How to set non-reactive component instance level data in Vue 3? - vue.js

There is a similar question for Vue2 and recommendation is to use $options.
But it seems that it does't work for Vue 3.
First of all, Vue 3 documentation say, that $options is read only.
So when I am trying to initialize tooltip in instance when component mounted, I get very strange behavior, when tooltips are shown from last created component, so it seem that $options are somehow "global" ?
When put tooptip to data everything works fine, but obviously tooltip should not be reactive and I'd like to put it outside the data.
:class="['bi ', icon, hover && 'text-primary']"
#mouseover="hover = true; $;"
#mouseleave="hover = false; $options.tooltip.hide();"
style="cursor: pointer"
import {Tooltip} from "bootstrap";
export default {
props: ["icon", "title"],
tooltip: null,
data() {
return {
hover: false
mounted() {
this.$options.tooltip = new Tooltip(this.$refs.icon,{
placement: 'bottom',
trigger: 'manual',
title: this.title || ''

You can attach non-reactive properties directly to the component instance in the mounted() hook:
export default {
// tooltip: null,
mounted() {
// this.$options.tooltip = new Tooltip(...)
this.tooltip = new Tooltip(...)
<!-- BEFORE -->
#mouseover="hover = true; $;"
#mouseleave="hover = false; $options.tooltip.hide();"
<!-- AFTER -->
#mouseover="hover = true;;"
#mouseleave="hover = false; tooltip.hide();"


How could I change an image in a child page when pressing a button in its parent page?

I have a DefaultLayout component with a dark mode toggle button which is its own component. One if its children (DefaultLayout's) is About.vue where I want a specific image to change its src depending on a localStorage value that can be set to either 'dark' or 'light'.
I've managed to read the localStorage value but the image does not change unless I refresh the page.
I'm new to Vue so I'm lost on how I can create a method to do this in DefaultLayout and change a variable in its child. I've tried to use an emit with no luck.
Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Yes, the local storage is for keeping data not propagate events.
The simplest way for you is to make a prop in child component and pass the value by this prop. But if you want to implement it as global variable the suggested way is by Pinia.
Below is a simple example
Vue.component('About', {
name: 'About',
template: `<div>
<div v-if="mode==='dark'">Dark</div>
<div v-else>Light</div>
data() {
return {
mode: 'light',
mounted() {
this.setMode('white'); // In realtime use `this.getMode()` instead of 'white'
methods: {
setMode(val) {
this.mode = val;
getMode() {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('mode'));
var app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
template: `<div>
<input type="checkbox" v-model="toggler" #input="setVal" />
<About ref="about" />
data() {
return {
toggler: false,
methods: {
setVal() {
const mode = this.toggler === false ? 'dark' : 'light';
// localStorage.setItem('mode', mode); // In realtime uncomment this line
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">

Teleport in component from slot Vue3

I want to create tabs component for my components library. I want tabs and tab components to work like this:
:title="'tab 1'"
tab content1
:title="'tab 2'"
tab content2
:title="'tab 3'"
tab content3
So we have two components and they have some props including is-active which by default will be false.
The parent component - tabs.vue will be something like this
<section :class="mode ? 'tabs--light' : 'tabs--dark'" #change-tab="selectTab(2)">
<div :id="`tabs-top-tabId`" class="tabs__menu"></div>
here we have wrapper for our single tab which will be displayed here using slot. Here in this "parent" component we are also holding selectedIndex which specify which tab is selected and function to change this value.
setup () {
const tabId = Math.random() // TODO: use uuid;
const data = reactive<{selectedIndex: number}>({
selectedIndex: 0
const selectTab = (i: number) => {
data.selectedIndex = i
return {
TLDR Now as you guys might already noticed in tab.vue I have div with class tabs__menu which I want to teleport some stuff into. As the title props goes into <tab> component which is displayed by the slot in tabs.vue I want to teleport from tab to tabs.
My tab.vue:
<h1>tab.vue {{ title }}</h1>
<div class="tab" v-bind="$attrs">
<teleport :to="`#tabs-top-tabId`" #click="$emit('changeTab')">
<span style="color: red">{{ title }}</span>
<slot v-if="isActive"></slot>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, PropType } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
props: {
title: {
type: String as PropType<string>,
required: true
isActive: {
type: Boolean as PropType<boolean>,
required: true
// tabId: {
// type: Number as PropType<number>, // TODO: change to string after changing it to uuid;
// required: true
// }
However this span does not get teleported. When I run first snippet for this post I can't see it displayed and I don't see it in DOM.
Why teleported span doesnt display?
I came across this issue recently when using element-plus with vue test utils and Jest.
Not sure if this would help but here is my workaround.
const wrapper = mount(YourComponent, {
global: {
stubs: {
teleport: { template: '<div />' },

error Unexpected mutation of "todo" prop in vue.js (I'm using vue3)

