Teleport in component from slot Vue3 - vue.js

I want to create tabs component for my components library. I want tabs and tab components to work like this:
:title="'tab 1'"
tab content1
:title="'tab 2'"
tab content2
:title="'tab 3'"
tab content3
So we have two components and they have some props including is-active which by default will be false.
The parent component - tabs.vue will be something like this
<section :class="mode ? 'tabs--light' : 'tabs--dark'" #change-tab="selectTab(2)">
<div :id="`tabs-top-tabId`" class="tabs__menu"></div>
here we have wrapper for our single tab which will be displayed here using slot. Here in this "parent" component we are also holding selectedIndex which specify which tab is selected and function to change this value.
setup () {
const tabId = Math.random() // TODO: use uuid;
const data = reactive<{selectedIndex: number}>({
selectedIndex: 0
const selectTab = (i: number) => {
data.selectedIndex = i
return {
TLDR Now as you guys might already noticed in tab.vue I have div with class tabs__menu which I want to teleport some stuff into. As the title props goes into <tab> component which is displayed by the slot in tabs.vue I want to teleport from tab to tabs.
My tab.vue:
<h1>tab.vue {{ title }}</h1>
<div class="tab" v-bind="$attrs">
<teleport :to="`#tabs-top-tabId`" #click="$emit('changeTab')">
<span style="color: red">{{ title }}</span>
<slot v-if="isActive"></slot>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, PropType } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
props: {
title: {
type: String as PropType<string>,
required: true
isActive: {
type: Boolean as PropType<boolean>,
required: true
// tabId: {
// type: Number as PropType<number>, // TODO: change to string after changing it to uuid;
// required: true
// }
However this span does not get teleported. When I run first snippet for this post I can't see it displayed and I don't see it in DOM.
Why teleported span doesnt display?

I came across this issue recently when using element-plus with vue test utils and Jest.
Not sure if this would help but here is my workaround.
const wrapper = mount(YourComponent, {
global: {
stubs: {
teleport: { template: '<div />' },


Vue 3: access VueComponent object placed in slots

I'm working on tab component and I want to render tab labels in parent component by getting child's slot, named 'label'
In Vue 2.x I could approach that, by referring to $slots property of tab component, in Tabs.vue:
<section class="tabs">
<ul class="tabs-labels">
v-for="tab in tabs"
:class="[{'active': tab.isActive}, 'tab-label']"
{{ tab.$slots.label }}
<div class="tabs-content">
export default {
name: 'Tabs',
data () {
return {
tabs: [],
mounted () {
// filter tabs in case there were additional vue components placed in slots
this.tabs = this.$children.filter(tab => tab.$ === 'TabContent');
methods: {
selectTab (selectedTab) {
// set isActive property of the tab by comparing their uids
this.tabs.forEach(tab => {
tab.isActive = (tab._uid === selectedTab._uid);
<div v-show="isActive" class="single-tab-content">
export default {
name: 'TabContent',
data () {
return {
isActive: false
Here, when the tab label clicked, in Tabs.vue I iterate through tabs array and setting their isActive property, comparing their uid and uid of selectedTab
But in Vue 3.x API of slots has changed, so I changed the way of getting tab contents:
this.tabs = this.$children.filter(tab => tab.$ === 'TabContent');
this.tabs = this.$slots.default().filter(tab => === 'TabContent');
but as I understand, it getting only vNodes, not actual VueComponent that rendered, so when I'm executing selectTab method
tab.isActive = (tab._uid === selectedTab._uid);
it updates only isActive properties for tabs, that were saved in tabs array, not for actual tab contents, so v-show never changes.
Is there any way to get actual rendered VueComponents from <slots>? Or maybe this approach is wrong from the beginning and I should try something else?
CodeSandboxes for both versions:
Vue 2.x -ignore the error about refering to children during render, it's a bug on CodeSandbox
Vue 3.x
Its a bit more complicated with Vue 3. You will want to look into using provide and inject. here is a good example.
sandbox -
The example above is using typescript however you get the idea.

How to target router-link-active class in element?

