Transpose thing in Google Sheets - spreadsheet

I have question about transpose in Google Spreadsheets
I have source and expectation result in my file, maybe you will easily understand after open my sample file
Here is the link :
Thank You!

=ArrayFormula(QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(A3:A&"♦"&B3:F),"♦"),"select * where Col2 is not null",0))


Count if matched 2 criteria Google Sheets

I have question about how to count if matched 2 criteria
This is my sample file : SAMPLE FILE COUNTIF
I also put my expectation result in my file, maybe you'll easily understand after open my file.
Thank You!

Merge rows based on value (pandas to excel - xlsxwriter) - addition

Following up this question
I would like to ask if we could merge rows from multiple columns, i.e.
Following answers from #Dimitris Thomas, I would be able to obtain the following
And wondering how the code could be updated to get:
#read excel file in pandas
try via set_index() and to_excel()
#OR(Since you don't provide data as text so not sure which one should work)

How to handle SSIS solution with an excel source having multiple headers

I am working on a package that requires I import an excel sheet with multiple headers. I am suppose to unpivot the top column (top header) and make that a row and also unpivot some columns in the actual bottom columns.
I have created the package using just the actual bottom columns. I then hard coded the top column into the table using derived column.
Here's an example of what I am looking for
Sample Raw Data and Target Result
You are trying to un-pivot or reverse-pivot the input. In SSIS you can use the unpivot transformation,
Shared a good walkthrough below, hope this helps.

Possible to get dummy data (1 row) for all fields in the GA Schema?

I am working on a data integration project I'm wondering how to get a sample Excel or Google Sheet file with example data for all the GA fields in the current schema:
I just need one row of data to review. Is there any way to get dummy data or test data? Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Maybe something exists somewhere?
GA provides a sample dataset for this. You can check the instructions on how to access it here. You can then query the dataset and download the results.
Keep in mind that GA schema contains RECORDs and REPEATED fields, for example, customDimensions, so you might need to adapt the results so it can be downloaded as a CSV file, to then import it in Excel or Google Sheets.
Finally, there's a BigQuery connector for Excel that you may want to try to visualize the sample dataset in Excel.

How can i merge header cells in Excel writer in pentaho?

I am trying to merge header cells columns into one cell but when i do that my data also comes in one column. I want my resulting output as per this screenshot attached. Kindly help me for this.
Are your columns variable? Or you always have the same output schema?
If it's fixed then, I would use a template where the headers are fixed and I start populating from row 5.
Google Spreadsheet input
If you are using the Spreadsheet input that is not possible on the step.
What I usually do in that kind of situation is to create a row with my headers and hide it so the user don't get confused with two headers. Them the Step will get the result perfectly using the column names provided on first row. (you can use a formula like =b3 there so it changes with the real header. No problem.)
Excel input
If you are using the Excel input step you can set the sheet to be read from row 2, column 0 and should work fine. =)