BigQueryIO.write() use SQL functions - google-bigquery

I have a Dataflow streaming job. I am using BigqueryIO.write library to insert rows into BigQuery tables. There is a column in the BQ table, which is supposed to store the row creation timestamp. I need to use the SQL function "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()" to update the value of this column.
I can not use any of the java's libraries (like to get the current timestamp. Because that will derive the value during the job execution. I am using a BigQuery load job, whose triggering frequency is 10 mins. So if I use any java libraries to derive the timestamp, then it won't return the expected output.
I could not find any method in BigqueryIO.write, which takes any SQL function as input. So what's the solution to this issue?

It sounds like you want BigQuery to assign a timestamp to each row, based on when the row was inserted. The only way I can think of to accomplish this is to submit a QueryJob to BigQuery that contains an INSERT statement that includes CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() along with the values of the other columns. But this method is not particularly scalable with data volume, and it's not something that BigQueryIO.write() supports.
BigQueryIO.write supports batch loads, the streaming inserts API, and the Storage Write API, none of which to my knowledge provide a method to inject a BigQuery-side timestamp like you are suggesting.


Add dataset parameters into column to use them in BigQuery later with DataPrep

I am importing several files from Google Cloud Storage (GCS) through Google DataPrep and store the results in tables of Google BigQuery. The structure on GCS looks something like this:
We can create a dataset with parameters as outlined on this page. This all works fine and I have been able to import it properly.
However, in this BigQuery table (output), I have no means of extracting only rows with for instance a parameter month in it.
How could I therefore add these Dataset Parameters (here: {month}) into my BigQuery table using DataPrep?
While the original answers were true at the time of posting, there was an update rolled out last week that added a number of features not specifically addressed in the release notes—including another solution for this question.
In addition to SOURCEROWNUMBER() (which can now also be expressed as $sourcerownumber), there's now also a source metadata reference called $filepath—which, as you would expect, stores the local path to the file in Cloud Storage.
There are a number of caveats here, such as it not returning a value for BigQuery sources and not being available if you pivot, join, or unnest . . . but in your scenario, you could easily bring it into a column and do any needed matching or dropping using it.
NOTE: If your data source sample was created before this feature, you'll need to create a new sample in order to see it in the interface (instead of just NULL values).
Full notes for these metadata fields are available here:
There is currently no access to data source location or parameter match values within the flow. Only the data in the dataset is available to you. (except SOURCEROWNUMBER())
Partial Solution
One method I have been using to mimic parameter insertion into the eventual table is to have multiple dataset imports by parameter and then union these before running your transformations into a final table.
For each known parameter search dataset, have a recipe that fills a column with that parameter per dataset and then union the results of each of these.
Obviously, this is only so scalable i.e. it works if you know the set of parameter values that will match. once you get to the granularity of time-stamp in the source file there is no way this is feasible.
In this example just the year value is the filtered parameter.
Longer Solution (An aside)
The alternative to this I eventually skated to was to define dataflow jobs using Dataprep, use these as dataflow templates and then run an orchestration function that ran the dataflow job (not dataprep) and amended the parameters for input AND output via the API. Then there was a transformation BigQuery Job that did the roundup append function.
Worth it if the flow is pretty settled, but not for adhoc; all depends on your scale.

Python Apache Beam: BigQuery streaming deduplication by row_id

According to BigQuery docs, you can ensure data consistency providing an insertId ( If it's not provided, BQ will try to ensure consistency based on internals Ids and best-effort.
Using the BQ API you can do that with the row_ids param ( but I can't find the same for the Apache Beam Python SDK.
Looking into the SDK I have noticed that a 'unique_row_id' property exist, but I really don't know how to pass my param to WriteToBigQuery()
How can I write into BQ (streaming) providing a row Id for deduplication?
If you use WriteToBigQuery then it will automatically create and
insert a unique row id called insertId for you, which will be inserted to bigquery. It's handled for you, you don't need to worry about it. :)
WriteToBigQuery is a PTransform, and in it's expand method calls BigQueryWriteFn
BigQueryWriteFn is a DoFn, and in it's process method calls _flush_batch
_flush_batch is a method that then calls the BigQueryWrapper.insert_rows method
BigQueryWrspper.insert_rows creates a list of bigquery.TableDataInsertAllRequest.RowsValueListEntry objects which contain the insertId and the row data as a json object
The insertId is generated by calling the unique_row_id method which returns a value consisting of UUID4 concatenated with _ and with an auto-incremented number.
In the current 2.7.0 code, there is this happy comment; I've also verified it is true :)
# Prepare rows for insertion. Of special note is the row ID that we add to
# each row in order to help BigQuery avoid inserting a row multiple times.
# BigQuery will do a best-effort if unique IDs are provided. This situation
# can happen during retries on failures.
* Don't use BigQuerySink
At least, not in it's current form as it doesn't support streaming. I guess that might change.
Original (non)answer
Great question, I also looked and couldn't find a certain answer.
Apache Beam doesn't appear to use that client sdk you've linked to, it has some internal generated api client, but it appears to be up-to-date.
I looked at the source:
The insertall method is there
I also found the insertid mentioned
So if you can make an InsertAll call it will use a TableDataInsertAllRequest and pass a RowsValueListEntry
class TableDataInsertAllRequest(_messages.Message):
"""A TableDataInsertAllRequest object.
RowsValueListEntry: A RowsValueListEntry object.
The RowsValueListEntry message is where the insertid is.
Here's the API docs for insert all
I will look some more at this because I don't see the WriteToBigQuery() exposing this.
I suspect that the 'bigquery will remember this for at least one minute` is a pretty loose guarantee for de-duping. The docs suggest using datastore if you need transactions. Otherwise you might need to run SQL with window functions to de-dupe at runtime, or run some other de-duping jobs on bigquery.
Perhaps using batch_size parameter of WriteToBigQuery(), and running a combine (or at worst a GroupByKey) step in dataflow is a more stable way to de-dupe prior to writing.