I have a component with 2 router links. I want both to be colored when either one is clicked. Problem is that these router links don't share a router-link-active class, so I'm trying to target them via querySelector and apply the color css property manually.
This is the component:
<div id="nav-link-cms" class="nav-link-cms">
<router-link class="router-link" :to="{ name: link}">
<fa class="icon" :icon="icon"></fa>
<span class="label">{{ label }}</span>
<router-link class="plus-link" v-if="plusLink" :to="{ name: plusLink }">
<fa class="icon-plus" :icon="[ 'fas', 'circle-plus' ]"></fa>
and I can target one router-link class plus-link like so:
<script setup>
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
onMounted(() => {
This seems to work fine. The browser console outputs:
As you can see both router-link-active and plus-link classes are present in the link element.
Outputting the classList like so:
onMounted(() => {
shows this in the console:
DOMTokenList ['plus-link', value: 'plus-link']
0: "router-link-active"
1: "router-link-exact-active"
2: "plus-link"
length: 3
value: "router-link-active router-link-exact-active plus-link"
[[Prototype]]: DOMTokenList
But as soon as I try to see if the list contains a the router-link-active class:
onMounted(() => {
the console shows:
Is router-link-active applied even after onMounted? How can I target it?
Have not tried it myself but you should be able to use useLink Docs, from Vue-Router to get if the value for each route (link and plusLink), and then look at the isActive property of both of them then pass it to the template.
<router-link :class="{active: isActive}" :to="link">
<router-link :to="plusLink"></router-link>
<script setup>
import { RouterLink, RouterView } from "vue-router";
import { ref, watch } from "vue";
import { useLink } from "vue-router";
const isActive = ref(false);
const linkState = useLink({ to: "about" });
const linkPlusState = useLink({ to: "new" });
watch([linkState.isActive + linkPlusState.isActive], () => {
if (linkState.isActive || linkPlusState.isActive) {
isActive.value = true;
} else {
isActive.value = false;
Note: As a general thing you should avoid direct DOM manipulation when using any FE framework.

How to set non-reactive component instance level data in Vue 3?

There is a similar question for Vue2 and recommendation is to use $options.
But it seems that it does't work for Vue 3.
First of all, Vue 3 documentation say, that $options is read only.
So when I am trying to initialize tooltip in instance when component mounted, I get very strange behavior, when tooltips are shown from last created component, so it seem that $options are somehow "global" ?
When put tooptip to data everything works fine, but obviously tooltip should not be reactive and I'd like to put it outside the data.
:class="['bi ', icon, hover && 'text-primary']"
#mouseover="hover = true; $;"
#mouseleave="hover = false; $options.tooltip.hide();"
style="cursor: pointer"
import {Tooltip} from "bootstrap";
export default {
props: ["icon", "title"],
tooltip: null,
data() {
return {
hover: false
mounted() {
this.$options.tooltip = new Tooltip(this.$refs.icon,{
placement: 'bottom',
trigger: 'manual',
title: this.title || ''
You can attach non-reactive properties directly to the component instance in the mounted() hook:
export default {
// tooltip: null,
mounted() {
// this.$options.tooltip = new Tooltip(...)
this.tooltip = new Tooltip(...)
<!-- BEFORE -->
#mouseover="hover = true; $;"
#mouseleave="hover = false; $options.tooltip.hide();"
<!-- AFTER -->
#mouseover="hover = true;;"
#mouseleave="hover = false; tooltip.hide();"

Vue.js - Emit from grandchild slot component didn't bubble $emit event to parent

I planned and made a modal and then created a button to close the modal window.
I wanted to change the value of isHomeDialog using $emit as an event of the button.
However, $emit's event was not delivered to "Home.vue"
import ReviewDialog from '#/components/popup/dialog/ReviewDialog';
export default {
name: 'Home',
components: {
data () {
return {
isHomeDialog: true
methods: {
closeEvent () {
isHomeDialog = false;
<div v-show="isOpen">
<div class="mask"> </div>
<div class="content">
#click="$emit('close')"> </button>
export default {
props: {
isOpen: {
type: Boolean,
required: true
<div class="warp">
import BaseDialog from '#/components/popup/dialog/BaseDialog';
export default {
components: {
props: {
isOpen: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
└ BaseDialog
 └ ReviewDialog
In the above structure, I tried to send a request to BaseDialog and ReviewDialog with $emit, but it was not delivered to Home.
Is there any way to send $ emit to its parent component other than requesting it with $root.$emit?
BaseDialog emits the close event to its parent, ReviewDialog, which is not listening for it. So you need to listen in ReviewDialog, and re-emit the event to Home:
#close="$emit('close')"> <-- This line is new -->
Another way to do this is to have ReviewDialog pass all its listeners down:
v-on="$listeners"> <-- This line is new -->
Since two-way binding is deprecated in Vue2 + child cannot mutate props directly
Likely another approach custom component with v-model
I put reference below:
vuejs update parent data from child component

Vuejs unable to access dom element after mounted() even with this.nextTick. Using chartjs

