How to modify a file on the google drive from multiple android devices? - google-oauth

I have a specific google account and a file on it. I want to modify the file from a few android devices without having to log in to this account (User don't have a permission to use this account). I also don't want user to access this file manually (only with the app), so the file can't be shared.
I don't want to share login and password, because it's not safe. I came with idea to share encrypted token, but it expires really fast, so i wanted to share an encrypted refresh token, but when I want to obtain it, problems appear.
I have an android.accounts.Account object and I probably should be able to get refresh token with android.accounts.AccountManager, like this:
String refreshToken = accountManager.getUserData(account, "refreshToken");
but I can't do it, because of this:
java.lang.SecurityException: uid cannot get user data for accounts of type:
Is it a good idea to share refresh token? How can I get it? If not, how to do it?


Auth0: Specific questions about token storage and flow for mobile app

I’m building a react native app that will interact with APIs that I also write/manage. I have found Auth0 documentation for implementing this flow, but I’m not sure on where/when to save the tokens. I want to be sure I nail this step, because I feel like it has the potential to reduce the security of the flow by a great deal if I don’t do it correctly.
Here is the flow as I understand it (no error handling, only happy-path for sake of brevity):
A user enters the app for the first time, or is not already logged in
They log in using the Auth0 web-login-thingy
I receive a token
I can use the token to authenticate with my API
Do I store that token? I don’t want my users to have to log in every time they use the app. If I do store the token, where do I store it?
If I’m not storing it, what do I do? Do I ping an authentication/authorization endpoint with Auth0 every time they open the app and get a new token?
Say I am storing the tokens, if I'm using the ID token for user data, should I be hitting the API again regularly to keep it up to date? Only when the user opens the app again? Not until they trigger a change in the app?
Instead of using the ID token for user data, should I just use that to get the user's ID and ping my database for user data?
I have the basics of this flow, and I'm able to sandbox it, but I want to start applying production-ready app logic to this flow and that's where I'm stuck. I’m a little lost here, so any help is good help.
Here's a brief answer to your questions when using Auth0:
Yes! you store it, the most secure way to store the token is in your device's local storage, that way it is not kept either in application's state or in a global variable.
2&3. See above, but to add more information, you can configure your tokens to have an expiry length. in theory you would convert this 'expiry time from inception' to a date object, and can do one of two things; you can request a new token using the Refresh Token (that comes with the original) once the expiry has been reached, or force the user to re-log in and re issue a new token at this time (i prefer the latter, prevents people from just renewing their tokens forever as long as they remain logged in)
Use the auth token to request user information after login, this can be stored in app state/global variables/wherever. You then want to use the auth token in the Authorization Header for each API call, along with whatever data you are sending. this ensures that even once someone is INSIDE the application, they need to have a valid token to actually do anything involving data (imagine someone back-dooring into your app and skipping the authorization, or using something like postman to just hammer your API with garbage). it would work something like this: GET userData { Header: auth token } -> GET userProfile (by sending your user ID returned from GET userData) PLUS {Header: auth token }
I can give more in depth examples if you wish, and i apologize if i misunderstood any of the question and gave redundant/incorrect answers
Edit: Resources about using secure storage for keys
Document for when to use in-memory storage Vs persistent storage. The TL;DR is use in-memory if the key is expected to expire before a standard session duration, and persistent for storing a key between sessions
link to Keychain Services doc
link to SharedPreferences doc
AsyncStorage is a simple, unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent,
key-value storage system that is global to the app. [1]
You could store it in your AsyncStorage, but thats not necessarily a secure location itself (e.g. not encrypted, accessible on rooted devices...). Typically clients will issue access tokens that last anywhere from several hours to a couple days and these will provide their owner access to your API-resources. If there is sensitive data behind your login screen, you're probably better off simply re-doing the auth-flow and invalidate older access tokens on login.

OneDrive API centralized account

We want to use OneDrive API to upload and retrieve files from our own account.
The problem is that OAuth needs user interaction for login and then redirects back.
However we don't want to each user to log in and then gain access to his account. We want to just communicate with our own onedrive account without user to know about that.
(In other words, we're not creating an application that allow our users to edit their own data, but to interact with our data, like a database.)
Is there any way how to do this with OneDrive or we should use different approach?
Try adding admin (user used in OAuth) as ‘Site Collection Administrator’ to access all the file/folders of a User.