Writing to a BigQuery table with date in table name from a DataFlow streaming pipeline

My table name format: tableName_YYYYMMDD. I am trying to write to this table from a streaming dataflow pipeline. The reason I want to write to a new table everyday is because I want to expire tables after 30 days and only want to keep a window of 30 tables at a time.
Current code:
.to(String.format("%1$s:%2$s.%3$s",projectId, bqDataSet, bqTable))
I do realize above code will not roll over to new day and start writing there.
As this answer suggests I can partition table and expire partitions, but writing to a partitioned tables seems like is not supported from a streaming pipeline.
Any ideas how can I work around this?
In the Dataflow 2.0 SDK there is a way to specify DynamicDestinations
See to(DynamicDestinations<T,?> dynamicDestinations) in BigQuery Dynamic Destionations.
Also, see the TableDestination version, which should be simpler and less code. Though unfortunately there is no example in the javadoc.
to(SerializableFunction<ValueInSingleWindow<T>,TableDestination> tableFunction)
This is an open source pipeline you can use to connect pub/sub to big query. I think google has also added support for streaming pipelines to date partitioned tables. Details here.

How can I trigger an email or other notification based on a BigQuery query?

I would like to receive a notification, ideally via email, when some threshold is met in Google BigQuery. For example, if the query is:
SELECT name, count(id) FROM terrible_things
WHERE date(terrible_thing) < -1d
Then I would want to get an alert when there were greater than 0 results, and I would want that alert to contain the name of each object and how many there were.
BigQuery does not provide the kinds of services you'd need to build this without involving other technologies. However, you should be able to use something like appengine (which does have a task scheduling mechanism) to periodically issue your monitoring query probe, check the results of the job, and alert if there are nonzero rows in the results. Alternately, you could do this locally using some scripting and leveraging the BQ command line tool.
You could also refine things by using BQ's table decorators to only scan the data that's arrived since you last ran your monitoring query, if you retain knowledge of the last probe's execution in the calling system.
In short: Something else needs to issue the queries and react based on the outcome, but BQ can certainly evaluate the data.

How should I partition data in s3 for use with hadoop hive?

I have a s3 bucket containing about 300gb of log files in no particular order.
I want to partition this data for use in hadoop-hive using a date-time stamp so that log-lines related to a particular day are clumped together in the same s3 'folder'. For example log entries for January 1st would be in files matching the following naming:
What would be the best way for me to transform the data? Am I best just running a single script that reads in each file at a time and outputs data to the right s3 location?
I'm sure there's a good way to do this using hadoop, could someone tell me what that is?
What I've tried:
I tried using hadoop-streaming by passing in a mapper that collected all log entries for each date then wrote those directly to S3, returning nothing for the reducer, but that seemed to create duplicates. (using the above example, I ended up with 2.5 million entries for Jan 1st instead of 1.4million)
Does anyone have any ideas how best to approach this?
If Hadoop has free slots in the task tracker, it will run multiple copies of the same task. If your output format doesn't properly ignore the resulting duplicate output keys and values (which is possibly the case for S3; I've never used it), you should turn off speculative execution. If your job is map-only, set to false. If you have a reducer, set mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution to false. Check out Hadoop: The Definitive Guide for more information.
Why not create an external table over this data, then use hive to create the new table?
create table partitioned (some_field string, timestamp string, created_date date) partition(created_date);
insert overwrite partitioned partition(created_date) as select some_field, timestamp, date(timestamp) from orig_external_table;
In fact, I haven't looked up the syntax, so you may need to correct it with reference to