Actually i was migrating my wordpress website with 5 sliders from one aws account to another by using all in one migration plugin. But i forgot to export all the sliders from dashboard and i exported the file. And cleaned the old account's wordpress dashboard. Now after importing this migration file in new aws account's wordpress , everything is same but my sliders are not showing and in youtube people are importing their slider that they exported earlier from revolution slider. Now i am unable to find them they took me 1 whole week to make them. Please anyone help
You'll have to contact your hosting provider and restore your old Website. There is no way to recover your sliders once it's removed.
I have had a website for quite some time, and want to move it over to it's own domain name. Currently, I have transferred all the files to the right S3 bucket and I can access the website all the same as I can my Github. However, I want to be able to edit individual files in a desktop app (such as SubEthaEdit or Brackets), like you can in Github, which to my knowledge you cant.
I would like to be able to migrate the Github website over to the domain name, so that when I edit, save, and push a commit from the Github desktop using SubEthaEdit, it would be automatically updated on the domain website (ideally). Either this, or they share a library that is still accessible from the Github desktop app. I really just hate editing files using S3's editor, or having to download and re-upload any document I am working on.
Im quite new to any sort of coding or programming languages other than a little bit of javascript, apologies if the language I used is, shall I say, sub-par.
Got It!
#ceejayoz helped to point me in the right direction.
after some fiddling, I got a CNAME record that points towards my github website, while maintaining https.
The problem is that site view in cms differs from live site itself.
In cms edit mode I've deleted component from container inside page, saved, then published changes. Publish done successfully without any errors and site view in cms looks correctly, i.e. without that component that was removed. But this component still appears in live site.
I can easily fix this problem by removing this component in console. In cms console it can be seen that preview and working configuration differs.
But why this type of desynchronization happens? And what can I do to prevent this kind of problems?
This type of desynchronization happens rarely, but this problem may be very critical in production.
I am using Hippo CMS 10.1.0 Community Edition
If Your configuraton have been resynchronized, good way is to remove whole preview node. This node will be reconstructed from Your live node when You enter in CMS and turn on edit Mode.
I've had this site ( up for about a year. Was notified by someone that the link on one of the pages to a PDF wasn't working and a link to another page wasn't working.
When I tried logging in, it wouldn't take my username and password. I realized that I need to update the version of Joomla on my GoDaddy hosting account. Once I updated the version of Joomla to 3.5.1, I was able to login and access the admin side of Joomla. I think the site was attacked because there were a lot of "registered users" that weren't real.
One of the pages was set to unpublished, so I published it and that link started working fine.
The link "VIEW A SAMPLE of the book here" on this page - still won't work. I've re-linked the PDF. Deleted the PDF and re-uploaded it with the file name changed and nothing has worked.
One other thing is the icons in the Admin side of Joomla aren't displaying either. Not sure if all of this is tied together or not. My MAIN CONCERN is getting the link to work.
Any help would be greatful!!!!
I had the same issue, I ended up calling our hosting company and they helped me edit the .htaccess file to include pdf in the RewriteRule (for me it was on line 3).
Hope this helps because I know it drove me mad trying to fix it.
Good luck!
I have backed up my online joomla site (with Akeeba) and then try to have a version of my site on the wamp(local machine). the problem is after extraction(and kickstart) the site some up but not exactly same as my online version. menues are not in the same order and horizantal but vertical and the footer and image slider stopped working.
I really appreciate any help regardin this issue please.
We have a DotNetNuke installation that we have on a dev environment and we are setting it up on our live server now. Everything looks great and is working just fine that regard. We were wondering if it was possible that once a page has been updated or created on our dev server and we're happy with it, is there a simple and easy way to push that page to the live server?
Dev has it's own database.
Live has a different database to itself.
We have seen some programs like SQL Sync but we do not want to push all pages from dev to live because there might still be some pages being worked on when another one finishes so we must have a way to push individual pages instead of everything.
Thank you so much for any help!
you can use Exporting And Importing feature in dotnetnuke it allows you to export a single page or whole web site you can follow this links for helo
Page import export
Great article to look for