Why can't I change the text color of a UILabel in my XIB file? - uilabel

I have been trying to change the text color of a UILabel element in my XIB file but I am unable to. If I change it to white in IB it still renders as black when I run the app.

I was setting the cell's textLabel property instead of my own custom class on the cell.


Custom UITableViewCell + Objective-C

While in editing mode, to the right of the UITableViewCell there is an icon of 3 lines with a hand holding function that can be dragged and dropped by UITableViewCell and I'm having trouble changing the image for that icon or changing the colors for that icon.
Please help me, thank you!
If I understand right, 3 dots to resize the UITableViewCell.
If you add any image view to your cell class, you can change the image by selecting the image view & in the attribute inspector (4th option) set the image name.
Your image should be added into your assets.

How can I add a background color to the title label of a IKImageBrowserCell?

How can I add a background color to the title label of a IKImageBrowserCell ?
The text is not anymore visible because of the background, I would like to change the background of the label only.
It Looks like, it is inherited from NSObject. may not possible to set background color. Because UIBackgroundcolor is property of UIView. It is having a view called IKImageBrowserView should be useful.

Border in a UIButton

I dragged A round rect button into the nib and set a background image for the button. However, the image didn't fill up the whole space, it left out a narrow border on the sides of the button. How do I get rid of this border? Thanks.
if you want to use a custom background image for the UIButton, you should change the button type to UIButtonTypeCustom instead of UIButtonTypeRoundedRect.
(you can do this in the Interface Builder as well)

UIButton with custom font and text outline/stroke

I've got a huge problem, I need to make a UIButton with custom font and text outline. Custom font is pretty easy to make and I have no difficulties doing it, but I don't know how to make an outline for button title. There are some solutions for UILabel (overriding drawTextInRect) but UIButton has no such method. Help would be appreciated!
Just put the customized UILabel on top of a blank button.

setting NSTextField text as bold using xib in Mac App

I need to set my NSTextField text as bold using xib.Pleas help !
Select the NSTextField and in Interface Builder, select the Font menu. This will open the Font manager.
Here whatever font, font size and property (bold, italic, regular etc) you will select will be reflected in your NSTextField.