This is my child element
<template lang="html">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-8 col-md-8 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<bar-chart :v-if="this.barChartReadyToBeRendered" :chart-data='null' :height="340"></bar-chart>
<div class="flex-col-docs col-lg-3">
<div class="column" style="height: 150px">
<div class="col">
<q-select dark stack-label="Show Targets" class="select-notification"
<div class="col">
<q-select dark stack-label="Agency" class="select-notification"
import BarChart from '../../components/BarChart'
export default {
components: {
/* Other code */
mounted () {
console.log('OUTSIDE MOUNTED')
this.$nextTick(() => {
let ctx = document.getElementById('bar-chart')
The bar chart chartjs is
import { Bar, mixins } from 'vue-chartjs'
const { reactiveProp } = mixins
export default {
extends: Bar,
mixins: [reactiveProp],
props: ['options'],
mounted () {
this.renderChart(this.chartData, this.options)
In my parent element, the template is
<q-page padding class="row justify-center">
<div style="width: 80vw; max-width: 100vw;">
<div class="flex-row-docs">
<div class="doc-container">
<q-list no-border>
<div class="row justify-start">
<div class="col-6">
<div class="q-mb-md q-mt-md q-headline">Full coverage</div>
<span v-if="!isNewsByIdLoaded" class="row justify-center">
<q-spinner-mat :size="36" style="color: #027be3ff; text-align: justify; margin: 2rem;" />
<div class="row">
<article-cluster :isNewsByIdLoaded="isNewsByIdLoaded"></article-cluster>
I am expecting to console.log(ctx) and console.log(this.$el), however the output of those 2 is null and <!-- --> respectively.
I thought mounted and this.$nextTick() will allow me to have access to the DOM. What am i missing here? please help thank you
Why are you assuming that document.getElementById('bar-chart') would return any element? There is no element with that ID being created. What you're rather looking for is document.getElementsByTagName('bar-chart'), but that will also yield no result, because Vue does not internally create Web Components, but inserts the component's root element in place instead. So, what you can do is give your bar-chart component an id attribute, which will be passed to the root element automatically.
The next issue is that your bar-chart component is only visible when the condition in v-if is truthy. That's probably not the case when the component is first being loaded. In this working minimal example, I simply set v-if="false".
const { Bar, mixins } = VueChartJs
const { reactiveProp } = mixins
const BarChart = Vue.component('bar-chart', {
extends: Bar,
mixins: [reactiveProp],
props: ['options'],
mounted () {
//this.renderChart(this.chartData, this.options)
this.$nextTick(() => {
console.log('mounted bar-chart component:');
Vue.component('example-component', {
template: `<div><bar-chart v-if="false" id="barchart" chart-data="null" height="340"></bar-chart></div>`,
components: [BarChart],
mounted () {
this.$nextTick(() => {
console.log('mounted child component:');
let ctx = document.getElementById('barchart')
// create a new Vue instance and mount it to our div element above with the id of app
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app'
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
(The stack snippet console actually hides the <!-- -->, but you can see it in this codepen. Vue automatically inserts this empty HTML comment as a placeholder for a component that is not currently being displayed.)
The output is actually expected, as the bar-chart component is not being rendered, therefore this.$el (referring to the child component, not the bar-chart component) is empty.
Now here ist the same snippet with v-if="true" on the bar-chart component:
const { Bar, mixins } = VueChartJs
const { reactiveProp } = mixins
const BarChart = Vue.component('bar-chart', {
extends: Bar,
mixins: [reactiveProp],
props: ['options'],
mounted () {
//this.renderChart(this.chartData, this.options)
this.$nextTick(() => {
console.log('mounted bar-chart component:');
Vue.component('example-component', {
template: `<div><bar-chart v-if="true" id="barchart" chart-data="null" height="340"></bar-chart></div>`,
components: [BarChart],
mounted () {
this.$nextTick(() => {
console.log('mounted child component:');
let ctx = document.getElementById('barchart')
// create a new Vue instance and mount it to our div element above with the id of app
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app'
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
As you can see, the logs now return the correct elements, also in the mounted() hook of the bar-chart component.
Of course, you shouldn't use the id attribute in your component if you ever plan to have multiple instances of this component, because it would result in multiple elements having the same ID, which is invalid HTML and might lead to unexpected interferences. So, this was only for demonstration purposes in this minimal example. In your real code, you could use Vue's ref attribute instead, which you can then refer to via this.$refs inside the parent component.
There are two other issues in your code:
You don't need the colon in front of v-if, because it automatically binds to the expression given as its value.
You don't need this. in your expressions, you're in the components context automatically and can simply use the properties' names directly.