I am an aspiring keyboard user, using IntelliJ to do selective commits to my project.
To do this, I open the Commit dialog with Ctrl+K.
I then press Shift+Tab to switch to the file list, Home to select the root-level node, and Space to uncheck/de-select all files.
I then press the down arrow once or more to select a file, press Ctrl+D to display its diff. I press F7 to go to the first change in the file.
At this point, to the left of the right pane (with the new version of the file) is a checkbox. Not the one at the top which selects all the changes in the file, but the one which selects just the change displayed.
My question is: How do I select/un-select this checkbox without using the mouse cursor? I need to use the mouse as little as possible due to RSI.
Note: When asking questions like this, I sometimes get responses with other pointing device suggestions. Unless you're going to recommend a keyboard technique, I am not interested in your suggestion, and will flag/report your response if that's what it is.
By default there is no keyboard keymap for this action. But you can easily choose new keymap for this.
Go to File->Settings and search for "include" in the search box. What you need is to assign a keymap for "Include Lines Into Commit". Double click on this option and assign any keymap that you want. It is hard to find new keymap that didn't assign to any other action, but only for the demo I choosed Ctrl+T.
You can see what I did in the following image:
Click on Apply and then you can use the keymap that you choose to check/uncheck any individual change checkbox in Intellij commit diff dialog.
Whenever I am using the Canadian Multilingual Standard Keyboard, I can't type the greater than character which are the keys AltCar + period. A dialog box shows
There are no custom foldings in the current file.
Removing/changing the shortcut for Fold selection/ Remove region in the Keymap did not work. I've also tried to add actionSystem.force.alt.gr=true to bin/idea.properties but I can't apply changes to idea.properties.
Press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Slash (Cmd-Alt-Shift-Slash if you're using Mac OS X), select "Registry" from the menu that appears and enable the "actionSystem.force.alt.gr" checkbox in the menu that appears.
Go to File | Settings | Keymap. On the top of the screen, in a dropdown box you will see that one of the default keymap is selected. You need to make a copy of it. This is important becasue you can't change the default keymaps. To copy it, click on the Copy button on the right of the dropdown box and name your new layout however you want.
Now, with your new Keymap selected, search for the "Custom Fo...". Right click on any shortcut that is mapped to either Alt+. or Ctrl+Alt+. to delete it. Hit OK and you should be good to go.
I am wondering how to align (the keyboard shortcut) a line or a block of code with the previous line, so that they have the same indention or starting from the same column in IntelliJ and PyCharm.
I think that "Emacs Tab" could help you. You can use setting search to find it or you can go Preferences -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Keymap. It is editor action and in some Keymap settings it doesn't have assigned key shortcut. I personally prefer remap Tab key to this action.
I created some batch work and integrated it as ExternalTool to the IntelliJ IDEA. as described here: Configure Intellij IDEA to run batch file
But how can I add buttons to my toolbar that will activate the batch that defined as external tool?
It is quite easy.
Assuming that you already have an External Tool configured just right click on the menu bar and choose Customize Menus and Toolbars...:
Next step is to mark the last item (whatever that is in your setup) in Main Toolbar and select Add After...:
Now you can select your external tool from the Choose Actions To Add window (here you can also select an icon to use):
Action has been added:
And your button has been added to the toolbar:
Is there a way to create a new class in a desired location without using the mouse in IntelliJ?
I understand there is no keyboard binding in the default keymap.
If you are already in the Project View, press Alt+Insert (New) | Class. Project View can be activated via Alt+1.
To create a new class in the same directory as the current one use Ctrl+Alt+Insert (New...).
You can also do it from the Navigation Bar, press Alt+Home, then choose package with arrow keys, then press Alt+Insert.
Another useful shortcut is View | Select In (Alt+F1), Project (1), then Alt+Insert to create a class near the existing one or use arrow keys to navigate through the packages.
And yet another way is to just type the class name in the existing code where you want to use it, IDEA will highlight it in red as it doesn't exist yet, then press Alt+Enter for the Intention Actions pop-up, choose Create Class.
You can also use: ctrl+alt+insert
With Esc and Command + 1 you can navigate between project view and editor area - back and forward, in this way you can select the folder/location you need
With Control +Option + N you can trigger New file menu and select whatever you need, class, interface, file, etc. This works in editor as well in project view and it relates to the current selected location
// please consider that this is working with standard key mapping
For Mac Os, command + 1 , then press control + return
On Mac OS 10.14.5, Idea Intellij 2019.1.3 - Press command + 1 to navigate to project files then press control + n
On Mac you can navigate to the location in Project view where you want to create your class and then use ⌘N followed by Enter.
I do this a lot, and I don't have an insert key on my laptop, so I made my own keybinding for it. You can do this by opening Settings > IDE Settings > Keymap and navigating to Main menu > File > New... (I would recommend typing "new" into the search box - that will narrow it down considerably).
Then you can add a new keyboard shortcut for it by double clicking on that item and selecting Add Keyboard Shortcut.
Alt-Home until you're in Packages view
Down-arrow until package is highlighted
Enter X 2
Type name
If you use Mac, you are in luck. One can change the keymap for Intellij as Mac OS X, then you can use option+C.
In my (linux mint) system I can not get working combination alt+insert so I do the next steps:
alt+1 (navigate to "tree") --> "context button - analog right mouse click" (between right alt and ctrl) -- then with arrows (up or down) desired choice (create new class or package or ...)
Hope it helps some "mint" owners )).
I also searched this answer. Equivalent of command+N on Mac OS for Windows is ctr + alt + insert which #manyways already answered. If you searching this in settings it is in Settings > IDE Settings > Keymap, Other > New ...
If the difficulty is in finding the option that makes .java or .class files (Like me), then simply,
click on the folder you want to create file on. select new, and type file's name along with extension.
For example, instead of, helloWorld type helloworld.java or any file extension you desire.