How to get Google+ App permission status

I'm operting a website, which enables users to login via facebook or/and google+ to access their user profile. If a user logs in with facebook, I want to show if the user also granted permissions to log in via Google+.
I have an G+ access- and refresh token in a database. I've tried to use the G+ client's "setAccessToken()" function and afterwards "isAccessTokenExpired()" to do a check. The problem is that "setAccessToken()" expects the accessToken param as a JSON string (the same you receive as you log in with google+). So I think that's not the way to go...
Does anyone has an idea how to check if the user granted permissions to log in (without logging in)?
Best regards
Maybe it's not the best solution, but I've used a refresh token to check if I can get a new access token. If that fails, the user revoked access.
You're not specifying the library you're using (if any), but most of the Google-provided libraries require that the access_token object that was returned (which contains both the access_token and the refresh_token, along with other values) be the one that is passed to the API for authentication. In general, best practice is to store the entire JSON object and not the individual values in it.

Replace "via Graph API Explorer" label by my application name

I am quite new in Facebook application development. I was playing the all day with "how to post a message on the wall of a page?". I finally succeeded but each message got "via Graph API Explorer". I tried to find how to change it to my application name without success. I tried to see if I could force the value of application in the api command but it did not take it into account. Maybe I miss something :( If someone can help, that would be great!
I am still quite confused. Let me try to explain what I want to do: I would like to automatically publish on a page (as the page) some event that are defined on a website (in a kind of agenda). What I miss, I think, is how everything is working together on Facebook side:
1. the login process: as the application will run in a cron, this should not display a login dialog box.
2. the access token: application or page one?
3. the permissions: from my understanding, I need manage_pages (and publish_stream) but not clear how this should be set.
Thx for any clarification and maybe a clear example :o)
You need the user to authorise your own App using one of the Login flows and grant you one of the publishing Permissions -
If it says 'via Graph API Explorer' on the posts your app makes you're using the access token you retrieved when you were testing the API using the Graph API Explorer tool, not one produced by your own app
OK I think I have finally found the way to do it. I needed a page access code and not an application access code. The token must be generated outside the application as a long live one.
Get a code using:{app_id}&redirect_uri={my_url}&scope=manage_pages,publish_stream
app_id is your application ID
my_url is your application URL
scope is the permission you want to be granted
In the redirected URL, you will have a code parameter. Copy it.
Generate the user access code using:{app_id}&redirect_uri={my_url}&client_secret={app_secret}&code={code}
app_secret is your application secret key
code is the code from step 1
You will get as output the user access token. This one is a short live one.
convert the short live to a long live user access token using:{app_id}&client_secret={app_secret}&fb_exchange_token={short live access token}
Replace the "short live access token" by the one you got on step 2
You will get as output the infinite user access token.
Get the page access token (this one will be infinite access token as
the user access token is now an infinite access token too):{infinite user access token}
Replace the "infinite user access token" with the value you got on step 3.
This command will list all the pages you administer. The output contains the page access token you need in field "access_token". You can so use this token in any API command in your application.
The best of the best is to do all those steps via a server side program (PHP for me) as the application secret key should remain "secret".

How safe am I signing into Google Spreadsheets with

I am impressed by what I have seen of which is a web interface for Hadley Wickham's R package ggplot2. I want to try it out on my own data. The part that has me very excited is that one can use data stored in one's own Google spreadsheet as the data. One just signs into their Google Account so that can access the spreadsheet list. I have been hesitant to do it. If I sign in whilst on am I handing over my username and password to a third party? It would not be wise of me to divulge my google password to third parties since Google is fast becoming my repository of everything.
How do I know if Jeroon's application is using ClientLogin or OAuth? My understanding is very basic and may be wrong but nevertheless here it is. OAuth would be better since it does not actually pass the password onto the third party application.
I am the creator of the, someone pointed me to this topic. I'll try to explain how the system currently works.
The application is using AuthSub authentication. The moment you sign into your Google account, a Google session is created. This session only has access to the Google documents and Google spreadsheet services that you gave permission for on the Google login page, so not to e.g. your mailbox.
Once you logged in, you retrieve a session token from Google: a unique key that belongs to the session and can be used to make requests to access your Google data. The session token is stored as a cookie on your browser until you close it. Every time you make a request to servers, this token is added to the request.
Using this token, the servers can access your google data, e.g. to retreive a spreadsheet. The token is not stored on the server, although I understand that you have to take my word on this. Also it is not possible to find out your username or password from the session token; it can only be used to retreive data, as long as the session lives.