Is there any way to change the Splash Screen background color in Expo according to dark/light themes? - react-native

I'm trying to change my Splash Screen's background color on my expo app in accordance with the system's dark/light theme configuration, however since I can't reach out for the Appearance module I couldn't find a way to do so.
Is this possible at all to do within an expo app?


Background Location for react native

I am creating a react native app for location tracking so I wanted to know how can I work with it.
Start tracking location on button click.
Fetch both foreground and background location.
Fetch location even when the app is killed.
Application needs to work with latest Android Version.
Please let me know how can I complete all the above requirements with stable packages.

How to set an icon after eject of Expo app?

I've ejected Expo app to get bare workflow (to archive IAPs).
But now I need to change app icon and splash screen.
I see tons of different size images in android/app/src/main/res/. Any change to app.json does not make sense (probably this is fine as far I use eas-cli to build it).
Is there some easy way do change an icon?
After some research I've found that there are no tools for automated icon change.
But if you go into branch until you detached (ejected) Expo, you can set icon there in assets dir, then make expo eject (it will also generate icons and splash screens in different resolutions) and copy required files:
android/app/src/res - for Android
ios/%app-name%/Images.xcassets - for iOS
Keeping the point before detaching Expo as separate branch/tag is good practice regarding Expo docs, this is one of the cases where it can be useful.

React Native Lottie Splash Screen

I have some problems about with Lottie. I can't moving on this lib.
I have an animation with a .json file ready and I want to use it on the splash screen.
I don't know how to use it. More precisely, I couldn't find any documentation about the script I used.
Installed this:
npm i --save lottie-react-native
npm i --save lottie-ios#3.2.3
I also read expo's documentation about the loading screen, but I guess it wasn't very relevant. The way I used in other methods was different. As I am a new student, I chose Expo CLI. And I know I'm using Babel as a transpiler.
So I'm looking forward to your instructions.
If you looking for animation launch screen using lottie in react native, i would suggest looking into this package.
It implements animation splash screen using airbnb lottie files. Also, I apply this for multiple react native projects and it worked well.
You should check this in same question in stack overflow! (React native iOS - splash screen using lottie file)
Use the Image of first frame of animation as Splash Screen
Then start animation right after splash screen hide
and when animation stop, hide it as-well

macOS Mojave: Change app icon to match Dark/Light Mode

Is there a way to change my app icon dynamically when switching between Dark/Light Mode in macOS Mojave?
I wish to change the icon appearance to appear appropriately in system alerts and notifications.

Expo (react native) fade out splash screen

Currently Expo’s splash screen hides as soon as the app is loaded, but I want it to gradually fade out.
How can this be achieved?
Expo’s splash screen docs:
I found that expo is too limiting with anything more than a very basic app. So I just switched to normal react native and installed a splash screen plugin. Now I have nice fade out of a splashcreen.