TimeSliderChoropleth with autoplay - folium

I like the controls of the HeatMapWithTime plugin a lot. But the TimeSliderChoropleth plugin is much more appropriate to the visualization I want to do. The thing I'm missing the most with these more minimalistic controls is a play button, like the autoplay in the HeatMapWithTime plugin. I could imagine that it would be fairly easy to implement, but unfortunately, I have no experience with d3 or JavaScript.
Is there a way of implementing this feature using Python?


adapting javascript to titanium

in my app I have to compare two images, so I found this code.
I tried on my localhost and work fine but I have to do the same on appcelerator and I have some errors, the first is on var img = document.createElement('img');, then on getContext.
is there a way to adapt the code to titanium?
First of all, Titanium is not HTML so you cannot use DOM things as that code does. Though you can use Javascript but Titanium has its own sets of API and it is really superb and broad. Look here to know what you have got under the hood in Titanium
You have to look into many APIs to make your task done, but first you need to understand what that code is trying to do and what you want to achieve because if you understand the logic, then you can do it in Titanium as well. But please do not adapt DOM or HTML to Titanium :)

How can I include Facebook Origami effects in my app?

Origami - the Facebook prototyping tool has some amazing UI effects.
Is there any way to actually use those when I'm building my app?
There's currently no way to include animations from origami into your app.
Facebook announced Pop a few days ago, which is the animation engine they used in their app 'Paper'. You can hear all about it Here. And the good news is Pop integrates with Origami, making what you want possible, Pop will be open source (to be released very soon they said), so keep your eyes open for it.
You can use "Code Export" to export animation code in Origami 2.0.
Origami is for prototyping animations. If you want them to be real you have code them yourself. There is no export to code feature or something like that.
Joris Kuivers has released qc-mobile as mentioned in this blog. It is a starting point.

What is the best way to display and interact with a skill tree

I am trying to create an interface that is similar to the interface on this website for the skill tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree. What is the best way to go about doing this and have the same or similar user interaction. ie. you click on a node and it activate or deactivates it. The movement of the tree and zooming on it would be nice as well. Would like to try to stay away from webView as I am thinking about features I want to add. Thanks in advance just want to see what a good way to do this is.
you can use webView and have almost a copy-paste of the presented webpage html source and load it.
However with native components you can have better performance, but it will "not a copy"
Native componets:
IIViewDeckController for iOS
iHasApp for iOS
iHasApp for iOS
There are more on that side. Consider a combination of they,

Showing multiple simultaneous tool tips in Cocoa

I want to add a feature to my Mac app inspired by the Help mode in iPhoto for iPad, pictured below. I would love to do this using built-in APIs, so I don't have to build my own tool-tip-like view. Is there any way for me to either show multiple tool tips at the same time, or to achieve something similar using NSHelpManager?
If you are targeting 10.7 or later you could do this fairly easily using NSPopover. You would have to create quite a few popover windows but it isn't difficult to do.

How to develop a webapp which allows the user to add markup to text files?

I need to develop a simple webapp that allows the user to highlight a couple of words in the file (text or HTML) that he can load from the screen, and then right-click and have some options show up to choose from.
When she chooses the option , the text of it is added to the file shown on the screen,right after the highlighted text, inside some parenthesis or similar.
Is Ruby on Rails a suitable platform for developing such an app?
Is Grails more suitable ?
(Assuming similar level of knowledge in Groovy and Ruby)
In both cases, I'd appreciate pointers to gems/libraries I should be looking into for these tasks.
I'm not 100% sure I understand your requirements, but have you considered integrating a WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) editor into your web app? Something like CKeditor is open-source, and effective.
You could load the file into the editor and setup a custom context menu like described in part 6 of this tutorial. So when the user right clicks in the editor, the custom context menu item could be configured to facilitate the insertion you are looking to accomplish.
I agree with corroded's advice to choose a language/framework you know and can work better in, as you'll be able to achieve your desired functionality through a variety of languages/frameworks.
Best of Luck!
Find a language/framework you know and can work better in. Also, you're gonna need some javascript magicks so I suggest using jquery. Here's a link on how to do your right click action: How to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery
I think the function you describe is more about client user-friendliness than server processing. I think it's can only be done with javascript/jQuery or similar tools.
Same as tmarsden, I think a good way to do that is integrating a WYSIWYG free editor. I have done it before with TinyMCE, by writing a custom plugin for this tool. If you choose using Grails as server technology, you can take a look at TinyMCE plugin for Grails.