How can I add a part of log message inside the Datadog notification? - notifications

I have been trying to include log message body inside the notification, but couldn't.
The actual log contains all the attributes in the 'Event Attributes' properly, but I couldn't find a way to include the value of the attributes in the notification body.
For example, the target log contains an event attribute 'thread_name' with a value of '123'.
But when I tried to use that value in the notification body with {{thread_name}} or {{}}, it never shows in the actual notification email.
In the reference docs, I couldn't find how to get the message attribute values, except for the predefined variables.
Is it even possible to include log message values in the notification?

The log message can now be referenced by using {{log.message}}. You can also reference additional variables like {{log.attributes}} and {{log.tags}}.
More details are here:


Static url variable is not found in POSTMAN request

I want to define a custom static url for my connections in Postman:
Then I tried calling a GET request by that custom static url:
But I get Could not send request message because the variable is not defined somehow:
But I don't know why it can not be found since I have defined at Variables section of the Collection and called it like this:
So what's going wrong here? I would really appreciate if you share any idea about this with me...
Make sure you save your collection and then move to the actual request tab. I forgot to do the same and Postman cannot resolve the variable.
Also make sure not to press enter button after creating your variable name. It causes Postman to register carriage return symbol ⏎ and thus creates a key with an additional character.

custom FirebaseAdmin.Messaging.Message

I am going to send a notification through the admin panel and I searched to get the following code.
The problem here is that the data I pass has several fields, the notification has only 3 fields here. Do you have a way to add notification values?

I need to get the value of the Marketo custom object

I have developed a batch that retrieves our site's DB data and import into Marketo custom object with API. I tying to display this custom object’s value in the email body, but it is failing.
Script editor shows the custom object name but My token below returns no value.
$set($var = ${access_post_2_cList.get(0).title})
When I view the lead details, there is a Custom Objects tab, I can select the name of the custom object and see the records at there.
What did I leave to do?
Is this something about data type?
I am new to Marketo custom objects.

Silent param not working for Update item field values

I'm using version 0.7.9 of the java client library for the Podio API. When sending a value of the true for the silent param, the item update is still displayed in the item's activity stream.
updateItemValues(item.getId(), valuesUpdates, bSilent, bHook)
According to the API documentation that should not be the case.
If set to true, the object will not be bumped up in the stream
and notifications will not be generated.
Default value: false
Question: Is there a way to update an item via the Podio API so that the change is not displayed in the item's activity stream?
Item's activity stream is the only place where all item's changes are shown and only place where you can see who changed what and when and revert those changes. So, no, there is no way to hide this.
Silent parameter works well. There are number of other places where item's changes are shown: notifications, workspace activity stream, home activity stream. And silent parameter is silencing those changes as designed.

Telegram Bot api custom keyboard additional data values

Is there any way to pass additional data values from custom keyboard layout buttons?
I need to pass a value like ID that they are hidden from user:
{"Button1",{"id":1}} ...
You cannot do it with custom keyboards, but it is possible with callback_data param of InlineKeyboard
When user will press inline button with callback_data specified message received by bot will be type of CallbackQuery with data param containing your data from the button.
That's not currently possible. It would be a great addition to the API, though, in order to separate the text you see from the value you send back to the bot.