login" if the user is not logged. In PHP would be really easy, but how to do that with Express?
Check out the express session support. When the user logs in you can set the user as a property of the session. In your template you can include the user's name in the HTML if the session has an active user.