IntelliJ showing source and test files in same package - intellij-idea

I am using IntelliJ 2011.1.1 CE and now suddenly it start showing source (.java) and test classed in same package.
I have selected "packages" view which is used to show only src files

Packages view has always shown both test and production classes.
If test and production files are located in different modules you can enable Show Modules option to separate them:
It also shows test files with different background colors, which you can configure in Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Appearance & Behavior | File Colors | Appearance & Behavior | File Colors.
A related request: IDEA-144965 Add option to hide test files in the 'Packages' of 'Project' tool window


Color Scheme Plugin JAR file cant be imported, but individual files inside jar can be imported

I am a developer of an IntelliJ Plugin. It is a color scheme where I only change the editor colors (not the colors of the IDE). I originally had only one color scheme file for my whole plugin (one .icls file), and that code is live and working online.
Recently, I updated my color scheme to include two additional color schemes, which meant I had to add two new .icls files. This works on my local IDE that I am developing on; however, when I tested the finished plugin, the new instance of IntelliJ IDEA CE cannot extract the content from the new files.
I need a working JAR file that I can upload into the JetBrain Plugin Repository; however, I cannot create a working Jar file anymore.
Note: I am not looking to import a color scheme. I am a developer of a color scheme that needs to upload my plugin into the Jetbrain Plugin Repository
When I tested the Color Scheme through build, deploy, and run, the new instance of the IDE will fail to find any color scheme. I cannot seem to narrow down why the IDE cannot load the color scheme; however, I was able to do the following...
From the deployed JAR file, rename the file to be a zip file
Extract the content of the zip file
try Settings >> Editor >> Color Scheme >> Import Scheme... >> Settings (.jar) and find the JAR file. Nothing happens. No color schemes were imported.
try Settings >> Editor >> Color Scheme >> Import Scheme... >> IntelliJ IDEA color scheme (.icls) and find each of the .icls files. Each individual color scheme is successfully found and loaded into the IDE.
Additional Information
Originally, I was receiving the following issue that I filed in JetBrain's Issue Tracker. However, after some tinkering, I was receiving a different set of issues. So, I started a new project and just copied the source files and plugin.xml file into the new project. Built, Deployed, and tested. No errors, no warnings (that I saw), but the color schemes are still not being loaded into the IDE.
File -> Import Settings -> select settings file.
In the settings file: top-level dir colors where .icls files located.
Cristopher, currently color schemes are supposed to be imported from settings.jar created by Intellij IDEA upon File|Export Settings. The file has a certain structure, namely a 'colors' subdirectory with .icls files inside it. The IDE doesn't scan for other places where the files might reside.
If you create a plug-in, your users simply install it as a regular plugin, not importing any schemes. The difference is that these schemes become bundled. It means when a user makes changes to them, he can always revert to original color settings.

In WebStorm, change file opening behavior [duplicate]

I am a new user of Webstorm/PHPStorm. Before this IDE, I used Netbeans.
To open a .xds file, that is a kind of text file that you can open it just like a .js file
and edit it in the editor.
In Netbeans you have to option to choose: open in system. Now the associated program gets started and opens it with the selected file.
Is there a alternative way to do this in Webstorm/Phpstorm? For now I just rightclick and choose
for the option: Show in Explorer. And then doubleclick the file .xds.
Thanks in advance!
Use Files opened in associated applications in File | Settings | File Types:
AFAIK there is no such action available in current versions.
Two options:
Assign such extension / pattern to File opened in associated applications in Settings | Editor | File Types. Cons: you will not be able to open such file in IDE itself.
Create custom External Tool entry (Settings | Tools | External Tools) that will launch such file with default application in your OS. For Windows it can be:
Program: cmd.exe
Parameters: /C start "$FilePath$"

How can I add workspaces (tabs groups) to PhpStorm?

Is there exists workspaces like in NuSphere phped (saved opened files) inside one project in PhpStorm?
Maybe any plugin exists? I need opened files profiles within one project (tabs groups)...
Such functionality is called "Contexts" in PhpStorm and you can switch between them using Tools | Tasks & Contexts | Load Context.
More on this in official Help pages:
P.S. If you are using VCS in your project and you are using integration with an Issue Tracking System in PhpStorm then IDE will load your tabs that you had open when last time worked on that particular ticket/task.

Dart packages problems with intellij IDEA

I'm actually trying to use Dart in IntelliJ IDEA, and I have successfully install the plugin for it, but I face numerous others problems.
But the problem I want to resolve the most, is the fact that for some packages, IntelliJ doesn't show the sources inside it and not with particular reason...
The whole project work in Dart Editor, and launch correctly, so the problem is not from pubspec.yaml.
To makes me more understandable, I will say that I "pub get" correctly the packages A and B, so they appear as folder link in IntelliJ :
But like you see, I cannot enter in the b package to see the files inside it. I have checked the structure of the two folders without noticing any difference.
The more ridiculous in that is, I can see some of the files inside the B package in the editor of IntelliJ via Ctrl+Click in the dart files that import the files inside the B package. And it doesn't work for all of them ...
'b' is a 'path package' in your project. That means that b original source code is located on your computer and you specified path to it in pubspec.yaml. IntelliJ IDEA excludes all copies and leaves only original files in project. Root 'packages' folder is not excluded, but all its copies (for example in web folder) are excluded. packages/b is a copy and it is excluded. To work normally with source files from b package you should add path to b as a separate content root: Project Structure | Modules | your Dart module | Add content root.
In IntelliJ IDEA 14 excluded folders are visible by default. Use cases when you need to see excluded folder contents are rare so you may safely hide them (the option is under the gear in the Project View tool window title). With it you will see empty node in packages/b with a hint that it is just a link to b/lib folder. And anyway you should have path to b configured as a content root.
You should not open files of projects currently open in IntelliJ from the package folder but instead directly from the project. The b/lib after the folder icon indicates that this package is part of your currently opened IntelliJ project (may added as a Resource Root)
When you navigate to a referenced file ctrl+click the file is not opened from the packages symlink but from the package in your IntelliJ project (as you should do it manually as well).
The solution is to update IntelliJ to the Early Access update (139.2).
So this question will be useless in the next update, I will delete her at that moment.

How do you enable colored output in the Run panel?

When I run our Node project at home, I will get the following output in the Run pane:
But at work, the output will be colored. There are only info items in that shot, but different log levels would have different colors.
Colorize console output in Intellij products even suggests that this isn't possible (at least not without plugins), but I only installed WebStorm at work recently and don't have any plugins.
I searched through the settings, but I couldn't find an option that would enable/disable this behavior.
Preferences > Editor > Colors & Fonts > Console Colors
Are you using custom schema?
Preferences > Editor > Colors & Fonts > Schema name
For others who are using gradle to manage their run configuration,
you need to add the following line to your gradle/wrapper/ file:
see this question
I was developing a plugin using the :runIde command, and installing Grep Console was not enough, as it couldn't identify the 'non-rich' output coming from gradle.