I'm making a todo app in vue.js which has a component TodoItem
<div class="todo-item" v-bind:class="{'is-completed':todo.completed}">
<input type="checkbox" #change="markCompleted" />
<button class="del">x</button>
export default {
name: "TodoItem",
props: ["todo"],
methods: {
markCompleted() {
this.todo.completed = true
todo prop that I'm passing:
task:'todo 1',
but it is throwing an error error Unexpected mutation of "todo" prop
Method 1 (Vue 2.3.0+) - From your parent component, you can pass prop with sync modifier
Parent Component
<TodoItem v-for="todo in todoList" :key="" todo_prop.sync="todo">
Child Component
<div class="todo-item" v-bind:class="{'is-completed':todo.completed}">
<input type="checkbox" #change="markCompleted" />
<button class="del">x</button>
export default {
name: "TodoItem",
props: ["todo_prop"],
data() {
return {
todo: this.todo_prop
methods: {
markCompleted() {
this.todo.completed = true
Method 2 - Pass props from parent component without sync modifier and emit an event when the value changed. For this method, everything else is similar as well. Just need to emit an event when the todo item changed to completed.
The code is untested. Apologies if anything does not work.
What happen ? : Mutating a prop locally is now considered an anti-pattern, e.g. declaring a prop and then setting this.myProp = 'someOtherValue' in the component. Due to the new rendering mechanism, whenever the parent component re-renders, the child component’s local changes will be overwritten.
Solution : You can storage it as local data.
export default {
name: "TodoItem",
props: ["todo"],
data() {
return {
todoLocal: this.todo,
methods: {
markComplete() {
this.todoLocal.completed = !this.todoLocal.completed;
For me to fix this problem I store props in todos data im watching brad vue tutorials and i get this error this is my actual codes and its working.
<div class="todo-item" v-bind:class="{ 'is-complete': todo.completed }">
{{ todo.title }}
<!-- <button #click="$emit('del-todo'," class="del">x</button> -->
export default {
name: 'TodoItem',
props: ['todo'],
data() {
return {
todos: this.todo,
methods: {
markComplete(isComplete) {
this.todos.completed = !isComplete
<style scoped>
.todo-item {
background: #f4f4f4;
padding: 10px;
border-bottom: 1px #ccc dotted;
.is-complete {
text-decoration: line-through;
.del {
background: #ff0000;
color: #fff;
border: none;
padding: 5px 9px;
border-radius: 50%;
cursor: pointer;
float: right;
One of the core principles of VueJS is that child components never mutate a prop.
All props form a one-way-down binding between the child property and the parent one: when the parent property updates, it will flow down to the child, but not the other way around.
If you wish to have the child component update todo.completed, you have two choices:
Use .sync modifier (Recommended)
This approach will require a bit of change to your props. You can read more about it here.
Parent component
<todo-item :task="nextTodo.task" :completed.sync="nextTodo.completed"/>
Child component
<div class="todo-item" v-bind:class="{'is-completed':completed}">
<input type="checkbox" #change="markCompleted" />
<button class="del">x</button>
export default {
name: "TodoItem",
props: ["task", "completed"],
methods: {
markCompleted() {
this.$emit('update:completed', true)
Use a custom event
Vue allows you set up listeners in your parent for events that the child will emit. Your child component can use this mechanism to ask the parent to change things. In fact, the above .sync modifier is doing exactly this behind the scenes.
Parent component
<todo-item :todo="nextTodo" #set-completed="$value => { nextTodo.completed = $value }/>
Child component
<div class="todo-item" v-bind:class="{'is-completed':todo.completed}">
<input type="checkbox" #change="markCompleted" />
<button class="del">x</button>
export default {
name: "TodoItem",
props: ["todo"],
methods: {
markCompleted() {
this.$emit('set-completed', true)
You can't change a prop from inside a component - they are meant to be set by the parent only. It's a one-directional communication path.
You can try one of two things - either move your logic for detecting a todo has been completed to the parent, or feed the prop into a new variable in the data() lifecycle hook (this will only happen when the component is loaded for the first time, so you won't be able to update from outside the component, if that's important for your use case).
The canonical way to achieve n-deep prop binding in Vue 3 is to wrap your prop with a simple computed property. This is an example of a component that will communicate changes to it's selected property to it's parent--who is ultimately responsible for storing the state.
<!-- In this example my-child-component also has a "selected" prop -->
<my-child-component v-model:selected="syncSelectedId" />
<script lang="ts">
export default defineComponent({
components: { MyChildComponent },
props: {
selected: {
type: String,
required: true,
emits: ['update:selected'],
setup(props, context) {
const syncSelectedId = computed<string>({
get() {
return props.selected;
set(newVal: string) {
context.emit('update:selected', newVal);
return {
So to re-iterate: With this strategy the highest level parent is the holder of the state. The code above assumes that there is a parent component in the hierarchy (so this component is just a "middle-man").
