Can't upload APK file on Play Console, asks for AAB File extenesion - file-upload

Trying to upload my compiled Python Kivy application (APK) on Play Console. An error pop ups with "Invalid file type" (Asks for .AAB File Extension). Could you please help me out with this issue? And if no way to upload APK, how to convert APK to AAB.
Thanks beforehand.

Since August 1 2021, all new apps uploaded to Google play store are required to be in the aab format. this is Google's official announcement :
You can't convert an apk into an Aab. They use different compilation paths, but here is a temporal workaround to create an Aab using Android Studio:


react-native Is there any api can recognize my release is aab format or apk format?

I am building an react-native app.
I know there is api such as Platform.OS can recognize the the platform is android or ios.
Is there any api can recognize my release is aab format or apk format?
We likely need more information in order to answer your question accurately.
I'd guess this is not possible since the .aab or .apk is the bundled code. React Native runs on the JS Core engine. I'm struggling to see why you would want to know this though within your application as you should be using the Android App Bundle OR submitting with the APK, not a mix of both.
Indeed in Google Play once you've enabled Managed Signing (to use the .aab) then I don't think you can go back to using the .apk files.

uploading aab file to Crashlytic Fabric io

Anyone have any idea when Crashlytic or Fabric io will ever support the new android app bundle format aab file? I'm currently updating all my jenkins deployment pipeline to generate aab file rather than apk file.
Mike from Fabric here. It is not on our roadmap to support aab's within Beta by Crashlytics. It's something being discussed for Firebase App Distribution (the successor to Beta).

Apple developer: How to generate App Id

I have a app for mobile that is build using AppPresser plugin of WordPress. To generate apk or ipa file I am using Phonegap Build site that provide facility to upload zip folder with source code and returns the .apk and .ipa files for Android and Apple.
Now, I am getting .apk file properly for Android but to get .ipa file, this phonegap require the apple account integrated with it.
So, to integrate this account I have generated .p12 file and now trying to get provisioning profile file. I am on the page of Register an App ID of apple and get stuck at first field of Name. Please check below image.
First part of name is Team Id and second part is Bundle ID. I have googled and checked many docs. Found how to get bundle Id. It can be get from emulator of project on MAC machine.
But my problem is that, I am not developing project through MAC, so how would I get this bundle ID to complete this field with correct value ?
Please help.
You have to add your app name their .
eg :- Whatsapp.
Don't add bundle id in the name of the app.

import built error shows in test flight when upload and when make an ipa it shows error in export myapp.ipa.?

When i upload my app to TestFlight it shows import built error and when i tried to make an ipa it shows error in exporting ipa. I tried so many times but same error comes. How to solve this issue.please help me. Below there is a screenshot regarding error comes during ipa creation process.
enter image description here
Solution Disable the "Bitcode" option. How to do it? Check out #stevechen answer New warnings in ios 9
What's the "Bitcode"? Bitcode is an intermediate representation of a compiled program. Apps you upload to iTunes Connect that contain bitcode will be compiled and linked on the store. Including bitcode will allow Apple to re-optimize your app binary in the future without the need to submit a new version of your app to the store.

Error uploading to Testflight Unexpected Error parsing IPA

I am trying to upload my app to test flight. When I use the web interface, I get the error
Unexpected error parsing the IPA, TestFlight support has been notified.
And when I try to upload using the desktop app, it tells me that dSYM is not found, lets me go through the whole process, then give the same error at the end.
Built in XCode 4.5 for deployment target 5.0.
I have looked at Error Upload TestFlight : Invalid IPA / dSYM not found and as far as I can see, all my build settings are set to armv7.
Is there anything obvious that I should check/could be missing?
The only 2 external libraries in the project are test flight sdk and flurry.
I've had the same problem when trying to upload .ipa files. The problem is, that .ipa files don't contain the symbolication information anymore.
Try exporting your app as Xcode Archive instead of building the .ipa for distribution (thats one of the options when you choose 'Distribute...' in the Xcode organizer). This archive contains the necessary dSYM files (if not, you have to check your build settings). If you drop this .xcarchive into the TestFlight desktop client, TestFlight will build the .ipa for you and the upload it.
Make sure to use the same Provisioning Profiles for signing the .ipa in the TestFlight client that you have used when building the archive in Xcode!
Or you can just choose to Show the TestFlight Co-pilot in the menu bar (activate in the settings), the it will automatically detect your Archive.