I have a table that looks like this:
I am trying to create a new table that looks like this:
Essentially, I am merging results together by the column LOB so there is no duplicate records. LOB values that desc column value is failed, merge them together and take that cnt and put it in the new column ""failed_cnt". If that makes sense.
I wrote some SQL code that puts null values but there are stills duplicates. Here is my output:
dogs 0,2
Here is my code:
WHEN CNT <> 0 AND desc not like 'Failed%'
WHEN CNT <> 0 AND desc LIKE 'Failed%'
Any ideas or suggestions?
Use aggregation:
select lob,
sum(case when descr = 'declined' then cnt else 0 end) as declined,
sum(case when descr = 'failed' then cnt else 0 end) as failed
from t
group by lob;
I have below tables
Table1: "Demo"
Columns: SSN, sales, Create_DT,Update_Dt
Table2: "Agent"
Columns: SSN,sales, Agent_Name, Create_Dt, Update_DT
Scenario 1 and desired result set:
I want output as 0 if the count of SSN in Demo table is matched with the count of SSN in Agent table
if the count is not matched then I want result as 1
Scenario 2 and desired result set:
I want output as 0 if the sum of sales in Demo table is matched with the sum of sales in Agent table
if the sum is not matched then I want result as 1
Please help on this query part
You can write two queries separately to take counts within the result query
SELECT (SELECT count(Demo.SSN) as SSN1 from Demo)!=(SELECT count(Agent.SSN) as SSN2 from Agent) AS Result;
Basically what the inner queries does is it checked whether the counts are equal or not and outputs 1 if it is true and 0 if it is false. Since you have asked to output 1 if it is false I used '!=' sign.
You can try the same procedure in scenario 2 also
For scenario 1
select (Case when (select count(ssn) from Demo)=(select count(ssn) from Agent) then 0 else 1 end) as desired_result
If you want to count unique ssn then:
select (Case when (select count(distinct ssn) from Demo)=(select count(distinct ssn) from Agent) then 0 else 1 end) as desired_result
For scenario 2:
select (Case when (select sum(sales) from Demo)=(select sum(sales) from Agent) then 0 else 1 end) as desired_result
I would suggest one query with both sets of information:
select (d.num_ssn <> a.num_ssn) as have_different_ssn_count,
(d.sales <> a.sales) as have_different_sales
from (select count(distinct ssn) as num_ssn,
coalesce(sum(sales), 0) as sales
from demo
) d cross join
(select count(distinct ssn) as num_ssn,
coalesce(sum(sales), 0) as sales
from agent
) a;
Note: This returns boolean values -- true/false rather than 1/0. If you really want 0/1, then use case:
select (case when d.num_ssn <> a.num_ssn then 1 else 0 end) as have_different_ssn_count,
(case when d.sales <> a.sales then 1 else 0 end) as have_different_sales
It would not surprise me if you were not only interested in the total counts but also that the agent/sales combinations are the same in both tables. If that is the case, please ask a new question with a clear explanation. Sample data and desired results help.
I have a table which consists of data where in I'm having trouble counting the corresponding rows.
Here is the sample table:
I am expecting an output like this:
You can do conditional aggregation:
sum(case when result = 'X' then 1 else 0 end) count_x,
sum(case when result is null then 1 else 0 end) count_blank
from mytable
I assume that by blank you mean null. If not, then you can change the condition in the second sum() from result is null to result = ''.
If you are running MySQL, this can be shortened a little:
sum(result = 'X') count_x,
sum(result is null) count_blank
from mytable
I'm trying to write a query that returns the following columns:
However, the problem is that my WHERE clause messes up the query because I am querying the same table. Here is the code:
SELECT owner_id,
Count(*) AS number_of_cancelled_bookings
FROM bookings
WHERE state IN ('cancelled')
GROUP BY owner_id
It's easy to retrieve the columns individually, but I want all of them. Say I wanted number_of_concluded_bookings as well, that would mean I'd have to alter the WHERE clause ...
Help is greatly appreciated!
Consider conditional aggregations:
SELECT owner_id,
SUM(CASE WHEN state='concluded' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS number_of_concluded_bookings,
SUM(CASE WHEN state='cancelled' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS number_of_cancelled_bookings,
SUM(CASE WHEN state='declined' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS number_of_declined_bookings,
SUM(CASE WHEN state='inquiries' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS number_of_inquiries
FROM bookings
GROUP BY owner_id
I am having trouble formulating a query to get the desired output.
This query involves one table and two columns.
First column bld_stat has 4 different values Private, public, Public-Abandoned, Private-Abandoned the other column bld_type, single_flr, multi_flr, trailer, Whs.
I need to get results that look like this:
So far I can get the first two columns but after that I have not been able to logically get a query to work
SELECT bld_stat, COUNT(grade) AS single_flr
FROM (SELECT bld_stat,bld_type
FROM bld_inventory WHERE bld_type = 'single_flr') AS grade
GROUP BY bld_stat,bld_type,grade
The term you are going for is pivoting. I think this should work...no need for the subquery, and I've changed your group by to only bld_stat
SELECT bld_stat,
sum(case when bld_type = 'singl_flr' then 1 else 0 end) AS single_flr,
sum(case when bld_type = 'multi_flr' then 1 else 0 end) AS multi_flr,
sum(case when bld_type = 'trailer' then 1 else 0 end) AS trailer,
sum(case when bld_type = 'whs' then 1 else 0 end) AS WHS
FROM bld_inventory
GROUP BY bld_stat
I want to add some calculation inside my case statement to dynamically create the contents of a new column but I get the error:
Column 'Test1.qrank' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
This is the code I'm working on
when test1.TotalType = 'Average' then Test2.avgscore
when test1.TotalType = 'PercentOfTot' then (cnt/SUM(test1.qrank))
else cnt
end as displayscore
I did try to group but it didn't work.
Any hints?
The error you posted can happen when you're using a clause in the GROUP BY statement without including it in the select.
This one works!
SELECT t.device,
SUM(case when transits.direction = 1 then 1 else 0 end) ,
SUM(case when transits.direction = 0 then 1 else 0 end) from t1 t
where t.device in ('A','B') group by t.device
This one not (omitted t.device from the select)
SUM(case when transits.direction = 1 then 1 else 0 end) ,
SUM(case when transits.direction = 0 then 1 else 0 end) from t1 t
where t.device in ('A','B') group by t.device
This will produce your error complaining that I'm grouping for something that is not included in the select
Please, provide all the query to get more support.
You could use a Common Table Expression to create the SUM first, join it to the table, and then use the WHEN to to get the value from the CTE or the original table as necessary.
WITH PercentageOfTotal (Id, Percentage)
SELECT Id, (cnt / SUM(AreaId)) FROM dbo.MyTable GROUP BY Id
WHEN o.TotalType = 'Average' THEN r.avgscore
WHEN o.TotalType = 'PercentOfTot' THEN pt.Percentage
ELSE o.cnt
END AS [displayscore]
FROM PercentageOfTotal pt
JOIN dbo.MyTable t ON pt.Id = t.Id
If you're using SQL Server 2005 or above, you can use the windowing function SUM() OVER ().
when test1.TotalType = 'Average' then Test2.avgscore
when test1.TotalType = 'PercentOfTot' then (cnt/SUM(test1.qrank) over ())
else cnt
end as displayscore
But it'll be better if you show your full query to get context of what you actually need.