Then my-child-component can simply emit its own update:selected event to cause the state to change. That child will be updated appropriately through it's prop after the emit event causes the parent chain to propagate that change up (through emits) and then back down the component hierarchy (through props).
If you wanted to you could modify the code above to make it the "owner" of the state:
<my-child-component v-model:selected="selected" />
<script lang="ts">
export default defineComponent({
components: { MyChildComponent },
setup(props, context) {
const selected = ref('');
return {
And now of course you won't run into the "Unexpected mutation of X prop" error.
Another option is to have a prop that serves as a "default value" for a given state:
<my-child-component v-model:selected="selected" />
<script lang="ts">
export default defineComponent({
components: { MyChildComponent },
props: {
defaultSelected: {
type: String,
required: false,
default: ''
setup(props, context) {
const selected = ref(props.defaultSelected);
return {
And in this code above keep in mind that selected will NOT change if defaultSelected changes after the component has been initialized.
And lastly it's worth noting that you could write more sophisticated code to detect if a property is supplied--and if not use an internal state variable to store the value. I use this pattern for re-usable components that could be embedded in places where the parent wants to control the state OR in places where the parent is happy to delegate the storage of the state to the child:
<!-- In this example my-child-component also has a "selected" prop -->
<my-child-component v-model:selected="syncSelectedId" />
<script lang="ts">
export default defineComponent({
components: { MyChildComponent },
props: {
selected: {
type: String,
required: false,
default: null // Important: parent MUST pass non-null value if it wants to control state
emits: ['update:selected'],
setup(props, context) {
// This is state storage used if prop.selected is not provided
const _selected = ref('');
const syncSelectedId = computed<string>({
get() {
return props.selected === null ? _selected.value : props.selected;
set(newVal: string) {
if (props.selected !== null) {
// Using prop.selected as the driving model...
if (newVal !== props.selected) {
// We need to set to empty string (never null)
context.emit('update:selectedId', (newVal == null ? '' : newVal));
} else { // Storing selection state with _selectedId
if (newVal !== _selected.value) {
_selected.value = newVal == null ? '' : newVal;
context.emit('update:selected', _selected);
return {
This last example is tricky... it gives special meaning to null and requires that you be very mindful of potential values of your state. In my example empty string is my representation for "no selection" and null is used as a flag for "no parent model of this state".
Mainly, property mutation is now deprecated and parent properties are overwritten when the parent component renders its DOM.
Here's the official documentation about it. We can still achieve this in multiple possible ways. Through a data property, a computed property, and component events.
When we want to pass this value back to the parent component as well as the nested child component of the current child component, using a data property would be useful as shown in the following example.
Calling your child component from the parent component like this.
Parent component:
<TodoItem :todoParent="todo" />
export default {
data() {
return {
todo: {
task:'todo 1',
Child component:
<div class="todo-item" v-bind:class="{'is-completed':todo.completed}">
<input type="checkbox" #change="markCompleted" />
<button class="del">x</button>
export default {
name: "TodoItem",
props: ["todoParent"],
data() {
return {
todo: this.todoParent,
methods: {
markCompleted() {
this.todo.completed = true
Even you can pass this property to the nested child component and it won't give this error/warning.
Other use cases when you only need this property sync between parent and child component. It can be achieved using the sync modifier from Vue. v-model can also be useful. Many other examples are available in this question thread.
Example2: using component events.
We can emit the event from the child component as below.
Parent component:
<TodoItem :todo="todo" #markCompletedParent="markCompleted" />
export default {
data() {
return {
todo: {
task:'todo 1',
methods: {
markCompleted() {
this.todo.completed = true
Child component:
<div class="todo-item" v-bind:class="{'is-completed':todo.completed}">
<input type="checkbox" #change="markCompleted" />
<button class="del">x</button>
export default {
name: "TodoItem",
props: ["todo"],
methods: {
markCompleted() {
this.$emit('markCompletedParent', true)
While you can still custom-bind events to handle this, .sync property extensions are considered deprecated. In Vue3 (at least) you can and usually should use the v-model:property declaration, similar to how you bind the property to the actual input. You just need to bind the inner input with :value and have it emit a matching update:property
<!-- CustomInput.vue -->
<script setup>
#input="$emit('update:modelValue', $"
And use thusly:
<CustomInput v-model="searchText" />

