How to access parents data value in vuejs with the template syntax - vue.js

In my VueJS app I am using bootstrap-vue and want to use iframe inside a collapsable elements b-collapse. Because of some problems with iframe content and resizing (problem not related here) I found out that if I enable/disable b-embed with conditional rendering it works.
The parent component b-collapse has a data element called show which change its state if toggle is clicked. In my HelloWorld component I want that b-collapse can pass it's show value into the if check of b-embed.
My approach with this.$parent.$ isn't working and I am not sure if there is any better way to do so.
<b-btn v-b-toggle.logs>
<span class="when-opened">Close</span>
<span class="when-closed">Open</span>
<b-collapse id="logs">
<b-embed :src="src" v-if="this.$parent.$"></b-embed>
<div>Data: {{this.$parent.$}}</div>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
import { Prop, Component, Inject } from "vue-property-decorator";
export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {
src = "http://localhost:7681/";

Like this:
<Child :show="myShow"></Child>
import Child from './child'
export default {
data () {
return {
myShow: 'StackOverflow'
components: {Child}
<b-btn v-b-toggle.logs>
<span class="when-opened">Close</span>
<span class="when-closed">Open</span>
<b-collapse id="logs">
<b-embed :src="src" v-if="this.$parent.$"></b-embed>
<div>Data: {{this.$parent.$}}</div>
export default {
props: {
show: {
type: Number,
require: true
Or use vuex to do this.


Vue: Reuse loading spinner template and logic

I've multiple (20+) pages where I need the following code:
<template v-if="isLoading">
<Spinner full size="medium" />
<template v-else>
<p>Page data</p>
export default {
computed: {
isLoading() {
return this.$store.getters['loader/isLoading'];
I don't want to rewrite this part everytime I need it so is there a way to create something like a higher order component with access to the computed method and a way to add the hoc to the script tag of the different vue files? Or another way to archive this?
I could recommend extending the spinner component where you want to show the spinner. I've created a boilerplate setup that show a very simple implementation of this approach here.
The main idea is to expose a default slot for you spinner component, and wrap the page component in that slot.
<Spinner v-if="isLoading" full size="medium" />
<!-- Slot for component data -->
<slot v-else></slot>
export default {
computed: {
isLoading() {
return this.$store.getters['loader/isLoading'];
Then in any component that you want to show the spinner:
<!-- Pass here the component content to be shown after the spinner is hidden -->
import Spinner from "./spinner";
export default {
name: "Page1",
extends: Spinner,
components: { Spinner }

Vuejs import component in another component

I created a dashboard.vue component and I imported table.vue component into it but the table.vue doesn't appear in my web page and in the tools.
When I import the table.vue in app.vue there's no issue.
Below my files.
Thanks in advance!
import table from "./table";
export default {
name: 'Dashboard',
component: {
<style >
export default {
name: 'Table',
You cannot name components the same as reserved HTML elements. Change it to my-table.
You'll need to map it:
components: {
'my-table': table,

How to get $auth value in component outside of registered vue-router component

I have a layout theme/default which has vue-router inside like this
<div id="app">
<component :is = "layout">
const default_layout = "theme";
export default {
computed: {
return ( this.$route.meta.layout || default_layout) + '-layout';
And then the theme layout is like this:
<div class="app-home">
<div class="container-fluid section">
<div class="left-fixed">
<div class="right-card">
<slot />
import NavBar from './Navbar'
import SideBar from './Sidebar'
export default {
data() {
return {
components: {
Now I have to pass current auth user in Navbar and Sidebar for logout and current user role which can be obtained from vue-auth $auth but only inside router component. Can anybody help it to fix this.
Using vuex I had made a state which I call as computed property and I set whenever User logged in.

How to set $ref to child component elements from parent component in vuejs?

This is the parent component:
export default class ParentCom extends Vue {
//all props for <upload-block></upload-block> component defined here
handleUploadIcon(event) {
const icon_type = event.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-type");
let appImgElem = this.$refs[icon_type];;
async uploadAppIcon(event) {
And this is the child component:
<div class="upload-div" #click="uploadClickHandler" :data-type="inputName">
<img v-if="imSrc" :src="imSrc">
<div v-else class="upload-icon-block">
<font-awesome-icon class="upload-icon" icon="arrow-circle-up" size="lg"></font-awesome-icon>
<br>Click to upload
<!-- <spinner variant="primary" :show="true"></spinner> -->
<input style="display:none" type="file" :ref="inputRef" :name="inputName" #input="inputHandler">
props: {
imSrc: String,
inputRef: String,
inputName: String,
inputHandler: Function,
uploadClickHandler: Function
export default class ChicdCom extends Vue {
The problem I am facing in the handleUploadIcon method in which I am not able to get the input element via ref.
It is showing Cannot read property 'click' of undefined in this line;
But when I move the file input to the parent component, it's works fine. So can you plz help me how to set the ref to child component elements from parent as currently is it not setting.
Well you could add a ref to upload-block in the parent component:
<upload-block ref="upload" ... >
Then in the handleUploadIcon you can acces your input: this.$refs.upload.$refs[icon_type]
But I would try to move handleUploadIcon to the child component if I were you.

render a Vue slot in a layout from component

I'm having problems with a named slot. This seems like it should work. In the code below I'm trying to use a named slot "sidebar". I would expect my sidebar slot content to show up between the Sidebar starts and Sidebar ends text but nothing shows up in that slot. Everything renders in the main slot.
Here's my code.
path: "/test",
name: "test",
meta: {
layout: "test-layout"
component: () =>
and App.vue template...
<div id="app">
<component :is="layout">
<router-view />
and test-layout...
<h1>Sidebar starts</h1>
<slot name="sidebar"/>
<h1>Sidebar ends</h1>
<div class="container">
<h1>Content starts</h1>
<h1>Content ends</h1>
and page Test.vue...
<span slot="sidebar">sidebar slot content {{forecast.todaySummary}}</span>
<div>main slot content {{forecast.currentSummary}}</div>
import api from "#/js/web-services";
export default {
data() {
return {
forecast: null
created() {
api.getDailyForecast().then(response => {
this.forecast =;
and the import in my main.js
import TestLayout from "./layouts/test-layout.vue";
Vue.component('test-layout', TestLayout);
Why isn't my sidebar slot working?
If I get rid of the two lines in main.js and add
import TestLayout from "#/layouts/test-layout.vue";
export default {
components: { TestLayout },
data() {...
to Test.vue then it works.
In your router file you are using layout: "test-layout" this means what ever comes in your vue component will be rendered in base test-layout.
There are two ways as far as I know to render the layouts.
Do not define layout in router file and on parent component define named slots like this<slot #header></slot><slot #body></slot> then every slot will be rendered within this (test-layout) layout, and then in your each component extend like this <test-layout><template header>Header content</template><template body>Body content</template></test-layout>.
Defining layout in router file like you did, you can not further use in slots in that layout, you can just import other components e.g <template><Component1><Component2> </template>