How to get photo data in data collection CUBA Platform - cuba-platform

I have a data table in the frontend UI with first name and last name data and I need to add photos of these accounts. As I understand all the data should be in data collection, however, if you console log it, it doesn't show anything besides FN and LN. So, how do I get entity photo data and put it in the data collection?

It's hard to say without seeing your code, but it looks like you haven't included the image attribute into the view. You can find a great guide on working with images in CUBA here.


how to create version one burned down chart using java REST client api

I am trying to get the data to create the burned down chart from version one.
I came to know there is no standard api's for that.
Here i found that by making multiple call's to fetch todo value for a scope of timebox it is possible.
Is there any better way to do it?
and also let me know any good open source libraries(javascrpt/java) to plot such graph
i tried the way shown here but i am not able to make out what value i am getting.
i tried a get request like
"base URL"/rest-1.v1/Data/Timebox?where=State.Code='ACTV'&asof"11-25-2015"&sel=Name,EndDate,State,Workitems.ToDo.#Sum
but could only get present value but not the past ones.
Thanks in advance
You are using the rest-1.v1/Data endpoint. From this endpoint you will get the current state of assets in your VersionOne instance however, there is an attribute "Prior" which contains the previous state of a VersionOne asset (Timebox). The most robust way to access historical data is though the rest-1.v1/Hist endpoint. You can find details about Hist queries here.
Using your query
"base URL"/rest-1.v1/Hist/Timebox?where=State.Code='ACTV'&asof"2015-11-25T17:30:00.00"&sel=Name,EndDate,State,Workitems.ToDo.#Sum
The asof keyword will return the state of that Timebox at that instance in time. Observe the proper format of the date.

How to get public data from Google plus

I have a project that involves having public data downloaded from Google plus, can you give me a reference on how I can download like 1 GB of any type of public data from Google plus?
The data can be posts or circles information. I've tried to work with developer tools but the far I got is downloading my own profile information but what I need is public data.
Thanks !
There is no truly "public" data on Google+.
Every stream is unique to a user.
Try viewing the site without logging in, and you'll see what I mean.
Since users have the ability to block other users from viewing even their "public" posts, before Google shows you a post they check to see if you're on the blocked list. For them to be able to do that, you have to be logged in.
Your best bet would be to create a dummy account and only look at your nearby stream or What's Hot.
Otherwise you'd need to circle users, and that would create the stream. G+ is not like twitter. There's no firehose to speak of.
To programmatically cull data, you would have to use their API, but even then their HTTP API limits you to 20 results per search and you have to provide a query.
You could get up to 100 results per user if you picked individuals and got their userids, but again there's not a programmatic way to get a bulk dump.
You could randomly select users by using an activity search for a dictionary entry, and then seed that into the activity listing api... something like (in pure pseudocode)
for Random word in dictionary
group = userids from GET[word]
for userid in group
Actual code would of course depend on the language.

Profile Picture and User Data in Single Graph API Request

I'm trying to write a single Graph API request that returns a large thumbnail of the user's profile picture, as well as their username/user ID.
I'm able to get the picture, name, and user ID with:
GET /v2.0/me?fields=id,name,picture
However, I can't figure out how to get a bigger version of the picture, like when I do this:
GET /v2.0/me/picture?type=large&redirect=false
I'm new to the Graph API and feel like I'm missing something really obvious, but I can't figure it out. My initial thought was this, but I think it's applying the type and redirect options to the me node:
GET /v2.0/me?fields=id,name,picture&type=large&redirect=false
Not entirely sure what your final goal is but would this help...?
Make the one call to simply retrieve the users ID and in your app you can then just use (by constructing the string)[facebookId]/picture?type=large to access/view the large version of the profile picture.
GET /me?fields=id,first_name,picture.type(square).width(200).height(200) where you decide what you want type, width and height to be.

Custom iOS address book. Need advices about data structures and performance

I am currently developing a voIP app and I am really stuck with the address book.
Because of the custom design, the native address book does not fit in my app. Besides, I want to add some extra data not present in the native address book. But this is leading into some problems which I've separated into two sections:
1. Data structures:
In a section of my app I need to show to the user all his address book contacts with additional information (if the user has the same app and it's online, for example).
Right now I'm getting all the info from the Address Book api and loading it in an array directly (which is accessed by the tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:), but not displaying the custom information I was talking about. I don't know if its worthwhile to store all the address book info in a sqlite data base (where I'd be able to add the extra information easily) or if I should store only that extra information in a file or something.
The biggest problem of storing it in a data base is that the contact's picture is heavy enough to get a wasting-memory data base. I thought to store only a reference (the ABRecordID) and then to gather the related info from the address book instead of the data base, but the Apple documentation of the Address Book api says the ABRecordID is not guaranteed to remain the same, so it could cause my data to appear next to wrong contact data.
Any idea?
2. Performance:
The second big problem with this custom address book is that... the iOS table views are too 'manual' compared to the Android ones, for example. You need to have the data stored somewhere so that when the tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: method gets called you return that data. You can also load that data inside this method, but this makes it very slow.
The problem here is that preloading all the data in memory is dangerous, because a person may have 40 contacts or 2000 (and maybe he/she has taken a picture for each of them, which will be much more memory-consuming). If the iOS device runs out of memory the system will kill the app. The data base approach has no memory problems, but making queries for each cell to appear is so slow that it becomes unacceptable.
Again, I need ideas for this. Can't find a tradeoff between performance and memory consumption.
Please, don't ask for code because I'm not allowed to post it. I'd really appreciate your advices. Thank you in advance!
Data structures:
Along with the recordref you should store the name phone number and email address. Nothing else in your data store. If one of the three vales change and the other two remain the same update the changed value. The recordref can change during a restore of a device for many users at once but the name email and phone won't. If the user changes a name or email or phone they won do it across many users at once. Once in a while you end up with a recordref that does not match up with email and phone say, the contact may have changed employers so then show a list of close matches and ask the user to select one.
As far as some one having 1000s of contact I would use paging. Load 100 or 200 at a time in to an array with current row displayed in the table view as middle of your array index. Once the user scrolls 20-30 records update the records in your array from address book. Your going to be spending a lot time resaving data just to go through the collection comparing and trying to keep it up to date. You should be able to store quite a few records long as your not keeping the user images in memory, for that you should let the table view handle it. Get image and assign to cell when you get the notification about the cell about to become visible. Even then I would put a short wait before loading the image, because if the user is scrolling fast the cell will just fly by and you'll get notified that the cell scrolled out and you can release the image data. If the user is scrolling slowly then the short wait/sleep will pass and the image should show up for each cell.
I don't know how much meta your planning on storing in your app wrapping the contacts but if you should create two tables for the contact object, one with 3-4 indexed columns that will allow for faster querying and a second to hold the rest that loaded only when users viewing the contact in a detail view. Can't get too much into a tableviescell, unless your on the iPad.
Hope that helps.