set default map centering with props in vue

I'm using vue to make an arc gis driven application, because the map's center can changed based on user location, I am setting the default location to some props then passing them into my map component to be called in the map components mounted() hook for rendering.
I think i'm pretty close to doing this correctly but when I log my props in my map component in the console it says they're undefined.
I'm not sure if my app code is at fault or my child component code?
as you can see in my app.vue I am even trying to pass in plain integers to test the values and they are still undefined.
<div id="app">
<web-map v-bind:centerX="-118" v-bind:centerY="34" />
<div class="center">
<b-button class="btn-block" #click="getLocation" variant="primary">My Location</b-button>
import WebMap from './components/webmap.vue';
export default {
name: 'App',
components: { WebMap },
lat: -118,
long: 34
import { loadModules } from 'esri-loader';
export default {
name: 'web-map',
props:['centerX, centerY'],
data: function(){
X: this.centerX,
Y: this.centerY
mounted() {
// lazy load the required ArcGIS API for JavaScript modules and CSS
loadModules(['esri/Map', 'esri/views/MapView'], { css: true })
.then(([ArcGISMap, MapView]) => {
const map = new ArcGISMap({
basemap: 'topo-vector'
this.view = new MapView({
container: this.$el,
map: map,
center: [this.X,this.Y], ///USE PROPS HERE FOR NEW CENTER
zoom: 8
beforeDestroy() {
if (this.view) {
// destroy the map view
this.view.container = null;
There is a typo. Change:
props:['centerX, centerY'],
props:['centerX', 'centerY'],

Element UI dialog component can open for the first time, but it can't open for the second time

I'm building web app with Vue, Nuxt, and Element UI.
I have a problem with the Element dialog component.
It can open for the first time, but it can't open for the second time.
This is the GIF about my problem.
This is my code.
<el-button type="text" #click="handleDialogVisible">click to open the Dialog</el-button>
<modal-first :visible=visible></modal-first>
import ModalFirst from './../components/ModalFirst.vue'
export default {
components: {
'modal-first': ModalFirst
data() {
return {
visible: false,
methods: {
handleDialogVisible() {
this.visible = true;
<span>This is a message</span>
<span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
export default {
props: [ 'visible' ]
And I can see a warning message on google chrome console after closing the dialog.
The warning message is below.
webpack-internal:///./node_modules/vue/dist/vue.runtime.esm.js:620 [Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "visible"
found in
---> <ModalFirst> at components/ModalFirst.vue
<Pages/index.vue> at pages/index.vue
<Layouts/default.vue> at layouts/default.vue
This is the screenshot of the warning message.
In vue , using directly to prop value is not allowed . Especially when your child component will update that prop value , in my option if prop will be use
for display only using directly is not a problem .
In your code , .sync will update syncronously update data so I recommend to create local data.
export default {
props: [ 'visible' ],
data: function () {
return {
localVisible: this.visible // create local data using prop value
If you need the parent visible property to be updated, you can create your component to leverage v-model:
export default {
props: [ 'value' ],
data() {
return {
localVisible: null
created() {
this.localVisible = this.value;
this.$watch('localVisible', (value, oldValue) => {
if(value !== oldValue) { // Optional
this.$emit('input', value); // Required
<el-button type="text" #click="handleDialogVisible">click to open the Dialog</el-button>
<modal-first v-model="visible"></modal-first>
import ModalFirst from './../components/ModalFirst.vue'
export default {
components: {
'modal-first': ModalFirst
data() {
return {
visible: false,
methods: {
handleDialogVisible() {
this.visible = true;
v-model is basically a shorthand for :value and #input
You can also import your component like so:
components: { ModalFirst },
as ModalFirst will be interpreted as modal-first as well by Vue.js