Oracle Cloud to Azure Cloud storage - azure-storage

We have a requirement to move data from oracle Cloud storage to Azure Cloud storage.
The requirement is basically to move data from an Oracle ADW database (hosted on Oracle cloud) to Snowflake database (hosted on Azure).
Since the data volume in tables is huge (some with 60mil+ records) we do not wish to use any ETL tool and instead want to setup a pipeline as below.
Oracle ADW database -> Store data in Oracle storage --> Move data to Azure Cloud storage -> Load into Snowflake using snowpipe or similar snowflake utilities.
How should I go about this implementation?
Also share your views on whether we can use Oracle fastconnect and Azure ExpressRoute to directly pull data from Oracle Cloud onto snowflake (or into Azure storage)

I am looking for the same thing with the simplest method from Oracle (on prem but could be cloud), into Snowflake. Looks like data must be exporeted or dropped to external tables, shifted to Azure Blob storage (like AWS S3), then pushed into Snowflake using COPY INTO - basically copying on disk external tables. This is what Snowpipe does:
"Snowpipe copies the files into a queue, from which they are loaded into the target table in a continuous, serverless fashion based on parameters defined in a specified pipe object. The following table indicates the cloud storage service support for automated Snowpipe from Snowflake accounts hosted on each cloud platform:"
It's been a while since I have worked with this. The other option is GoldenGate, which was not expensive the last time I looked into it:
Easy, simple, fast. Anyone have any better ideas would be appreciated.


How to increase performance on Azure inbuilt SQL Serverless Pool in Synapse

We are currently extracting multiple tables from Azure SQL Servereless pool in Synapse. Unlike a regular Azure SQL Database it is very easy to increase the performance from Basic all the way through to Premium or Business continuity.
Can someone let me know how to go about increasing the performance of Azure SQL Serverles Pool in synapse?
Serverless SQL pool is a distributed data processing system and it doesn't have any inbuilt storage to store data. It uses external table to query the data from Azure data lake storage. Therefore, data cannot be copied to the serverless SQL pool. If data needs to be extracted from serverless SQL pool, you can extract data directly from the underlying external storage. If the target datastore supports polybase data loading, use that to load to the target table from ADLS.

Export data table from Databricks dbfs to azure sql database

I am quite new to databricks and looking for a smart way to export a data table from databricks gold scheme to an azure sql database.
I am using databricks as a part of azure resource group, however I do not find data from databricks in any of the storage accounts that are within the same resource group. Does it mean that is is physically stored at en implicit databricks storage account/data lake?
Thanks in advance :-)
The tables you see in Databricks could be have the data stored within that Databricks Workspace file system (DBFS) or somewhere external (e.g. Data Lake, which could be in a different Azure Resource Group) - see here: Databricks databases and tables
For writing data from Databricks to Azure SQL, I would suggest the Apache Spark connector for SQL.

Access Azure Data Lake Analytics Tables from SQL Server Polybase

I need to export a multi terabyte dataset processed via Azure Data Lake Analytics(ADLA) onto a SQL Server database.
Based on my research so far, I know that I can write the result of (ADLA) output to a Data Lake store or WASB using built-in outputters, and then read the output data from SQL server using Polybase.
However, creating the result of ADLA processing as an ADLA table seems pretty enticing to us. It is a clean solution (no files to manage), multiple readers, built-in partitioning, distribution keys and the potential for allowing other processes to access the tables.
If we use ADLA tables, can I access ADLA tables via SQL Polybase? If not, is there any way to access the files underlying the ADLA tables directly from Polybase?
I know that I can probably do this using ADF, but at this point I want to avoid ADF to the extent possible - to minimize costs, and to keep the process simple.
Unfortunately, Polybase support for ADLA Tables is still on the roadmap and not yet available. Please file a feature request through the SQL Data Warehouse User voice page.
The suggested work-around is to produce the information as Csv in ADLA and then create the partitioned and distributed table in SQL DW and use Polybase to read the data and fill the SQL DW managed table.

U SQL: direct output to SQL DB

Is there a way to output U-SQL results directly to a SQL DB such as Azure SQL DB? Couldn't find much about that.
U-SQL only currently outputs to files or internal tables (ie tables within ADLA databases), but you have a couple of options. Azure SQL Database has recently gained the ability to load files from Azure Blob Storage using either BULK INSERT or OPENROWSET, so you could try that. This article shows the syntax and gives a reminder that:
Azure Blob storage containers with public blobs or public containers
access permissions are not currently supported.
BULK INSERT and OPENROWSET with Azure Blob Storage is shown here:
You could also use Azure Data Factory (ADF). Its Copy Activity could load the data from Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) to an Azure SQL Database in two steps:
execute U-SQL script which creates output files in ADLS (internal tables are not currently supported as a source in ADF)
move the data from ADLS to Azure SQL Database
As a final option, if your data is likely to get into larger volumes (ie Terabytes (TB) then you could use Azure SQL Data Warehouse which supports Polybase. Polybase now supports both Azure Blob Storage and ADLS as a source.
Perhaps if you can tell us a bit more about your process we can refine which of these options is most suitable for you.

Is Azure Table storage a column-oriented database like HBase

I wonder to know how data is stored on disk in Azure Table? are they stored in a columnar format like HBase?
Microsoft Azure Table is a form of Microsoft Azure Storage, a scalable cloud storage system. There are three layers within an Azure Storage stamp and Stream layer stores the bits on disk, and in charge of distributing and replicating the data across many servers to keep the data durable within a stamp. Please see “Stream Layer” section in the following paper ( to understand how we manage data on the hardware.
I can't say for sure, but I don't think so. Azure Table Storage is a key-value store. HDInsight is Azure's column-family storage, built on Hadoop, similar to HBase.