How to decide whether to split up a VB.Net application and, if so, how to split it up?

I have 2 1/2 years experience of VB.Net, mostly self taught, so please bear with me if I seem rather noobish still and do not know some of the basics. I would recommend you grab a cup of tea before starting on this, as it appears to have got quite long...
I currently have a rather large application (VB.Net website) of over 15000 lines of code at the last count. It does not do retail or anything particularly complex like that - it is literally just a wholesale viewing website with admin frontend, catalogue / catalogue management system and pageview system.
I don't really know much about how .Net applications work in the background - whether they are all loaded on the same thread or if each has its own thread... I just know how to code them, or at least like to think I do... :-)
Basically my application is set up as follows:
There are two different areas - the customer area and the administration frontend.
The main part of the customer frontend is the Catalogue. The MasterPage will load a list of products but that's all, and this is common to all the customer frontend pages.
I tend to work on only one or several parts of the application at a time before uploading the changes. So, for example, I may alter the hierarchy of the Catalogue and change the Catalogue page to match the hierarchy change whilst leaving everything else alone.
The pageview database is getting really quite large and so it is getting rather slow when the application is first requested due to the way it works.
The application timeout is set to 5 minutes - don't know how to change it, I have even tried asking this question on here and seem to remember the solution was quite complex and I was recommended not to change it, but if a customer requests the application 5 minutes after the last page view then it will reload the application from scratch. This means there is a very slow page load whenever it exceeds 5 minutes of inactivity.
I am not sure if this needs consideration to determine how best to split the application up, if at all, but each part of the catalogue system is set up as follows:
A Manager class at the top level, which is used by the admin frontend to add, edit and remove items of the specified type and the customer frontend to retrieve a list of items of the specified type. For example the "RangeManager" will contain a list of product "Ranges" and will be used to interact with these from the customer frontend.
An Item class, for example Range, which contains a list of Attributes. For example Name, Description, Visible, Created, CreatedBy and so on. The form for adding / editing loops through these to display relevant controls for the administrator. For example a Checkbox for BooleanAttribute.
An Attribute class, which can be of type StringAttribute, BooleanAttribute, IntegerAttribute and so on. There are also custom Attributes (not just datatypes) such as RangeAttribute, UserAttribute and so on. These are given a data field which is used to get a piece of data specific to the item it is contained in when it is first requested. Basically the Item is given a DataRow which is stored and accessed by Attributes only when they are first requested.
When one item is requested from a specific manager is requested, the manager will loop through all the items in the database and create a new instance of the item class. For example when a Range is requested from the RangeManager, the RangeManager will loop through all of the DataRows in the Ranges table and create a new instance of Range for each one. As stated above it simply creates a new instance with the DataRow, rather than loading all the data into it there and then. The Attributes themselves fetch the relevant data from the DataRow as and when they're first requested.
It just seems a tad stupid, in my mind, to recompile and upload the entire application every time I fix a minor bug or a spelling mistake for a word which is in the code behind (for example if I set the text of a Label dynamically). A fix / change to the Catalogue page, the way it is now, may mean a customer trying to view the Contact page, which is in no way related to the Catalogue page apart from by having the same MasterPage, cannot do so because the DLL is being uploaded.
Basically my question is, given my current situation, how would people suggest I change the architecture of the application by way of splitting it into multiple applications? I mean would it be just customer / admin, or customer / admin and pageviews, or some other way? Or not at all? Are there any other alternatives which I have not mentioned here? Could web services come in handy here? Like split the catalogue itself into a different application and just have the masterpage for all the other pages use a web service to get the names of the products to list on the left hand side? Am I just way WAY over-complicating things? Judging by the length of this question I probably am, and it wouldn't be the first time... I have tried to keep it short, but I always fail... :-)
Many thanks in advance, and sorry if I have just totally confused you!
15000 LOC is not really all that big.
It sounds like you are not pre-compiling your site for publishing. You may want to read this:
Recompiling and uploading the application is the best way to do it. If all you are changing is your markup, that can be uploaded individually (e.g. changing some html layout in an aspx page).
I don't know what you mean here by application timeout, but if your app domain recycles every 5 minutes, then that doesn't seem right at all. You should look into this.
Also, if you find yourself working on various different parts of the site (i.e. many different changes), but need to deploy only some items in isolation, then you should look into how you are using your source control tools (you are using one, aren't you?). Look into something like GIT and branching/merging.
Start by reading:
Application Architecture Guide