TableView crashes when swiped beyond start - crash

One of my TableViews crashes when a swipe downwards would tend to scroll it to earlier than its start. The error is
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[kitios.VersesTableViewController refreshVerseItems:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x105155780'
kitios is the name of my app, VersesTableViewController is the custom class for the TableView controller, but my code does not have any function named refreshVerseItems. This is extremely puzzling!
What should I be looking for?

Months ago when learning how to cope with adding a row into the TableView I tried using a value changed event; but found a better way, deleted the #IBAction refreshVerseItems() function from the Swift code, but forgot to delete the valued changed action from the storyboard. Forgetting to remove that bit from the storyboard "came back to haunt me"! Problem is now fixed.


pushViewController not working for instantiated ViewController

Again I have encountered another problem...
I have a view which lists "covers" for each "book" like iBooks. Each of the book must be downloaded before viewing its contents. Once the contents for a book was downloaded, the user can view that contents (just a series of images).
However, suddenly my view for the book pages stop working. In my "book shelf" view which lists the covers of the books, if the book the user created was already downloaded, I instantiate another view controller for the book's page:
BookPageController *bookPageVc = [[BookPageController alloc] init];
bookPageVc.bookPageData = bookPageData;
[self.navigationController pushViewController:bookPageVc animated:YES];
I already checked if it properly instantiated by NSLog, and both BookPageController and self.navigationController are existed. Yet its always crushes with the error:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil'
I didn't change/add anything for this BookPageController, it's just UIViewController.
Because when I try to another UIViewController, it works fine.
Am I missing something in BookPageController? Any help or point to direction would be appriciated.
Maybe i'm not seeing something, but the error ocurred when you insert and abject (creating the list?), but i dont see an insert action in your code.
Can you post that part?
(Or check if it is instantiated in that moment).

Receiving "Thread 1: signal SIGABRT" after I add a new View Controller. How can I resolve this?

My project built and ran completely fine. (it's rootViewController is a TabBarController) So I added two new view controller to my storyboard and connected them to my rootviewcontroller. In storyboard, the tabs were added just fine and everything looked okay. So I added the ViewController classes to my project and hooked them up to the correct viewControllers in storyboard. However, when I ran the project my new tabs were not visible in the simulator. So I ran "clean" on my project, deleted my application out of the simulator, reset the simulator to its original settings, and my new tabs still would not appear in the simulator. So i quit everything and restarted my mac. This time, when I ran my project it gave me the "Thread 1:signal SIGABRT" So i became frustrated and deleted my new viewControllers, both from the storyboard and the classes menu. I sent the classes to trash. But STILL I get the SIGABRT error. Even now that I am back to my original project, I am getting the error. I can't figure out what is wrong. Since it won't let me post a picture of my screen, just let me know if you need any additional debugger output or anything.
this is what its giving me in the debugger.
2012-07-05 09:22:33.336 NewsomeBand[265:15203] ***
Terminating app due to uncaught exception
'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Could not
find a storyboard named 'MainStoryboard' in bundle
NSBundle </Users/tammyscheele/Library/Application
Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/
1B3E088D-23A6-4B77-8CBB-390A9720818A/> (loaded)'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x152b022 0x30d2cd6 0x5179f2 0xecd60 0xecff8 0xec17f 0xfb183 0xfbc38 0xef634
0x16beef5 0x14ff195 0x1463ff2 0x14628da 0x1461d84 0x1461c9b
0xebc65 0xed626 0x202d 0x1f95)
terminate called throwing an exception(lldb)
From the debugger output that you posted it looks like you may have accidentally also deleted a reference to your main/root story board. I'm guessing this based on
'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Could not
find a storyboard named 'MainStoryboard' in bundle
Either that or did you accidentally rename it somewhere or misspell it? It looks like its something simple in any case.
I solved it! I went into the info tab inside my project and set "Main storyboard file base name" to "MainStoryboard", and also made sure that my storyboard was named "MainStoryboard". That seemed to fix everything

Crash upon text selection and deletion from menu in UITextView

My UITextViews crash the app upon text selection and deletion.
Cut, copy, and paste seem to work fine. The only error in the log is:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIMenuController view]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xff85ac0'
It is a normal UITextView, and the UIMenuController is untouched and uncustomized. Any ideas?
Happens with iOS 4.3 and 5.0 in simulator and on device.
No more information with zombies enabled, except for a stack trace that I'll need to interpret.. The new Xcode isn't nice about this:
(0x356338bf 0x360ae1e5 0x35636acb 0x35635945 0x35590680 0x37c63925 0x3816b 0x1a557 0x3559222b 0x37a869a7 0x3559222b 0x31671943 0x35607a63 0x356076c9 0x3560629f 0x355894dd 0x355893a5 0x32073fed 0x3794d743 0x29d1 0x2990)
The cause was undocumented (correct me if you find documentation and I'll update this answer) behavior from UITextView and UITextField with their default use of UIMenuController. The "Delete" option is added if your UIText*Delegate implements delete:. When "Delete" is selected from the menu, your field's delegate will then be called with a delete: message. I discovered this by adding an exception breakpoint in the breakpoint listing pane, which gave me the properly symbolicated stack trace that the original exception did not. The crash was caused because I was using delete:(id)sender to service bar button items in a way that required use of the sender. I fixed it by renaming delete: to deletePart:. The user can still delete text by selecting "Cut".
Having view sent to UIMenuController means that you probably assigned the UIMenuController somewhere it shouldn't go. See if you set anything to equal menuController (or whatever your instance variable name is) and see if that causes an issue.
Also, this could be an overrelease happening much earlier in the code where the UIMenuController just happens to allocate in the memory space that was formerly occupied by something that was released too early. Enable NSZombies and see what your error changes to.

NSURLConnection crashes my app if I scroll the table to end too fast

Hey, I got a little problem with NSURLConnection, my customcell class has a function that will load it's image with URLConnection. I call that function when the cell is being drawn and the problem comes when I scroll too fast(It draws more cells) the URLConnection crashes the app.
Problem seems to come when too many URLConnections are active, I am thinking should I make queue or something..
Here is what I get:
Thanks in advance!
The hint is near the bottom terminate called after throwing an instance of 'NSException', but also at the top; unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x72cfaa0. Find out which instance 0x72cfaa0 is (probably an Array), and you'll find your bug (you're sending a message to an instance that it doesn't know how to handle). I could tell you more, but finding the bug is half the fun really.

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '-[UIViewController loadView] loaded the nib but no view was set

From what I understand of the SDK, this exception is raised when the bindings in IB are not proper. But in my case, the view is loaded fine for the first two times. I then move back from the view using the NavigationController.
The third time when I try to open the view, I get this exception. The fact that it opens correct the first two times, means the bindings are correct and the view is fine! But then why does it fail the third time?
Any pointers?
I am calling -initWithNibName:bundle: to initialize the view which is created in IB. Not calling the -loadView method.
It is not getting garbage collected. AFAIK, there is no garbage collection in iPhone SDK and we need to dealloc stuff explicitly.
It seems that you have not bind the view to it's file owner.
For fixing this thing go open the xib which you are using in this ViewController. Right Click on your main view and then bind this view to the File Owener's view property.
You may be running low on memory, which forces the system to send out low-memory messages to instantiated view controllers. The default implementation of -didReceiveMemoryWarning clears out the view member variable. In theory, then next time the view is required, it should be re-instantiated, but you may have overridden something that's preventing that.
The view object might be going out of scope, and getting garbage collected.