setting NSTextField text as bold using xib in Mac App - cocoa-touch

I need to set my NSTextField text as bold using xib.Pleas help !

Select the NSTextField and in Interface Builder, select the Font menu. This will open the Font manager.
Here whatever font, font size and property (bold, italic, regular etc) you will select will be reflected in your NSTextField.


Why can't I change the text color of a UILabel in my XIB file?

I have been trying to change the text color of a UILabel element in my XIB file but I am unable to. If I change it to white in IB it still renders as black when I run the app.
I was setting the cell's textLabel property instead of my own custom class on the cell.

Changing font size for a Text View in nib (xib)

I'm using Text View in my App, but I cannot change the font, size or colour of the text box. It's not listed in atrributed. I can change UILabels. But I cannot seem to find where it is for the Text View. Im using xcode 3 (yes I know its old)
You should open the font dialog (Font / Show fonts), then click on the uitextview and change the font in the font dialog.

How to change color of a word in UITextView?

Is it possible to change UITextView`s color in particular range or particular word? If a word appear more than once in a view then change the color of that word.
You'll need to use NSAttributedString. I recommend checking out AliSoftware's OHAttributedLabel which extends UILabel and adds support for setting text via NSAttributedString among other helpers. I'm using it in a current project and it's pretty fantastic.
I solve the problem. I created subclass of UILable and UITextView used core text (CATextLayer) as a layer on label/textview and NSAttributedString will store all the information about the font and color

Xcode 4 Interface Building Font Not Updating/Showing

When I am changing the font of a label to anything other than the default, the label's font never changes. I can change the font size but not the displaying font. However, when I double click on the label, I can see what the label's font would look like. Can anyone help me with this?
Not all fonts are available on the iPhone. If you are setting the font to an unavailable one, it will default to helvetica. Search the net for a list of the fonts you can use.
You can reference for fonts available for each version of iOS. Fonts outside this list will appear as Helvetica, as jrturton said.
I would suggest expanding the size of the text box, by dragging its outermost edges? Despite having made your changes if the selected font/font size combo is to large for the text box to handle it will remain smaller than what you selected even though when you go into the highlight view it appears correct
Just Because its in that font selection tool does not mean it will show up on the device

XCode: Title in Interface builder

In the Interface build, I am trying to set the title for NSTextField. This text is static text. Now I want only a portion of text to be in bold. When I select the text and do a bold, the entire title becomes bold. It basically is like all or nothing. Is there a way I can bold only a portion of the text ?.
I am using Xcode version 3.2.5.
You could implement a custom class deriving from NSValueTransformer. In the Interface Builder you than can add the CustomValueTransformer to the NSTextField.
I believe that you'll have to do that programmatically -- I couldn't find a way to style just part of the text in the field in Interface Builder.