Vue 3, $emit never firing - vue.js

The documentation is not enough to be able to do the emit. I have seen many tutorials and nothing works, now I am testing this
Child component
<div #click="$emit('sendjob', Job )"></div>
With the Vue DevTools plugin I can see that the data is sent in the PayLoad, but I can't find a way to receive this emit from the other component.
Many people do this
Any other component
<div #sendjob="doSomething"></div>
export default {
console.log('It works')
In my case it doesn't work

You should import the child component in the parent component and use it instead of the regular div tag.
I'm sharing examples for your reference to achieve emits in Vue 3 using <script setup> and Composition API. I strongly suggest going with <script setup if you are going to use Composition API in Single File Component. However, the choice is yours.
Example with <script setup>:
<!-- App.vue -->
<UserDetail #user-detail-submitted="userDetailSubmitted"/>
<script setup>
import UserDetail from './components/UserDetail';
function userDetailSubmitted(name) {
console.log({ name })
<!-- UserDetail.vue -->
<input type="text" v-model="name" #keyup.enter="$emit('user-detail-submitted', name)" />
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
const name = ref('');
Example using Composition API:
<!-- App.vue -->
<UserDetail #user-detail-submitted="userDetailSubmitted"/>
import UserDetail from "./components/UserDetail";
export default {
components: {
setup() {
function userDetailSubmitted(name) {
console.log({ name });
return {
<!-- UserDetail.vue -->
<input type="text" v-model="name" #keyup.enter="$emit('user-detail-submitted', name)" />
import { ref } from 'vue';
export default {
setup() {
const name = ref('');
return {

You should import this child-component in the parent. And don't rename it to the html's original tag.vue3. You'd better use the Composition API.


Access components method via template ref

When I have a child component like this:
<script setup>
import { defineExpose } from 'vue'
const validate = () => {
defineExpose({ validate })
and parent component in which I use child:
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
const test = ref()
const validate = () => {
console.log('test', test.value)
<div ref="test">
<Child />
<button #click="validate">
click me
Is it possible to access validate method from the child component via template ref which is on the wrapper div in parent component?
I update my playground link in which I completed the task but I'm using parent instance instead of provide/inject:
How to actually get rid of parent instance and use provide inject to achieve same result as in the playground from link above?
The ref needs to be on the actual Child element, not the parent div. The method is a property of test.value, so if the method is called "validate" you can run it with test.value.validate().
You also need to make sure the Child component is imported
Try this SFC Playground instead. The "click me" button will console.log the word "validate" which comes from the Child component.
<script setup>
import Child from './Child.vue'
import { ref } from 'vue'
const test = ref()
const childFunc = () => {
<Child ref="test" />
<button #click="childFunc">
click me

Vue3 updating values between components

I have a basic SPA with two child components, a header and a side menu (left drawer).
I wish the user to be able to click a button on the header component to call a function in the side menu component.
I understand I can use props to access a variable between parent & child components however how can I update a value between two sibling components?
<q-btn dense flat round icon="menu" #click="toggleLeftDrawer" />
Left Drawer
import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
setup () {
const leftDrawerOpen = ref(false)
return {
toggleLeftDrawer () {
leftDrawerOpen.value = !leftDrawerOpen.value
Use global stores. Create a file
/store.js (you can obviously use any name)
Inside this file store/write the following code:-
import { reactivity } from 'vue'
export const global = reactive({
yourVariable: 'initialValue'
You can then import this variable and interact with it from anywhere and the change will be global. See the code below:
In header component:-
<script setup>
import { global } from './store.js'
const clicked = ()=> {
global.yourVariable = 'changed'
<button #click="clicked">
In leftDrawer Component:-
<script setup>
import { global } from './store.js'
{{ global.yourVariable }}
<!--You'll see the change:)-->
Then add these two in your main vue:-
<script setup>
import headerComponent from '...'
import leftDrawerComponent from '....'
<header-component />
<left-drawer-component />

Render slot as v-html (Vue 3)

How to implement a component that renders an html string (eg fetched from a CMS) passed as a slot like this :
// app.vue
<script setup>
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent.vue"
const htmlStr = `not bold <b>bold</b>`
To render an html string (eg fetch from a CMS) we can use v-html :
// app.vue
<script setup>
const htmlStr = `not bold <b>bold</b>`
<p v-html="htmlStr"></p>
Failed attempts
I have tried with no success :
// component.vue
import { h } from "vue";
export default {
setup(props, { slots }) {
return () =>
h("p", {
innerHTML: slots.default(),
[object Object]
Link to playground
Workaround with props
As a workaround, we can of course use props but it's verbose.
// app.vue
<MyComponent :value="htmlStr">{{htmlStr}}</MyComponent>
// component.vue
<p v-html="value"></p>
<script setup>
import { defineProps } from 'vue'
slots.default() returns an array of your passed slot elements, try to map that content and render it :
h("p", {
innerHTML: slots.default().map(el=>el.children).join(''),

How to use template refs in Nuxt 3

In Nuxt2 there were template $refs that you could access in <script> with this.$refs
I would like to know what is the Nuxt3 equivalent of this is.
I need this to access the innerText of an element. I am not allowed to use querySelector or getElementById etc.
This is the way we write code. I can give html elements ref="fooBar" but I can't access it with this.$refs.fooBar or even this.$refs.
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, computed } from 'vue';
const foo = ref('bar');
function fooBar() {
//Do stuff
//Html here
With Options API
export default {
mounted() {
console.log('input', this.$refs['my-cool-div'])
<div ref="my-cool-div">
hello there
With Composition API
<script setup>
const myCoolDiv = ref(null)
const clickMe = () => console.log(myCoolDiv)
<button #click="clickMe">show me the ref</button>
<div ref="myCoolDiv">
hello there

How to access parents data value in vuejs with the template syntax

In my VueJS app I am using bootstrap-vue and want to use iframe inside a collapsable elements b-collapse. Because of some problems with iframe content and resizing (problem not related here) I found out that if I enable/disable b-embed with conditional rendering it works.
The parent component b-collapse has a data element called show which change its state if toggle is clicked. In my HelloWorld component I want that b-collapse can pass it's show value into the if check of b-embed.
My approach with this.$parent.$ isn't working and I am not sure if there is any better way to do so.
<b-btn v-b-toggle.logs>
<span class="when-opened">Close</span>
<span class="when-closed">Open</span>
<b-collapse id="logs">
<b-embed :src="src" v-if="this.$parent.$"></b-embed>
<div>Data: {{this.$parent.$}}</div>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
import { Prop, Component, Inject } from "vue-property-decorator";
export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {
src = "http://localhost:7681/";
Like this:
<Child :show="myShow"></Child>
import Child from './child'
export default {
data () {
return {
myShow: 'StackOverflow'
components: {Child}
<b-btn v-b-toggle.logs>
<span class="when-opened">Close</span>
<span class="when-closed">Open</span>
<b-collapse id="logs">
<b-embed :src="src" v-if="this.$parent.$"></b-embed>
<div>Data: {{this.$parent.$}}</div>
export default {
props: {
show: {
type: Number,
require: true
Or use vuex to do this.