uploading aab file to Crashlytic Fabric io - google-fabric

Anyone have any idea when Crashlytic or Fabric io will ever support the new android app bundle format aab file? I'm currently updating all my jenkins deployment pipeline to generate aab file rather than apk file.

Mike from Fabric here. It is not on our roadmap to support aab's within Beta by Crashlytics. It's something being discussed for Firebase App Distribution (the successor to Beta).


react-native Is there any api can recognize my release is aab format or apk format?

I am building an react-native app.
I know there is api such as Platform.OS can recognize the the platform is android or ios.
Is there any api can recognize my release is aab format or apk format?
We likely need more information in order to answer your question accurately.
I'd guess this is not possible since the .aab or .apk is the bundled code. React Native runs on the JS Core engine. I'm struggling to see why you would want to know this though within your application as you should be using the Android App Bundle OR submitting with the APK, not a mix of both.
Indeed in Google Play once you've enabled Managed Signing (to use the .aab) then I don't think you can go back to using the .apk files.

Can't upload APK file on Play Console, asks for AAB File extenesion

Trying to upload my compiled Python Kivy application (APK) on Play Console. An error pop ups with "Invalid file type" (Asks for .AAB File Extension). Could you please help me out with this issue? And if no way to upload APK, how to convert APK to AAB.
Thanks beforehand.
Since August 1 2021, all new apps uploaded to Google play store are required to be in the aab format. this is Google's official announcement :
You can't convert an apk into an Aab. They use different compilation paths, but here is a temporal workaround to create an Aab using Android Studio:

How to fix optimazition error publish in play store

my apk is 1.4MB but error is "This APK results in unused code and resources being sent to users. Your app could be smaller if you used the Android App Bundle. By not optimizing your app for device configurations, your app is larger to download and install on users' devices than it needs to be. Larger apps see lower install success rates and take up storage on users' devices."
how to fix this error
It's only a warning, not an error.
For an app that small I wouldn't worry.
It's not something that's made its way into the Ionic ecosystem yet but I heard that if you open up your project in Android Studio and then do the build through there you can create an app bundle.
I'm not totally sure that its fully tested for Ionic so you might have issues with this, but Android have published a full guide:
This is what they say:
Download Android Studio 3.2 or higher—it's the easiest way
to add dynamic feature modules and build app bundles.
Add support for Dynamic Delivery
by including a base module, organizing code and resources for configuration
APKs, and, optionally, adding dynamic feature modules.
Build an Android App Bundle using Android Studio.
If you're not using the IDE, you can instead build an app bundle from the
command line.
Test your Android App Bundle by using it to generate APKs that
you deploy to a device.
Enroll into app signing by Google Play.
Otherwise, you can't upload your app bundle to the Play Console.
Publish your app bundle to Google Play.

How to upload apk to crashlytics using Curl?

I'm trying to upload an APK to crashlytics with fastlane but i have some error that i cant resolve.
Also the official solution (doc) it is not good for me because the apk is already builded.
Is there a solution using curl?
Mike from Fabric here. We don't have a solution for uploading the APK via curl. However, you can upload built APKs through the Android Studio plugin. From command line, we only support using Fastlane or uploads from the build flow in Ant, Maven or Gradle.

Upload a prebuilt file to Crashlytics

I am trying to automate our build/release process. I am specifically concerned with the Android app at the moment, but I may also need to extend similar support for our iOs app.
Until now, all uploads to Crashlytics have been triggered with crashlyticsUploadDistributionRelease. However we are now building and testing the apk first, then looking to upload that same pre-built apk to Crashlytics. The new process means we need a way of uploading the apk to Crashlytics directly, without having any dependencies on rebuilding or being within the project's directory.
I can see that I can do this through Android Studio by dragging and dropping the apk. Is there a command line tool or script that I can use to automate something similar from our build machine?
This operation is not currently supported. See my comment above for the response from the Crashlytics team