Why is `&` reserved in Idris 2? What is it used for? - idris

Why can I not use & as an operator in Idris 2? What is it used for? I tried searching the source code of the compiler and tests but came up with nothing.


Dollar and exclamation mark (bang) symbols in VTL

I've recently encountered these two variables in some Velocity code:
I was surprised by the similarity of these so I became suspicious about the correctness of the code and become interested in finding the difference between two.
Is it possible that velocity allows any order of these two symbols or do they have different purpose? Do you know the answer?
#Jr. Here is the guide I followed when doing VM R&D: http://velocity.apache.org/engine/1.7/user-guide.html
Velocity uses the !$ and $! annotations for different things. If you use !$ it will basically be the same as a normal "!" operator, but the $! is used as a basic check to see if the variable is blank and if so it prints it out as an empty string. If your variable is empty or null and you don't use the $! annotation it will print the actual variable name as a string.
I googled and stackoverflowed a lot before I finally found the answer at people.apache.org.
According to that:
It is very easy to confuse the quiet reference notation with the
boolean not-Operator. Using the not-Operator, you use !${foo}, while
the quiet reference notation is $!{foo}. And yes, you will end up
sometimes with !$!{foo}...
Easy after all, shame it didn't struck me immediately. Hope this helps someone.

Fortran real variable with parentheses

I am reading a Fortran code but I don't understand the real*8 variable declaration with parentheses like.
I know real*8 means but what is the meaning of (2,3), its parentheses?
I have tried the similar one from web but no many information there.
This syntax denotes an array of shape 2 times 3.
I highly suggest you to learn the basics of the language before trying to understand any code.

NCalc evaluation is wrong?

I am trying to evaluate the following expression:
If you are asking yourself why I didn't use Sqrt() instead of ^0.5 it's because I'm doing some things with the string beforehand that require there be no letters.
I am using this simple code:
Expression.CacheEnabled = False
x = New Expression(xEquation)
y = New Expression(yEquation)
Return New PointF(x.Evaluate, y.Evaluate)
The answer I get is: 7088.800
The correct answer is:7336.46922305(according to google)
I am using .net 3.5 and ncalc 1.3.8
I suspect it doesn't like the amount of brackets there are but I can't find any mention of that being a problem anywhere...
I cannot get Ncalc or Ncalc-edge (v1.4.1) to use the exponentiation operator ^ and produce the correct result. E.g., "4 ^ 2" gives 6. It does not accept ** as an operator.
A little bit of investigation shows that it uses ^ as the Xor operator, in the style of C#. C# does not have an exponentiation operator, so you will have to devise a way of parsing your actual input string and using Sqrt.
There are currently were some requests on the Ncalc discussion forum regarding this, such as Override ^ operator (link now dead, and it's not even available on the Wayback Machine).

Why not have operators as both keywords and functions?

I saw this question and it got me wondering.
Ignoring the fact that pretty much all languages have to be backwards compatible, is there any reason we cannot use operators as both keywords and functions, depending on if it's immediately followed by a parenthesis? Would it make the grammar harder?
I'm thinking mostly of python, but also C-like languages.
Perl does something very similar to this, and the results are sometimes surprising. You'll find warnings about this in many Perl texts; for example, this one comes from the standard distributed Perl documentation (man perlfunc):
Any function in the list below may be used either with or without parentheses around its arguments. (The syntax descriptions omit the parentheses.) If you use parentheses, the simple but occasionally surprising rule is this: It looks like a function, therefore it is a function, and precedence doesn't matter. Otherwise it's a list operator or unary operator, and precedence does matter. Whitespace between the function and left parenthesis doesn't count, so sometimes you need to be careful:
print 1+2+4; # Prints 7.
print(1+2) + 4; # Prints 3.
print (1+2)+4; # Also prints 3!
print +(1+2)+4; # Prints 7.
print ((1+2)+4); # Prints 7.
An even more surprising case, which often bites newcomers:
(a % 7 == 0 || a % 7 == 1) ? "good" : "bad";
will print 0 or 1.
In short, it depends on your theory of parsing. Many people believe that parsing should be precise and predictable, even when that results in surprising parses (as in the Python example in the linked question, or even more famously, C++'s most vexing parse). Others lean towards Perl's "Do What I Mean" philosophy, even though the result -- as above -- is sometimes rather different from what the programmer actually meant.
C, C++ and Python all tend towards the "precise and predictable" philosophy, and they are unlikely to change now.
Depending on the language, not() is not defined. If not() is not defined in some language, you can not use it. Why not() is not defined in some language? Because creator of that language probably had not need this type of language construction. Because it is better to let things be simpler.

Handling expressions in GMP

I introduced myself to the GMP library for high precision arithmetic recently. It seems easy enough to use but in my first program I am running into practical problems. How are expressions to be evaluated. For instance, if I have "1+8*z^2" and z is a mpz_t "large integer" variable, how am I to quickly evaluate this? (I have larger expressions in the program that I am writing.) Currently, I am doing every single operation manually and storing the results in temporary variables like this for the "1+8*z^2" expression:
1) first do mpt_mul(z,z,z) to square z
2) then define an mpz_t variable called "eight" with the value 8.
3) multiply the result from step one by this 8 and store in temp variable.
4) define mpz_t variable called "one" with value 1.
5) add this to the result in step 3 to find final answer.
Is this what I am supposed to be doing? Or is there a better way? It would really help if there was a user's manual for GMP to get people started but there's only the reference manual.
GMP comes with a C++ class interface which provides a more straightforward way of expressing arithmetic expressions. This interface uses C++ operator overloading to allow you to write:
mpz_class z;
1 + 8 * z**2
This is, of course, assuming you're using C++. If you are using C only, you may need to use the C interface to GMP which does not provide operator overloading.
Turns out that there's an unsupported expression parser distributed with GMP in a "expr" subdirectory. It's not part of GMP proper and is subject to change but it is discussed in a README file in that directory. It isn't guaranteed to do the calculation in the fastest way possible, so buyer beware.
So the user must manually evaluate all expressions when using GMP unless they wish to use this library or make their own expression parser.